Bride by Sara Fields

Chapter 12

The next morning, I woke feeling a little sore, but no worse than expected. At some point, Grayson must have carried me to the bed and tucked me in beside him. His steady breathing tickled the tiny hairs along my ear and the warmth of his chest surrounded my back. I blinked away my sleepiness, looking out the window and seeing the beauty of nothing but ocean all around us.

I was entirely naked except for a pair of socks under the covers next to him.

I didn’t move as my eyes looked around the room and I stopped when a familiar purple fabric caught my attention. It was the handbag I’d picked out in port yesterday. My breath caught in my throat. I wondered if everything I’d purchased was still inside it. I chewed my lower lip and my fingers tightened anxiously. I’d picked out a belt for him. I could still feel its softness on my skin.

Soon enough, I would probably feel its bite across my bare bottom.

I closed my eyes as my pussy pulsed.

When I’d picked out that fateful piece of leather, I’d been excited about it, yet with a real punishment looming over my head for the very first time, I felt far more anxious about it than before. How much was it going to hurt?

There was no use fighting it and to be honest, I didn’t want to because deep inside was this looming guilt that refused to quell. I’d heard the pain in his voice yesterday and I knew I was the source of that. I just wanted to know everything was okay and I knew that would come when his hands showed me what that meant.

He stirred behind me, and my heart skipped a beat.

“My beautiful wife,” he murmured, and his lips kissed the cusp of my shoulder. I shivered and he growled, which only made me press myself against him more firmly. I could feel his cock pressing into my bottom cheek, impossibly hard and incredibly big.

“Grayson,” I breathed heatedly.

“How do you feel?” he asked, and I took a moment to take stock of my body.

“Good, I think. A little sore in a few spots. Nothing major,” I answered.

“I’m glad,” he said, and I hummed nervously.

“Are you still going to punish me?” I asked.

“Yes, kitten,” he answered, and my anxious heart only beat faster. His fingers dragged up and down my hip suggestively. “I’m going to call for some breakfast. As I’m doing that, you will use the restroom and freshen up if you like. I’m going to hop in the shower. After we eat a little something, we will deal with the matter of your punishment.”

“Yes, sir,” I breathed. Even though a tiny part of me was afraid, I couldn’t deny the way my pussy was suddenly throbbing with vicious need. As if he could read my mind, he slipped his hand between my legs.

“Just like I thought, you’re soaking wet, my naughty wife,” he observed, and I moaned quietly as his fingers teased my clit. “It’s too bad it’s going to be quite a while before you’re allowed to come.”

The warmth of his fingers disappeared in the blink of an eye, and I cried out in disappointment from its sudden loss. He climbed out of the bed behind me, leaving me to deal with the constant pulsing need all on my own. With a knowing look, he picked up the phone and mumbled something to whoever was on the other line while I disappeared into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and my hair. Feeling a bit sleepy still, I splashed a little water on my face before I emptied my bladder and finished up.

Grayson hopped in the shower before I left the room, and I took a long moment to admire the hard form of his naked body. He saw me watching him and smirked in my direction. He turned toward me, and I couldn’t help myself as I stared at his massive cock.

I hadn’t forgotten his threat to take my last virgin hole and I also knew that very thing was likely to happen this afternoon.

I walked into the bedroom and looked around for something to wear, but I found nothing aside from a towel. I wrapped it around myself just as a knock sounded on the door. Grayson was still in the shower, so I went and answered it. A crewman nodded politely once he saw me, and I moved aside so that he could roll the cart inside the room. I clutched the towel around me as a heated blush crept over my cheeks.

“Have a good morning, Dr. Asher,” the crewman said before he retreated and closed the door behind him. I poured myself a cup of coffee and took a sip before my gaze settled back on the handbag. With a sigh, I walked over to it and reached inside, searching for the belt I’d chosen for my husband.

My breath caught in my throat when my fingers closed around it, still wrapped in the blue tissue paper. I unwrapped it and tossed the paper, feeling the soft familiar hide against my fingers once again. I laid it on the end of the bed. I stared at it for a long moment before I tidied up the blankets. With a nervous jitter, I sat down on the loveseat I’d fallen asleep on last night and drank my coffee.

When I was ready, I stood up and put together a light breakfast of fruit, yogurt, and granola. I nibbled at it slowly while enjoying the rest of my coffee before I heard the shower shut off in the other room. My anxiety spiked hard, and I swallowed it down.

He came out of the bathroom still damp with a towel around his waist. He dried off a bit and pulled on a pair of gray sweatpants that did nothing to hide the iron spike between his legs. I chewed my lip as he glanced at the bed and back at me.

“What is that, kitten?” he asked gently, and I put down my breakfast.

“It was something I picked out for you yesterday. It’s a gift,” I murmured, and he walked over to it, fingering the soft leather. He picked it up and folded it. Without warning, he snapped it and I jumped as he peered back at me thoughtfully.

“Come here, kitten. Sit with me,” he invited, and I padded over to him, still clutching at the towel around me. Gently, he pulled me into his lap and kissed my forehead.

“I love you, Zoe,” he said, and I curled into him. My nerves seemingly fluttered away, and I smiled.

“I love you too, Grayson,” I whispered.

“The belt is a beautiful gift. I’m going to enjoy it very much,” he added.

“I don’t know if I will,” I mumbled, and he chuckled.

“You may be right, kitten,” he answered, and he held me for a while longer before he cleared his throat. “Stand up for me,” he said softly. After I climbed out of his lap, he reached for the towel and pulled it away from my body. Even though he’d seen me naked before, this time felt more embarrassing than all the rest. I wanted to cover my breasts and the cusp of my thighs, but I didn’t. Every one of my defenses had been stripped away and now it was just me and him.

He took my hands in his.

“Do you know why you’re going to be punished today, kitten?” he asked.

“Because I went off alone when you told me not to,” I replied anxiously. I pressed my thighs together. My pussy was so wet that my arousal was seeping down my thighs.

“That’s part of it, but not really the real reason. If that was all, I’d simply bare your bottom and put you over my knee for a hard spanking that would make you squirm. What else, kitten?”

“I’m not sure,” I answered. For some reason, I felt lame for not knowing, yet nothing in his face indicated that he thought anything but the world of me.

“Did you think I wouldn’t come for you?” he asked gently.

“I… I wasn’t sure,” I answered. “Nemesio said he’d handled you, but I didn’t know if that meant he’d killed you or just paid you off.”

“I will always protect you, kitten. No matter what. I made a vow to you, and I intend to keep it for the rest of our days. You’re safe with me and your punishment today is going to remind you of that. I think you forgot to have faith in me. Is that true?” he asked, and I shivered hard.

“Yes, sir,” I whimpered.

“There’s one last reason you’re going to be punished, kitten. You’re mine. You’ve always been mine and by the time I’m through with you today, your pretty little bottom is going to be sore enough inside and out so that you never forget that.”

Unable to stop myself, I pitched forward and wrapped my arms around his neck. His own arms wound around my torso, holding me tight as though he never wanted to let go.

“What’s going to happen?” I asked. He didn’t answer at first, but he grasped me around the waist and placed me over his thigh. He situated his other leg over the backs of mine, pinning me in place.

He hadn’t done that before.

His palm glided over my bare bottom, exploring my naked flesh with his rough hand.

“Three things are going to happen. First, you’re going to spend some time over my knee getting your pretty bottom spanked bright red for not following my instructions,” he began, and his fingers slipped between my thighs. He captured my clit within two fingers, and I gasped.

“After that, you’re going to lie across the bed and I’d going to whip that bare little bottom with the belt you chose for me. It’s going to hurt, kitten, and you’re probably going to cry, but I think you need that, don’t you?”

“Yes, sir,” I moaned, both afraid and entirely too aroused. I knew he was right. I needed this. Not with anyone else. I needed this with him.

“When I’ve decided your backside is marked enough from my belt, you will ask me to finish your punishment with my cock in your tight little bottom hole,” he finished, and I shivered hard. “Since you’ve seen such a good girl this morning though, I will help prepare you.” He leaned over and reached into the drawer of the nightstand next to the bed with me still over his lap.

“Prepare me?” I whispered.

With one hand, he spread my bottom cheeks wide and a cool object slid across the bare wetness of my pussy.

“I got you a gift as well, my pretty bride,” he murmured as he pushed it into my pussy and thoroughly coated it with my wetness. He pressed the firm metal tip against my asshole and started to push it inside me.

“What is it?” I squeaked.

“It’s a plug for your little bottom. I’m starting with the smallest size. Before your belting, I will insert the medium size into your naughty hole and after you’re thoroughly marked, I will replace the plug with my cock,” he answered.

I keened as he pushed that small plug inside me. Even though he’d told me it was the smallest, it still felt deceptively large. I tried to relax and let it in, but my body refused and clenched down tight instead. I cried out as he pushed it roughly inside me, feeling as though a rubber band of pain had snapped. The burn raced up and down my spine, but in a moment or two, it faded to a more manageable simmer.

The plug felt too big and entirely too foreign inside me, but when his fingers returned to my clit, I moaned as an impossibly strong jolt of desire raced through me.

“You look so beautiful with the purple jewel peeking out from in between your bottom cheeks,” he murmured, and I mewled with heated embarrassment. It felt decadently naughty to be over his knee and have him looking at me like this. When his fingers finally pulled away from my needy pussy, I whined softly.

“Are you ready for your husband to punish you, my sweet bride?” he asked as he cupped my ass in his palm.

“Yes, sir,” I whimpered.

“Good girl,” he said, and my heart fluttered just as his hand spanked my bottom for the first time. It was sharp and hot and by the time the second one fell, I realized that he’d never used his full strength to punish me this way before. I squeaked in surprise as his hand really started to rain down on my backside. I understood why he’d pinned my legs now because as the spanking continued, all I wanted to do was kick and squirm my way off his lap so I could escape the punishing bite of his palm.

I tried to clench my bottom so that it hurt less, but that only resulted in my muscles tightening around the plug and renewing the aching burn its insertion had left behind.

I tried to take it gracefully, but it was hard. I recited the reasons I’d earned this punishment over his knee and even so, the spanking was far harder than I was prepared to take. I didn’t even try to stay quiet, because it was a lost cause from the very start.

He spanked all over my bottom and when that felt thoroughly scalded, he turned his attention to my thighs. The first time he smacked the back of my legs, I cried out in alarm, but that didn’t slow him down. Those were the worst because the sting was that much sharper than all the rest and I clutched at the quilt beneath me as I tried to cope with the scalding hot burn.

“Oh, please!” I begged.

“Kitten,” he scolded. “I’ve only just begun.”

Every word was the truth, because then the spanking just got harder and faster. In my panic, a keening cry escaped me. All of the gentleness he’d shown me last night and this morning was gone. Now he was a man intent on teaching me a lesson and a painful one at that.

My bottom hole ached, and my backside felt like he’d branded it with his palm. He didn’t stop spanking me for even a moment and I cried out in panic, but at the same time my pussy throbbed to life.

Even though I was pinned over his thigh for a hard punishment, my needy little clit had a very different idea. My inner walls were fluttering with excitement and just when the spanking reached an agonizing crescendo, my arousal reared its greedy head. I moaned and it sounded too much like I was enjoying this far more than I was.

Grayson clutched my hip and pinned me to his thigh. A nervous jitter passed through me, and he started spanking my thighs exclusively.

“Please! Please! I’m sorry, sir!” I exclaimed.

“I know, my sweet bride,” he answered.

“I can’t take any more,” I cried.

“It’s not up to you, kitten. You’re in for a hard punishment, aren’t you?”

“Yes, sir,” I wailed. I wiggled my hips over his knee, and he ruthlessly punished the lower curves of my cheeks hard enough so that I knew sitting would be painful for a good long while. He spanked all over my bottom and my thighs hard enough that I began to wonder if I was going to cry. Just when my breathing hitched in the back of my throat though, he paused and traced his palm over my scalded backside.

“Do you want to know something, kitten?” he asked as he pitched me forward and removed his leg from the backs of mine. He forcibly opened my legs, just leaving his fingers against my inner thighs.

“What it is, sir?” I asked.

“Your entire backside is bright red, and you are so wet that your arousal is glistening on your pretty thighs,” he observed, and I whimpered with shame. “This wet little pussy is why I’m being so harsh with you, kitten. You need this.”

My inner walls fluttered with excitement as he spread my bottom cheeks. He grasped the end of the small plug and pulled it just a little bit. He pumped it in and out of me several times and I moaned embarrassingly loud with open desire. Eventually, he pulled it out and my bottom felt mortifyingly empty.

He leaned over and grabbed something on the bed. I didn’t see what it was, but when the hard metal surface started to glide over my wetness and gently fuck my pussy, I realized that it was the next sized plug. It wasn’t much longer before the tip of it pressed against my bottom hole.

“This is going to hurt, kitten,” he warned.

I hardly hard any time to react before he shoved it roughly inside my asshole. A fresh wave of agonizing pain poured over me, hot and endless and unyielding. For several seconds, the only thing I could feel was that terrible ache before it eventually faded into a gentle never-ending simmer.

He tapped the base of it with his finger.

“I’m looking forward to replacing this with my cock next,” he mused, and my desire nearly imploded inside me.

“Will that hurt too?” I asked shakily.

“Yes, kitten,” he answered simply.

“Will I enjoy it?” I pressed nervously.

“Yes, kitten. You will enjoy it very much. I’m going to make sure of it,” he added. His hand returned between my legs, gently teasing my clit and I whined softly.

“Please, may I come?” I asked.

“Not yet, sweet bride. You will be allowed to orgasm only after my cock is buried inside your virgin bottom hole,” he replied, and I shivered with savage arousal. My burning backside throbbed, but the only thing I wanted was to ride his cock.

For a few minutes, I lay over his knee as his fingers traced over my skin. He explored every inch of my backside, his touch soothing across my punished flesh.

“Come now. It’s time,” he said softly, and I knew the hardest part was yet to come. He was gentle as he helped me climb to my feet. I stood beside him as he piled a few pillows in the center of the bed. When he was done, he didn’t need to tell me what to do. I just did it. Without hesitation, I climbed onto the bed and placed my hips over the pillows, presenting my well-spanked bottom to him for further punishment. My bottom hole throbbed from the plug, and he took a long moment to admire the sight of my vulnerable bottom on complete display.

“Oh, kitten. You’re so very beautiful,” he murmured, and I blushed, not expecting his kind words right before he was about to whip my bottom with the belt I’d given him. I watched him anxiously as he reached for it, and I tensed as soon as he laid it across my bare flesh.

“You are to keep your hands in front of you. If you reach back, I will have to bind them, and I’ll start your punishment all over again. Do you understand, kitten?”

“Yes, sir,” I whispered nervously. I folded my fingers together and hid them beneath my chest, hoping that would be enough to remind me to follow his instructions. He placed one hand on the small of my back and I breathed deeply, trying to do anything to quell my nerves.

“I love you, kitten,” he said fiercely. He grabbed my chin roughly and captured my lips in an explosive kiss that made my head spin. As he pulled away, I struggled to calm the hammering of my heart.

The first lash of the belt was harsh, and I sucked in a heated breath. Unlike the spanking over his knee, he didn’t rush to strike me a second time. He waited and let the first one really sink in. The crack of his palm against my backside had been louder, but as the seconds passed, the stinging burn from the belt blazed that much hotter.

When the second one eventually lashed my backside, the air rushed out of my lungs. I tried to close my lips in order to keep quiet, but it was useless because he quickly followed with a third and I cried out at the sudden terrible pain.

“Oh, please!” I pleaded and that’s when my belting truly began. He whipped me hard and fast, ensuring to thrash every square inch of my bottom and even down the backs of my thighs.

At once, my world was consumed by the belt and my backside. Nothing else mattered but the constant stinging lash whipping me.

Reminding me that I needed this.

Reminding me that I needed him.

Teaching me that I was his in the most complete visceral way I could ever imagine.

“I need you,” I begged.

“Where do you need me, kitten. Tell me,” he demanded, and the belt didn’t stop. My muscles tensed hard around the firm metal plug, and the belt only fell faster and harder. I wanted him inside me, but I didn’t want to voice it. It was too filthy, too taboo, too impossibly wrong to want so deeply.

The belt whipped across my backside several times in a row and my breath hitched in the back of my throat. My eyes watered and I whimpered, trying to hold back my tears.

“Please,” I begged.

He whipped the middle of each thigh with the belt hard enough that I knew it was going to leave a mark.

“Please. Please take my bottom hole with your cock,” I finally managed to whisper. I was horrified at myself for asking for such a shameful thing, but as he lay the belt down on the bed beside me, I breathed a sigh of relief. He ran his hands over my scorched flesh, carefully inspected the welts that were still rising from that cruel piece of leather.

“Good girl,” he said softly, and he sat down on the bed beside me. Slowly, he petted up and down the bare expanse of my spine. His touch was so soothing that the tears that had threatened to fall soon receded into nothingness. My pussy pulsed and I came to the shameful realization that not only was I wet, but I was more soaked than I had ever been. Occasionally, his palm would reach to cup my bottom and I’d suck in a heated breath until his fingers finally slid between my legs once more.

“Kitten,” he chided, and I blushed hard, knowing that he’d found my secret. “Spread your thighs. Show me how sopping wet this naughty little pussy is.”

I obeyed, but I hid my face in the covers so he wouldn’t know just how mortified I was for my body to react this way.

“This makes my cock very, very hard, kitten,” he murmured, and he quickly pushed himself up so that his knees were between my thighs. With a single hard jerk, he lifted me up by my hips and deposited me on my knees. He pressed his pelvis against my right bottom cheek.

“Can you feel how hard I am for you, kitten?”

“Yes, sir,” I breathed, blushing furiously even as I battled with my own insatiable arousal. He gripped the base of the plug and slowly fucked my bottom with it, forcing my desire to the surface with dizzying speed.

“I’m looking forward to teaching this sore little hole a very thorough lesson with my cock,” he said boldly, and I shivered hard before he pulled the plug from me and cast it aside on the bed. It pinched just a little bit and I trembled as the long length of his cock started to push against my pussy. It was blazing hot.

He positioned himself at my entrance and I moaned as he slid slowly inside me. It was painful, but I was so wet and needy that I welcomed it. I craved him inside me so badly that I wanted every long inch of him and when he finally bottomed out inside me, I practically mewled in excitement.

He slowly pistoned in and out of me, coating himself with my wetness in the process. A warm liquid dribbled onto my bottom hole, and I stiffened.

“Shh, kitten. It’s only lubricant. You’ve been such a good girl that I decided to make your first time a little bit easier,” he explained and I slowly relaxed as he spread the lube around my bottom hole with his finger. He slowly worked it inside and I moaned softly, enjoying the softness of his finger over the hard metal of the plugs. “I could probably take this tight little hole just with your own wetness, but I spoil you, don’t I, kitten?”

“Yes, sir,” I moaned as his cock slid in and out of my pussy. My inner walls clutched at him greedily, fervently enjoying every thick inch of him inside me. I couldn’t quite get used to his massive size, but that made it even more enjoyable for a woman like me.

I liked that it hurt just a little bit. It made me even wetter just thinking about it. I didn’t really want to admit it, but his finger in my bottom at the same time was only adding to the whole thing. My desire was blazing hot, swirling inside my core with vivid intensity and raging to finally be let out.

Eventually though, he pulled free from my pussy and removed his finger from my ass.

“I can see this tight little hole clenching down for me,” he mused, and I squealed in shame. “Are you nervous?”

“Yes, sir,” I whined.

For a long time, his eyes perused my skin, taking in my vulnerable state and making me quiver in anticipation. Eventually, the hot head of his cock just pressed against me there. He didn’t move to take me quickly. Instead, he started pushing slowly into me as if he was showing me that he could have me however he wished.

With my backside still burning from his belt, the feeling of him stretching open my virgin asshole was dauntingly painful. The plugs had stretched me open just a little bit, but his cock was so much bigger than the two metal toys combined. I wailed, feeling like he was splitting me open as the head of his cock finally popped inside me. My tight hole stretched around him, scorching hot agony surging deep into my bottom. It went up and down my spine, a rubber band stretching wider and wider, and I feared that I might snap, but I didn’t.

My bottom took every last inch of his cock like it was made for it. I struggled as my muscles clenched around him, panicking as he pushed into me. Each time my body tightened, the fierce fire of pain flared hot, but it eventually faded once I got myself under control. When he finally seated himself fully into my virgin bottom, he stilled, and I could feel the heat of his pelvis against the scalded flesh of my punished cheeks.

“Where is my cock, kitten?”

“In my bottom, sir,” I whined. My muscles tightened around him involuntarily and a fresh wave of pain poured over me. He pulled out of me just a little and I bit my lip as the ache faded and something else surged forward in its wake.

Desire. Hot wicked shameful desire for him to fuck my ass so hard that it would leave me aching long after he was through with me. He’d promised me that my bottom would be sore inside and out and I wanted it.


Why did I want that?

He groaned as he slowly fucked my bottom and my pussy fluttered at the sound of his enjoyment. He liked this and that made me want to take it even more.

“You’re so tight, kitten,” he murmured, and I arched my back, feeling him press deeper into me and my clit throbbed hard.

“Oh, please,” I begged.

“I’m enjoying myself, kitten,” he answered, and I shuddered with need. “I’ll punish this tight hole soon enough.”

His words had turned dark, and a fearful shiver raced down my spine. He leisurely fucked my bottom. The more he used me like that, the less it hurt, but the aching burn never quite faded away completely. It smoldered like a smoking campfire, and I gripped the bedsheets beneath my fingers.

“Reach between your thighs and touch yourself for me. Tease that needy clit,” he demanded. I didn’t hesitate to follow his instruction. My pussy was so wet that my fingers glided over my soaked folds and my entire body clenched down tight. I gasped as a delicious frisson of pleasure tore through me with enough force to take my breath away. Feeling bolder, I circled my clit lightly and delighted in the intense spasms that coursed through my body.

“You have three orgasms coming, kitten. You will ensure that each one of them is long and hard. I want to feel each one squeeze my cock. If they aren’t hard enough though, I’ll reach between your pretty thighs myself,” he said darkly, and the cadence of his thrusts into my asshole started to pick up.

“Yes, sir,” I whimpered, and I teased my clit once again. My core shuddered, and a soft gasp escaped my lips as he thrust into me much harder than before. My bottom hole pinched just slightly, but the resulting tremor of desire far outweighed the pain.

“Once I start fucking this naughty bottom, I’m not going to slow down. I’m going to enjoy this virgin hole for as long as I like. It’s going to hurt, but you’re being punished, aren’t you, kitten?”

“Yes, sir,” I moaned, and he punctuated each of my words with a hard thrust.

His fingers dug into my hips, grasping me firmly and I whimpered with open anxiety and unquenchable arousal. My sounds did nothing to deter him, and he growled softly.

“You have permission to come, kitten,” he murmured and then he pulled his cock almost out of me and slammed it back inside. I cried out immediately as the burning ache returned with a scalding hot flash. There was no time for it to fade away because he only used my bottom hole even more roughly after that.

For several moments, I struggled to take the harsh treatment and as the pain escalated, I worried that I wouldn’t be able to, but then something inside me twisted hard and the arousal that had only just been kept at bay exploded.

Greedily, I circled my clit, and it wasn’t long before I was on the precipice of a glorious orgasm. I worried that it would render me undone, but I no longer cared. If Grayson wanted me to break on his cock, I was going to do just that.

He wasn’t the only one who was going to enjoy this.

I touched myself as only I knew how, stoking my pleasure and building it until it reached a fever pitch. I knew I wouldn’t last much longer until it took over me completely.

The sound of him fucking my bottom hole sounded so filthy and wrong, but as my desire rose and rose, I decided that it was perfect. My body was so hot and I practically quaked as he used me.

“Come for me, kitten. I want to feel this reluctant little hole tighten around my cock,” he demanded, and my world shattered.

Delicious pleasure rained over me, cascading over my flesh with a vicious intensity that held me captive in its firm embrace. My core squeezed tight, and my inner walls fluttered with need. My pussy was empty and that made the fact that he was taking my bottom as he saw fit that much more painfully consuming and made my orgasm all the harder.

I shivered through that wonderfully hot bliss and when it eventually faded, everything began to hurt a little more. My bottom hole felt sorer, my limbs more languid, but he showed no signs of slowing down.

“Oh, please,” I cried out as he cruelly thrust into me. My asshole pinched hard, and I panicked as my body clenched tightly around him, causing one wave of pain after another to blossom outward from the base of my spine to the rest of me.

“That was only one orgasm, my sweet,” he reminded, and my core twisted with fear.

“But I…” I began and he roughly smacked my bottom hard, which only made the fucking hurt more.

“Put your fingers back on that needy clit and come again unless you want to spend some more time over my knee instead,” he warned, and I whined as I reached between my thighs once more. My clit was extremely sensitive, but I touched it anyway. I started tentatively at first, but he growled in warning, and I took heed of it.

That next orgasm was far more reluctant to come to the surface, but I forced it forward anyway. The thought of being spanked again was daunting when my bottom was already so sore, and I desperately wanted to avoid it. To be honest, I just wanted to keep his cock inside me even if it hurt.

I teased my clit, coaxing my pleasure forth with raw open need. I moaned as he fucked me harder and my legs began to shake.

I knew I was close. A strangled cry tore free from me.

“Come, kitten. Come hard for me,” he murmured. I didn’t say anything because I couldn’t. My body answered him instead.

My second orgasm had a more ruthless edge, pain and pleasure mixing together interchangeably and ripping me apart from within. I suffered through every second of that release, but it left me more sated than I had ever been. My fingers shook. My legs quaked and I was beginning to have trouble holding myself up.

His arm wrapped around me and lifted me up against his chest. He never stopped fucking my bottom though and I cried out knowing that I still had one more orgasm to take.

This time, he took control himself.

He reached between my thighs and captured my clit with his fingers. His movements were firm and rough and they hurt just as much as I enjoyed them. I keened in his arms. I didn’t know if I could take any more, but I knew I didn’t have much of a choice.

“Please. Come inside my bottom, sir. Please! I’m sorry,” I begged, and he gently kissed the side of my neck.

“Not yet, my pretty bride. Your punishment is not yet over,” he answered, and I whimpered with fear. I swallowed hard as he thrust into me brutally hard. I blinked several times, fighting back tears and then his hand started punishing my clit without mercy.

The pleasure and pain were at war inside me. My defenses were shot. There was nothing left inside of me to fight against that final orgasm, and it was on me before I was ready for it. My breath hitched in my throat as a harsh shudder burst over me.

This was going to hurt.

With his arms curled around me, there was nowhere to go and nowhere to run. There was nothing for me to do but take it. He fucked my bottom hole harder and faster and everything inside me broke at the same time.

I screamed.

I felt like I was falling into a terrible pool of endless pleasure and consuming agony. My core tore open from within, shaking and twisting and ripping through me with vicious force that took over every breath.

I suffered.

That final orgasm was as vicious as it was beautiful, a vacuum of deliciously cruel sensation that obliterated my every waking thought.

It was agony. It was wonderful. It was pure and utter devastation.

I sobbed as his seed spurted deep into my bottom, feeling my release climb higher and higher with every last searing lash of his cum. He groaned and I struggled to make it to the other side. My heart hammered wildly in my chest. Every muscle in my body tensed and my bottom hole clenched like a vise around his cock.

I cried through the rest of that orgasm, feeling the heat of my tears drip down my cheeks. In my haze of painful satisfaction, he gathered me in his arms and gently pulled free of me. He lay on the bed and pulled me against him. I curled against his chest, desperate to listen to the steady soothing cadence of his heartbeat. He gripped my chin and kissed my tears away.

“Good girl. Such a very good girl,” he murmured, and I clutched at him. I never wanted to let go.

“Sir,” I cried, and he held me even tighter.

“You’re mine, my sweet bride. Everything about you is mine. Your pain, your pleasure, your tears, your moans. Everything. Forever,” he said firmly.

“I’m yours,” I vowed, shivering in his arms.

For a while, the two of us just held each other. I’d needed this and so did he. My entire body throbbed from his cruel roughness, but the connection the two of us shared went far beyond the physical now. My heart was beating for him, and I could hear just how hard his was beating for me.

“Grayson?” I whispered.

“What is it, my sweet wife?”

“What happens now?” I asked hesitantly and I could feel him smile against my head. He kissed me softly, making my core flutter at his gentleness.

“Our life begins,” he replied. I closed my eyes and just felt.

Life as Grayson Asher’s wife would never be easy. Sometimes it would feel wonderfully good. Other times it would hurt. Most times would be a bit of both, but that’s what we both needed.

What we both wanted.

It wasn’t a life for everyone, but for the two of us, it would be perfect.