Wickeds Scandal by Kathleen Ayers


Sunlight filtered over the newly restored gardens of Helmsby Abbey. Alexandra closed her eyes, soaking in the warmth of the sun and the peace of her garden. She rocked back and forth, humming gently to the bundle in her lap. A pair of curious green eyes stared back at her, nearly hidden underneath a thatch of dark, curly hair. Her heart constricted in her chest. “I almost lost you,” she whispered to the bundle. The horror of the day in the woods still haunted her. It might forever. Sometimes Alexandra would awake, sweating and shaking as she remembered the way Runyon spun from her, a confused look on his face. The jerk of his body as the force of the pistol ball hit his chest. He’d stood there for a few seconds as if stunned that someone had dared to shoot him, before he crumpled to the ground.

Furiously she wiped at her eyes.

“No more tears, my love. You promised me.” Sutton reached across the small space that separated him from her and took her hand, careful not to disturb the infant he held.

The air of the newly restored gardens held a profusion of roses, the aroma sweet and subtle in the air. Red, yellow, pink, but not a single one white. The roses had been all she could see from her window as she gave birth to the twins, with Miranda holding her hand and Mrs. Cowries bathing her brow.

The poor village doctor, ill equipped to handle Lady Cambourne in labor with twins and the life-threatening wounds of Lord Cambourne, ran back and forth between Alexandra and Sutton’s room, scuttling between the two in a frenzy. Dr. Piper had finally relented to Mrs. Cowries and had the village midwife sent for to tend Alexandra.

The old rocking chair creaked as Sutton shifted, grunting with pain.


The wound healed well, but slowly, forcing Sutton to rest instead of rushing back to London. It was just as well for the Cambournes didn’t need another scandal and strangling his stepmother would have fed the gossip for years.

Runyon’s blade sliced deeply, right through the lower half of the dragon, neatly bisecting the tail. Sutton would have a magnificent scar, but he survived. Runyon’s blade, had it struck a few inches to the left would have killed her husband. Another thought that gave Alexandra nightmares.

“Shush, Madeline. Daddy’s sorry.” Sutton tried unsuccessfully to soothe the fussing bundle that he was now clasping to his chest.

Alexandra could barely see her daughter’s mass of dark curls, so swaddled did Sutton have the baby.

“She’s safe, my love. Don’t hold her so close.”

Sutton gave her a solemn look from the depths of his beautiful eyes. “I shall always hold her close to my heart. Both of them. Until I breathe my last.” He squeezed her hand. “As I will their mother.”

Alexandra squeezed back. “I love you.” The words whispered into the breeze and Sutton smiled, a dazzling smile that made her heart flutter.

Bees buzzed, stopping at each flowering rose as happy in the garden as she and Sutton were. Alexandra closed her eyes enjoying the sense of peace and contentment that filled her.

She and Sutton sat in silence, the small snores from the bundles they each cradled the only sound except for the bees. As the sun rose higher in the sky, the click of heels on the old cobblestones disturbed the tranquility of the early morning.

“There you are. Auntie Miranda must say goodbye.” Miranda floated over to Alex and pressed a kiss on Robert’s downy head. She stood and moved to the bundle Sutton held. “And a kiss for you, my beautiful Madeline.” A letter dangled from her gloved hand. “This just arrived from Cousin Herbert, in Yorkshire. You shan’t need to worry about Mother again.”

Sutton took the letter from his sister, scanning the contents while Alexandra waited patiently.

“Herbert sends his congratulations on the birth of our children as well as an assurance that Jeanette will bother us no more.” Sutton said ruefully. “Apparently when Jeanette was confronted with the knowledge that Archie was dead, I was alive, and there was an heir to Cambourne she became hysterical. Violent. She screamed obscenities and blame,” he looked at Miranda, “over Archie’s death. Herbert had her sedated. She is thought to be insane. He’s hired a nurse for her and she does not leave her room.”

“She’s a prisoner?” Alexandra said softly, not in the least upset by Jeanette’s fate. If any woman deserved such it was the former Marchioness of Cambourne.

“Yes,” Sutton said. “Herbert promises that she will not be permitted to ever leave his estate. The poor man is despondent as well as furious at the way he has been manipulated. Though I sense, from the tone of his letter, he still loves her. She will have no further contact with any of us, especially Elizabeth.”

Miranda squeezed her brother’s shoulder. “Well, that’s a relief, isn’t it? Finally, I may have cakes with my tea and not be told I am going to become stout!” She gave a half-hearted smile.

Alexandra looked up at her friend, wishing there was something to be said to assuage the pain that haunted Miranda. Whatever the depth of her evil, Jeanette was still Miranda’s mother, as unfortunate as that was. Jeanette had screamed out her rage at Archie’s death in the Cambourne townhouse, cursing Sutton and Alexandra, but especially denouncing Miranda. The servants had heard, quite possibly the neighbors as well. Sutton assured Alexandra that he’d taken care of the matter.

Alexandra was hopeful that would prove to be true.

Noting Alexandra’s regard, Miranda smiled brightly and placed her hands on her hips, her eyes full of love as she looked at her niece and nephew. “They aren’t quite as upset at my leaving as I expected they should be. It’s very disappointing. I suppose with all that eating, burping and sleeping, they are quite busy and will hardly notice I’ve left.”

Alexandra looked up at Miranda. “But I will notice, my dearest friend.” How she would miss Miranda, to whom she owed everything.

Miranda bit her lip and her eyes shone with emotion. “I shall eagerly await your return to London. Elizabeth will be coming home from Scotland soon I expect. She is beside herself that she is now an aunt. And to twins.”

Sutton shook his head. “Gray Covington, I think, Miranda. Not London. At least not for some time,” Sutton stated firmly. “My marchioness prefers life away from the glare of the ton. As do I.” He shot his sister a look. “Do not return. Stay with us.”

“I’ll be fine, but Grandmother will expect you and Alexandra for the Season.” Miranda frowned, wrinkling her lovely brow. “She says I’m getting long in the tooth and must decide upon some man to marry. It shall be difficult, as I am riddled with scandal.” Miranda tried to sound flippant and didn’t succeed. “I now have a better understanding of Arabella’s view of the ton.”

Sutton grabbed his sister’s hand. “Nick’s sister has the disposition of a scorpion which owes more to her unmarried state than her brother’s reputation. And I would have you marry for love, Miranda.”

A pained look crossed Miranda’s features and she shrugged. “Perhaps that is not my fate. And the ton doesn’t frighten me.”

“You are quite brave, Miranda, and much stronger than I.” Sutton said quietly.

Miranda bit her lip and looked away. “No, I’m not.”

Sutton took his sister’s hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “You are.” His voice cracked with the depth of his feelings. “I will never be able to express to you my gratitude.” He gave a rueful laugh. “Nor will I ever accuse you of nagging me again.”

A tear slipped down Miranda’s cheek.

“For had you not insisted so firmly, I would never have taught you how to shoot a pistol.”

* * *

Thankyou for reading Sutton and Alex’s story. If you enjoyed Wicked’s Scandal I would greatly appreciate you leaving a review.

Keep reading now for the next in the series DEVIL OF A DUKE.

Nick arrives in Bermuda determined to exact revenge on the person responsible for staining his family’s honor. When he finds himself in trouble, the last thing he needed was rescuing. Especially by a spoiled heiress brandishing a brace of pistols, even if she did look smashing in a pair of breeches. The next time he sees Jemma, she’s wearing a dress, and he can’t decide which Jem he likes more. One thing was certain, he resolved to have the reckless heiress and ruin her. He’s out for revenge and she’s the perfect weapon.READ DEVIL OF A DUKE NOW.

The Wickeds startedwith a chance meeting between the son of a marquess and a sassy vicar’s daughter. Claim your FREE copy of THE START OF SOMETHING WICKEDand read how Robert Reynolds meets his beloved Madeline.


“Chemise. Stockings. Piano.” Those three words, uttered by the beautifully rakish Lord Welles, leave Margaret Lainscott speechless. His improper request, that she play the piano for him in her…underthings is as shocking as it is titillating. Welles is one of London’s most committed bachelors, known for his notorious dealings with women and his part ownership of one of London’s pleasure clubs. Welles is certain Miss Lainscott will not entertain his improper request despite the attraction burning between them.

A young lady such as Miss Lainscott would never ruin herself willingly, would she? Start reading THE THEORY OF EARLS.

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