Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly

Thank You

I want to give a huge thank you to all of my readers worldwide. I am humbled. Like, brought to happy tears of joy at far these books have already reached. My mind is absolutely blown, and I am endlessly thankful for all of the support and love from all corners of the globe.

People like to rag on social media - “It’s ruining the youth” “people don’t know how to communicate anymore” “it’s a waste of time” – but I couldn’t disagree more. Sure, it allows for trolls to be twats from the safety of their mother’s basements, but it also allows instant and unlimited communication. I’ve met so many wonderful new friends in the few short months that I’ve been published. New friends in my own state of Minnesota. Friends all over the United States. Friends in Canada, the UK, Australia, India, Israel… And no matter where we are, we have something in common. And if that commonality begins and ends with books, that’s still enough.

We’re all humans and we all enjoy escape, even if it’s just into the pages of a book. And if you’re reading this, then you know exactly what I mean.  So you and I aren’t so different. Just like you and every one of my other readers aren’t so different. And right now my readers represent 14 countries spread across 6 continents. So our big world suddenly feels a little smaller. And hopefully you feel a little less alone.

Across borders, and oceans, and time zones, words have the power to connect. Wield them for good. Even if good is just a dirty book about a hot ass hockey player and his sweetheart.