Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly



The last thing I want is for this beautiful woman to feel sorry for me. So I grit my teeth and will my eyes to dry.

All night, and all morning, I’ve been practicing what I’ll say to her. And now that I’m here my mind can’t recall a single word. I know I should’ve warned her that I was coming. But when I decided to act, I needed to do it right away. I couldn’t wait.

“Zach, you…” Her voice shakes.

Dragging my gaze up, I meet her eyes. Eyes filled with tears to match my own.

I shake my head. “No, I know you, and I know you’re going to say it’s not my fault. But you’re wrong. I asked you to be there last night. And I let you walk away by yourself. I wasn’t there to protect you from that piece of shit. And. . . And then I lost it. I don’t regret hurting that man, but I shouldn’t have done it in front of you like that. I let my anger take over. I didn’t even stop to check on you.” That’s the part that kept me up all night and I force myself to repeat it: “I didn’t even check.”

Isabelle starts to open her mouth to respond, but I keep talking.

“I’m sorry. For all of it. I’ve done nothing but impose myself into your life since I met you. I should’ve respected your wishes from the very beginning, but I didn’t. I was greedy. And look what that got you. I’m so sorry, Sug -” I cut myself off.

Say it.” Isabelle’s voice is forceful.

When I don’t reply she repeats herself. “Say it, Zach.”

“I should never have - ”

I stop talking when she takes a step towards me.

“There’s probably a lot of things that you never should have done, Zachary Hunt. But you and I,” she jabs her finger into my chest, “are not on that list. You don’t get to taint what we have with your misplaced guilt. I won’t let you poison our memories by saying they never should’ve happened. I don’t regret a single second that I’ve had with you.”


“No, Zach.” She steps even closer and grabs my hand. I feel my fingers tremble when she brings them up to her bruised cheek. “I’m okay, Zach. I’m not as fragile as you think I am.”

I lightly run my fingers over the colored flesh and I’m stunned when her cheek moves into a small smile at my touch.

She leans into my touch. “You showed up right when I needed you. My knight in a dark suit. You can’t see the future, you can’t prevent all bad things from happening, but you can act when you see them.”

Her words mirror what her dad said to me last night.

I take a deep breath, preparing myself for this next part. “You deserve better than what I can give you. I should let you go. I should turn and walk away, but I can’t. I just can’t. And I don’t know what to do other than beg you for forgiveness, Isabelle.”

When she shakes her head, I let my hand fall away.

She shouldn’t forgive me.

I move to step back, but Isabelle grips the front of my shirt, halting me.

“Stop talking," is all she says before she’s pulling me down and crashing her lips against mine.

Time screeches to a halt.

What is happening?

I pull back. “Isabelle?”

“I swear to god, if you call me Isabelle one more fucking time…” She pulls me back down.

My mind is still screaming that it doesn’t understand, but my body knows exactly what to do.

My lips move against hers. My tongue darts out and swipes against the seam of her mouth. She instantly opens for me. Her groan, as I explore her mouth, floods my body with heat.

My hands move up to brace against her back, pulling her in close. She arches, and my body reacts to her warmth.

I don’t understand why she still wants me, but I’m too weak to question it. I want her. I want this. I won’t hold back.

“Inside.” Izzy pants.

“Yeah, baby, I’ll get inside,” I mutter as I squeeze her tighter.


Oh, right.

We break apart and Izzy steps backwards through her front door, watching me as I follow.

“Your clothes!” she gasps, and points at my shirt.

I look down and see an Izzy-sized flour imprint on my black sweater. I grin.

“Oh my god!” Izzy exclaims, sounding horrified, as her hands try to cover her own body. “My clothes!”

I haven’t taken the time to look at the rest of her yet. But I take my time now, as I stalk closer.

She’s wearing an adorable apron, but now that I’m looking, my eyes seem stuck on her chest. The apron is covering whatever shirt she's wearing, to the point that she almost looks topless.

Passing through the threshold, I kick the door shut.

Lust scorches any lingering threads of doubt and sadness. Izzy’s made her stance clear, and now I need to have her.

Izzy’s still walking backwards, I’m still advancing, when the backs of her thighs hit the side of her couch.

“I was going to change before I saw you. This is just...” Her hands are moving as she speaks, embarrassed.

I reach out and untie the apron’s bow that’s wrapped around to the front of her waist. There’s a second bow on the strings around her neck, holding the apron up. I tug that loose, too.

As the flour coated fabric hits the floor, I feel myself grow even harder. That thin tank top is doing nothing to cover up her beautiful tits, and my mouth waters at the sight of her nipples straining for my touch.

With zero finesse, I reach out with both hands and cup her generous breasts. When I run my thumbs over the tips, she lets out a loud moan.

“Fuck, Sugar.” My mouth is back on hers, but my hands don’t stop the attention they are giving.

Izzy mumbles something, but I keep on kissing her. Until she bites me.

“Say it again," she pants.

I smirk, finally understanding. “Sugar.

She moans in approval.

“Sugar. My sweet Sugar.” I kiss her chin. “My Sweets.” I kiss her throat. “Baby.”

I use both hands to pull her top down until both her tits are fully exposed and waste no time sucking a nipple between my lips.

Izzy’s moans get louder as I pinch the other one. Her hands are tugging on my shirt and I release her from my mouth, just long enough to get the offending clothing off.

Sugar drags my mouth back to hers. My hands start back in on her glorious tits, but the sounds coming from her have me ready to explode.

“Zach, I need you.”

That’s all the encouragement I need.

I grab the top of her pants and pull them down. They fall away quickly, and I see that she’s wearing nothing underneath.

I’m stunned into stillness, admiring her naked body.