Sinfully Devoted by Amber Torney

Chapter Two – Phoenix

The obsidian black eyes that have haunted my nightmares for years are now staring right back at me, enraged. The coolness of the concrete biting into my back every time he pushes inside of me. The sinister grin is only intensified by the tick of Kyle’s jaw, as his hand connects with my face again. The sharp sting prolonged when he squeezed my jaw. My captor, the one person I thought I would never have to see again, is making true on his promise from years ago- “if you ever tell anyone, I’ll make sure you regret it.”

Thrusting his groin into me, I quickly realize what is happening. The dream I was so violently pulled from, has the bile rising up into my throat. Images of the first time Kyle forced himself onto me come flooding back. Only this time I have to keep fighting.

“You. Belong. To. Me.” He grits out as his thrust become more manic. I try to pry his hand away from my face, but he lifts me up and slams me back into the concrete floor. The impact made my vision blur. His movements more fevered, almost as if he is getting off the more I fight back.

Looking around frantically there is nothing within my reach to help me fend off his blows. Everything is fuzzy, like it is all in slow motion. One minute I’m dreaming about being in the arms of my Grey Eyes, the next my head is pounding, body burning, pulled back to reality, pain radiating through me as Kyle continues to ram into me. Somewhere in this fucking dank hell hole, I can hear footsteps pounding down a hallway.  Yelling as they get closer, echoing off the walls.

“Please stop.” I cry out. My heart is hammering at the sight of him looming over me. I claw out at Kyle’s arms. “I’m in here, please help me.”

“You stupid bitch,” Kyle roars in my face, his menacing laugh in my ear as his breath against my neck makes my stomach roll. I feel the moment he reaches his release, the way his eyes light up as he crudely empties himself inside. “Can you feel that? I fucking own you now Phoenix, I’ve waited too long and now I’m gonna make sure you never leave me.”

“Please Stryker, Jonah, anyone I’m in here,” I try to call out, but it's more of a squeak, my heart feels as though it’s gonna beat right out of my chest. “Please someone.”

“Who do you think is gonna fucking help you Phoenix?” Kyle sneers, as his grip around my throat tightens. “No one is coming to save you whore. You. Are. Mine.”

Gasping for air, I try again, to break free. Somewhere behind me I can hear the door as it slams against the wall, being kicked in. The sharp sting as my head is slammed into the hard floor again before the sudden feeling like I am floating.

More yelling fills the room as I try to call out. I can’t be certain, but I think I make out Damon and another familiar voice. My body starts to shiver as the cold concrete bites into my back. Fighting to keep my eyes open and make a sound, a shadow blocks my blurry vision. I try to scream but nothing comes out.

“I’m so, so sorry, Phee, so sorry. I promise you I’ll make this right, but I need you to fight for me, you hear? You need to fucking fight, and I need you to wake up.” I hear Logan’s voice laden heavily with pain whisper into my ears as thick arms lift me gently off the ground.

“Logan?” his name comes out barely audible. The room around me begins to fade.

“Yeah, Tiny Dancer,” he says so quietly now, worried about replacing his usually cocky demeanor. “I’ve got you. You’re safe now.”