Royally Knocked Up by Pamela DuMond


Thanks to Lori Jacksonfor the book cover and to Kelly Hartog for editing. Thanks Lesley Ann Fogle for rocking the Audible versions of these books.

Thanks to Caitlyn O’Leary, Sylvie Fox, Cindy Sample, Maggie Marr, and “Pamela’s Princesses” for being such awesome cheerleaders.

Thanks to my readers and supporters Jeanie Whitmire Jackson, Jennifer Freeman, Candi Kelly, Carrie Hartney, D.C., Cheryl Cavitt Carlson, Carole Sauer, Colleen Hartney, D.C., CJ Bauman, Ed Schneider, Joan Brady, Joe Wilson, Kristin Warren, Monica Mason, Cheyenne Mason, Melissa Black Ford, and Rita Kempley, to name a few.

A huge thanks to all you readers.

You rock!


Pamela DuMond