Wickeds Scandal by Kathleen Ayers


Stubborn. Alexandra’s penchant to be mulish rivaled Donata’s own tendencies. An admirable trait, except when directed at Donata. In addition, Alexandra possessed a formidable backbone. The girl did not cry or sob, as most women would, after finding out they had been drugged with laudanum, sold to a depraved man for a gambling debt and ruined publicly by a notorious rake. Most women would collapse into a fit of hysterics. Alexandra did not.

“So, you don’t wish to marry? Interesting. I assume you realize that you have not only been ruined, but publicly ruined. Even now your name and tonight’s events are rapidly becoming the scandal of the Season. Everyone in London will know what occurred at Gray Covington by tomorrow morning. Not a door will be open to you. Women will cross the street to avoid making contact with you. Unless you marry Sutton, you will be a pariah. The only employment you will find will be on your back.”

Alexandra sat back as if she’d been slapped.

“Oh, my dear, I do apologize for my candor. My age and position give me license to speak my mind. I feel certain you would wish to know the truth of your circumstances.”

“I will…return to Hampshire and possibly-”

Donata gave a sharp laugh. Stubborn! So very stubborn!

“You accepted your fate in marrying Archie willingly enough, but yet marriage to Sutton does not appeal to you? My grandson is wealthy and titled. I can name a handful of women who would cheerfully trade places with you in an instant.”

“Then perhaps we should find one of those,” Alexandra replied with a bit of her former spirit. “I have other concerns. Pressing concerns. Besides, Lord Cambourne did no more than kiss me.”

Donata gave a wry smile. “Oh, my girl. No one cares. A kiss is akin to ruination, especially when it is given by a man whose reputation with women is somewhat infamous.”

Alexandra looked away. “He does not wish to marry me. I would not have him marry me out of duty or honor. I am not a noble cause he must champion. He wished to rescue me from Mr. Runyon, and I am grateful, but he does not have to shackle himself to me.”

Ah! So, that was Alexandra’s concern. She stupidly believed Sutton didn’t want her. She didn’t yet realize that Sutton had willingly participated in her ruination. Just so. Donata would not tell her.

Tears formed in Alexandra’s eyes and Donata’s heart went out to her. But this was not the time to coddle the girl.

“Don’t be ridiculous. He is not marrying you out of duty. Even I, Donata Reynolds, Dowager Marchioness of Cambourne, cannot make that scamp do anything he does not truly wish. He wants you.”

Color seeped into Alexandra’s cheeks. “I do not think he can forgive my association and stupidity where Mr. Runyon is concerned. I cannot even forgive myself.” Alexandra bit her lip and looked directly at the Dowager.

“He wants you. You want him. I am only surprised he didn’t finish the job before we entered the room.”

The shade of Alexandra’s cheeks deepened. “My lady, I do not think this conversation is appropriate. I am distinctly uncomfortable and my head aches. I would like to return to my room.”

“Oh bother, Alexandra! Do not disappoint me and act like a dimwit! I despise martyrdom. Would you rather be marrying Archie Runyon?”

Alexandra shook her head. “No, my lady.” She shivered. “No.”

Donata did not press the point. She knew now how Lord Burke and Archie had manipulated Alexandra. If Alexandra would not admit to wanting Sutton, Donata must tip the scales. She had grown to care deeply for the girl and wished her only happiness.

“I see you will continue to deny the obvious. You are in love with my grandson.”

Alexandra looked away. Her hands twisted in her lap, bunching the fine lace of her overskirt.

“A moment, Alexandra.” Donata stood carefully, listening to the faint creak her bones made as she stood. Old age was a detestable circumstance. She made her way to the door and whispered to the footman who stood outside to bring Harry to her. Donata slowly made her way back to the sofa.

The girl continued to focus on her lap. She said nothing, but her breathing was shaky and uneven.

Harry arrived, bowing low to Donata. He handed her a folded document from his coat pocket.

He was such a dear boy. “Thank you, Harry. I will have need of you early tomorrow. Best you get some rest.”

Harry bowed low. “Yes, my lady.” He quietly trod out of the room and shut the door.

She turned to Alexandra, who still refused to look directly at her. “If your reputation or the state of your heart is not enough inducement to marry Sutton, I shall have to play my final card.” Donata gave a deep sigh. “Archie enjoys toying with others. He receives pleasure from it. Had I known…well I don’t suppose it matters now.”

Alexandra looked up, a confused look on her face.

Donata held up the document. “Call it my wedding gift, if you wish. The papers are in your name only. I will have your promise to marry Sutton within the month.” Donata handed the document to Alexandra. “Put your fears for those you love aside, Alexandra.”

Tears ran down Alexandra’s face as she agreed with a nod to Donata’s terms. Her hands quivered as her fingertips took hold of the deed to Helmsby Abbey.