Flirt With Me by Kristen Proby



Merry Christmas,” I say to Rachel as I pass her a wrapped box with a big gold bow on top.

“I thought we already opened everything this morning,” Rachel says with a frown as she accepts the box.

It’s Christmas Day, midafternoon, and we’re all gathered at my brother Kane’s house to celebrate together as a family. Keegan even shut down the bar for the day. It’s a busy place with new babies and plenty of laughter.

Even Anastasia’s family is here.

It’s a big party.

But Rachel and my da have been huddled together in a corner all afternoon. Da’s been teaching her how to play chess on the new set she got for Christmas.

“There’s one more to open,” I reply with a shrug, and then grin up at my husband.

Hunter’s injuries healed after several months of rest, and then some rehabilitation. I didn’t think the bruises would ever fade.

Danny and Carla were both sentenced to prison time—Danny won’t be out for years. It turned out that Carla was the one who originally called the room to have Hunter go downstairs. She was charged with aiding and abetting.

But we’ve all settled back into a groove here on the island.

“I won’t say no to presents,” Rachel says and tears into the paper.

There are two items.

A T-shirt.

And a set of keys.

“Whoa,” Rachel says with wide eyes.

“You worked hard through driver’s ed,” Hunter says. “But before you make a mad dash for the driveway, read the shirt.”

She holds it up and reads aloud: “World’s Best Big Sister.”

Her jaw drops.

“Are you kidding me?”

“No, ma’am,” I say and laugh when she launches herself into my arms, then she signals to the others.

“You guys! My ma’s gonna have a baby!”

“We know,” Maggie replies with a laugh. “And let me tell you, it was a hard secret to keep.”

“I’m always the last to know everything,” Rachel says, but the smile doesn’t leave her face. “Can I see my car now?”

We follow her outside, and when she sees the little white Lexus with the shiny red bow, Rachel bounces excitedly on the balls of her feet.

“Oh my God, it’s so cute!” She kisses her dad, hugs me, and then makes a mad dash for the car.

“Only you would buy a sixteen-year-old a luxury car,” I say as we watch Keegan get in the passenger seat with Rachel so they can check it all out.

“I’m a car guy, babe. There was no way I was going to buy my daughter a Honda.”

I laugh and then glance over to where Cameron and Maggie have their heads together.

Maggie rolls her eyes.

Cameron grins.

“I wish she’d talk to me about him,” I murmur, and Hunter follows my gaze.

“Don’t worry, he’s figuring it out.”

“How do you know?” I demand.

“I talked to him.” Hunter shrugs like it’s no big deal.

“You talked to him.”

“Yep. He’s sick of waiting, and he’s got a good plan. There’s no need to worry.”

“You’ve just wormed your way right into my family, haven’t you?”

“It’s our family, babe.” He kisses my cheek and then waves toward the Lexus as it pulls out of the driveway. “Our family.”