Wickeds Scandal by Kathleen Ayers


Upon her arrival at Cambourne House Alexandra immediately called for a bath along with a glass of brandy. She stopped crying half way up the stairs. Sutton was behaving like a bloody idiot. It was an emotional, irrational reaction. He would see that after an hour or so.

She hoped.

The Dowager and Miranda burst through the front door of Cambourne House barely half an hour after Alexandra’s arrival. Donata was visibly distraught, her face pale and haggard as she angrily railed against Jeanette, completely absolving herself of any blame.

Miranda demanded to know where Sutton was. How could he allow himself to be manipulated by Jeanette? He would come around, Miranda told her. He would be home for breakfast.

Alexandra spent a restless night, listening for his footsteps on the stairs. Exhausted, she finally lapsed into a fitful sleep.

Sutton did not come home. His bed had not been slept in. No note had been sent.

As Alexandra walked into the empty breakfast room, she took note of the empty space where her husband usually sat.

“Tea, my lady?” Bevins, the Cambourne House butler stood ready with a steaming pot.

“Yes, please.”

As the liquid fell into her cup and a mist rose above it, she saw that Bevins quietly picked up the place setting across from her.

Alexandra nibbled at a piece of toast and tried to quell the rising tide of panic in her breast.

Miranda wandered in a few moments later, looked at her brother’s empty chair, and took a seat next to Alexandra.

Bevins silently poured her tea.

Miranda sipped at her tea and for the longest time she said nothing. Then Alexandra felt Miranda take her hand. “I shan’t leave you, Alex.”

A quarter hour ticked by. Alexandra pushed away from the table, prepared to go find Sutton herself, when there was a knock at the breakfast room door.

“My lady.” A footman entered and bowed low offering her an envelope on a silver tray. Her named was sprawled across the front in Sutton’s bold hand.

“Do you want me to open it?” Miranda asked.

Alexandra shook her head.

“He’s a fool, Alexandra, if he can’t see that you love him.” Miranda’s emerald eyes welled with tears. “I cannot fathom his sheer stupidity.”

“Nor can I.” Alexandra sliced open the envelope, pulling out the cream-colored paper it contained. She read it through twice before the contents sank in. Tears ran down her face as she laid the letter down. “Bloody idiot,” she whispered.

“Alexandra?” Worry etched Miranda’s face.

“He’s gone,” Alexandra replied calmly, wiping the tears from her face. “Your brother has accepted the offer of Lord Bishop to lead an expedition. He’s gone back to Macao.”