Flirt With Me by Kristen Proby

Chapter 5


What hotel?” Maggie asks with a frown as she stares at me on FaceTime.

“Uh, the Four Seasons,” I reply with a chuckle. “I figured if I’m stuck in Seattle for the night, it might as well be at a really nice place.”

“Fancy,” she replies with a grin. “I’m sorry that happened, though.”

“He has a teenager.” I shrug and sip the wine I had brought up. “I just feel bad for him. Sounds like she’s a handful.”

“I think Ma and Da had it kind of easy with us. I don’t remember any of us pulling stuff like that.”

I purse my lips and then giggle. “You’re too young to remember Kane stumbling into the house, drunk at sixteen, trying to act nonchalant. I thought Da was going to kill him. And then there was the time that Keegan got caught trying to have sex with Elizabeth Scooner in his car in the park. The cops called Da on that one. Threatened to charge Keegan with indecent exposure.”

Maggie’s eyes go wide, and then she busts up laughing. “Okay, never mind. We should really buy them presents more often than just holidays.”

“Flowers every single day,” I agree with a nod. “Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I won’t be home until sometime tomorrow morning, but I should be at the pub for my evening shift.”

“Just let me know if you can’t make it, and we’ll figure it out,” Maggie replies with a yawn. “Oh, guess what?”


“I have a date tomorrow. A morning date because I work nights.”

“With who?” I sit up in surprise. “Mary Margaret, you have to tell me everything.”

“This guy, Eddie, who works at the gym, asked me out. I thought, what the hell? So, while you’re coming home tomorrow, I’ll be eating waffles and staring at a hot musclehead guy.”

“I want to know everything,” I say and point at her. “Be safe. Call me when you’re done.”

“Yes, mother. Okay, I’d better get back out there. It’s actually pretty quiet tonight, for a summer evening.”

“Have a good night.”

“You, too.” She blows me a kiss and hangs up. I lean against the pillows of the bed. This place is posh. I wouldn’t usually splurge like this, but now that I know I won’t be buying my dream home, I figured I deserved something extra indulgent tonight.

I never realized that a person could mourn for a thing. But I sure had a bad moment this afternoon when I drafted those papers. The owners moved to Phoenix, so I suspect that Hunter will be able to take ownership quickly. The furniture inside is for staging. As soon as papers are signed, we’ll have the company come and empty it out.

Realistically, it can all happen pretty quickly.

I’ll find another house. There’s always another one. Or, I’ll buy a lot when one comes up for sale and build.

There are options.

In the meantime, I have a great home. It’s not like I’m homeless or anything.

I sip my wine, and my phone suddenly rings at my elbow. I look down and smile.

“Hello there.”

“Did you get to your hotel okay?” Hunter asks. His voice is soft in my ear. I can’t help but wonder how it would sound if his lips were pressed directly to my skin, and a rush of pleasure moves through me.

“I did.” I grin and sip my wine. “I’m in my room, wrapped in the robe they provide, with a glass of wine in hand. This turned into a little vacation.”

“Well, that sounds a hell of a lot better than the icy silence in my house tonight.”

“She’s fifteen, Hunter,” I remind him gently. “It’s her civic duty to make your life difficult.”

“She’s good at it.” There’s a smile in his voice now. “I tried to talk to her, but she’s just mad.”

“Give her a day or two. She’ll relax a bit.”

“You sound so sure.”

“I know it’s easy for me to say, given that I don’t have any kids, and she’s not living with me. But I was a fifteen-year-old girl once. After a couple of days, I’d soften a bit.” I sigh and turn onto my side. “You know, if you can’t get away tomorrow, I’ll call one of my brothers to come get me. It’s really not a big deal.”

“It’s a big deal,” he counters. “I’ll be the one to take you home.”

I grin, grateful that he insisted. I want to see him again. I don’t know where this is going or what we’re doing, but I’m enjoying him.


“What are you going to do with the rest of your evening?” he asks.

“Well, I don’t usually sleep much. But, I don’t have my computer with me, so I’m being forced to relax. Which means I’ll likely find movies on TV and veg out. Maybe I’ll order up some junk food, too.”

“I’ll be right over.”

I laugh, enjoying him. “Maybe, someday, we can have a redo of tonight and veg out together.”

“I suspect I’d have other things in mind to do with you in that hotel room,” he says. “And it wouldn’t include being lazy.”

“Oh? What would it include, Mr. Meyers?”

He sighs. “I’ll be happy to show you. Sooner rather than later. Now, before I say a bunch of stuff that I might regret later, I’ll let you go be lazy. I’m going to hit the punching bag for a while and get some of this pent-up energy out.”

I grin. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow. Just text me whenever you’re ready. I’m at the Four Seasons.”

“You have good taste, Maeve.”

“Of course, I do. Good night.”


“Why don’tyou come inside and I’ll make you breakfast?” I ask Hunter the next morning. He’s just pulled up in front of my house, and it’s only mid-morning. “I didn’t eat anything this morning.”

“No room service?”

“Just coffee,” I admit. “Come on. I make a mean omelet.”

We climb out of his car, and I walk ahead of him to my front door, unlock it, and then walk inside.

“I like your house,” he says.

“I do, too. I’ll give you a quick tour.” I lead him up the stairs. “It’s a small, historic home. Built in 1922, it’s only twelve hundred square feet. Three bedrooms, two baths.”

I give him some of the particulars and show him my favorite spots. My office. My reading space. And then we end up downstairs in my kitchen.

“The people who owned it before me did all the upgrades, which is awesome. I’m not a fan of construction. It’s been a good home.”

“But not your forever home,” he says as I gather all of the ingredients for our breakfast from the fridge. He sits on a stool at the island and watches me. When he leans on his elbows and his arm muscles flex, I have to take a quick breath.

Good God, his muscles do things to me.

“No,” I say and swallow hard. “I’d like to be on the water. It reminds me of Ireland.”


“Yes. My family is from the west coast of Ireland, in a little village near Galway. So, I’m drawn to the sea. I just feel…at peace there. I’ll end up there eventually. In the meantime, this house suits me.”

I dice up some mushrooms, toss them into a bowl, and then reach for a red bell pepper.

“Oh, speaking of houses, let me check my email.” I open the laptop sitting on the counter and tap some keys. Sure enough, there’s an email waiting for me. “Just as I thought, they accepted your offer. Congratulations.”

He smiles, but then the light leaves his eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

“I feel like a dick for stealing the house out from under you.”

“If it wasn’t you, it would have been someone else. I promise.” I shrug a shoulder. “Be happy about this. I’m happy for you. It’s a great spot.”

“You’re so calm about it today.”

“Yeah. I got over it.” I crack some eggs into a bowl for whisking.

“How soon do you think we can move in?”

“Well, I have to call the current owners’ realtor, but I suspect it could happen quickly.” I explain to him about the couple already being gone. “We just need an inspection and the title company to push things through.”

“Do you think I can move in sooner? Sort of rent it from them until the particulars are straightened out?”

“You really are in a hurry.”

“I have several reasons for wanting to be here quickly.” His eyes smolder as they fix on me, and I feel myself flush as I would have as a teenager.

“I think we can probably work something out.”

“Great, I’ll start calling movers today.”

I heat a pan on the stove, drop the eggs in, and then work quickly to make the omelet perfect. When I slide it onto a plate and pass it to Hunter, he grins.

“You’re gorgeous, and you cook?”

“A woman of many talents.” I wink at him and get to work on another omelet. My phone rings, and I quickly grab it to answer.

“Maggie? Are you okay?” I put the phone on speaker so Hunter can hear.

“He wasn’t a serial killer,” she replies. “But he’s also not my soul mate.”

“I mean, maybe your expectations are a little high,” I suggest and toss some veggies in with my eggs. “You were going for soul mate on your first date?”

“It’s a figure of speech. He’s not for me. But that’s okay, it was just breakfast. I didn’t give him a blow job in the parking lot or anything.”

Hunter sputters on his coffee, and I can’t help but giggle.

“Wait, who’s there?”

“I’m making breakfast for Hunter,” I inform her. “I should have said you were on speaker.”

“Well, at least I didn’t say that I did give Eddie a blow job. That would have been more embarrassing. Okay, have fun. I’ll talk to you later.”


I click off and grin over at Hunter. “Never a dull moment.”

“I’d like to discuss this blow job in the parking lot option.”

I bark out a laugh. “No way. I’m more of a blow job at home kind of girl.”

His brown eyes narrow, but they’re full of humor and fun. “That works, too.”

“Eat your omelet.”

I’m in a mood.

My hot water heater gave up the ghost this morning, so I had to take a cold shower. Added to that, my garbage disposal also decided to die on me after I’d already put half an onion down there. Now, my kitchen smells like a back alley.

Not to mention, I stubbed my toe after getting out of bed this morning.

And when I tried to get under the sink to check out the disposal, I banged my face on the cabinet when I tried to sit up too fast, and now I have a shiner.

Basically, I should just go back to bed, pull the covers over my head, and pray that this has all been a horrible dream.

But I can’t. Because I’m an adult and have to do adult things.

It doesn’t help that I haven’t seen or heard from Hunter since he left here last week. Sure, I know he’s been busy moving, but can’t the man send a text? A freaking smoke signal?

“Probably just busy,” I remind myself as I scroll through the listings on Google for a repairman. “Because the man has a life. And a kid. And he’s moving. It’s not like you’re the center of the universe.”

I blow out a breath through my lips just as my doorbell rings.

Did the repairman know to come through osmosis?

I don’t even care that I look like crap. When I open the door, I’m suddenly swept up in the kiss of the century.

Hunter frames my face, and his magical lips tease and taunt mine until we’re both breathless. Until my knees are weak, and I’m not entirely sure what year it is.

He pulls back and smiles down at me. “Hi.”

“Hey.” I swallow hard. “Were you just in the neighborhood?”

He chuckles. “Sort of. I haven’t seen you all week.”

“Haven’t called me either.”

He winces. “I’m sorry. I was busting ass to get Rachel here on the island, and by the time I’d finish for the night, I crashed. Moving is fucking exhausting. But we’re here now.”

His eyes narrow as he examines my face.

“Who the fuck put their hands on you?”

“Huh?” I frown, and he turns my face to the side, intent on my eye. “Oh, no one. I’m not a brawler. I hit my face on the cabinet. It hurts. I don’t know how you tolerate taking shots to the face all the time.”

“The goal is to knock them out before they get a shot in.” His expression softens and he leans in to press his lips gently to the bruise. “I don’t like seeing you marked up like that.”

“I’ll be okay,” I assure him, tingling all over from his lips. “I’m glad you got moved in.”

“I want to show you something.” His grin is contagious.

I nod. “Okay.”

“We have to go somewhere,” he says and takes my hand, linking our fingers.

“Hunter, I can’t go. First of all, I look like crap. Second of all, my house is falling apart.”

His whole demeanor changes. He’s all business now as he steps the rest of the way inside and shuts the door behind him.

“What’s going on?”

“Don’t worry, I’m about to start making some calls.”

He turns back to me. “What’s going on, Maeve?”

I sigh in defeat and give him a rundown of my morning. “I just need a couple of hours to get things handled here.”

“I can have a look at the garbage disposal,” he offers, but I shake my head no.

“Trust me, you do not want to go in there. I have a list of guys here to call.”

“Let’s do this. You go change and take a deep breath. I’ll call these guys. I’ll get this all taken care of.”

I frown at him. “Why on earth would you do that?”

“Because I can. Now, go. I’ve got this.”

He takes my phone to reference the numbers and starts tapping his screen. When I don’t move, he raises his brows and makes a shoo motion with his hand.

“Yeah, I’m calling because I need someone to come look at a water heater.”

I grin as I walk away and start up the stairs to my bedroom. When was the last time I had someone here to do something like that?

I can’t remember. I might have been living at home with my parents.

It’s not that I’m not capable of doing these things by myself. But, man, it’s nice to let someone else handle it.

I quickly change into jeans and a tank top and am just sliding my feet into flip-flops when Hunter steps into my bedroom.

“A guy named Gil will be by at three this afternoon to have a look at all of it. He said the consult is free.”

“Wow, okay. Thanks.”

“No problem. Ready?”

“I think so. This is as good as it gets with this shiner.”

“You look fantastic.”

He leads me out to his car and drives us the mile or so to his new house.

“I want to show you what we’ve done,” he admits with a grin before climbing out of the car and hurrying around to the passenger side to open the door for me. “Rachel actually likes it. I mean, she still has a bit of her attitude, but she smiled when she saw the house. She really wanted the apartment above the garage, which was a no-go. But I told her if she proved to me that I could trust her, it’s a possibility down the line.”

“Good idea.” I follow him through the front door and smile when I take it all in. The furniture is modern but comfortable in earthy colors that match wonderfully with the trees and earth outside the wide windows. “Oh, I love this furniture.”

“I was relieved that what I already had looked so good in here,” he admits. “I was prepared to buy all new stuff, but when the movers set everything in place, it just clicked.”

“It’s great,” I agree.

He leads me through the house, and I’m utterly charmed by the beautiful décor. It’s not outrageous or in-your-face. The colors are earthy, the fabrics cozy.

It’s a home that I’d feel comfortable curling up in.

“This is Rachel’s room,” he says and knocks on the closed door. When he hears the muffled, “Come in,” he turns the knob, and we poke our heads in. “I brought Maeve to see how we’re doing over here.”

“Oh, hi.” Rachel smiles shyly.

“This bedroom is beautiful,” I say, meaning every word. “Your bed is gorgeous and totally suits a beach house.”

“Yeah.” She grins at the cream headboard that looks like half of a clamshell. “I just need help finding new curtains and stuff.”

“Thank God you didn’t bring all that black crap from the other house,” Hunter says.

“I was going through a goth phase,” she informs him and rolls her eyes.

“Well, I’m grateful that phase is over,” Hunter replies with a wink.

“I could probably help you,” I offer casually. “I have a good eye for that stuff.”

“I don’t want it to look like an old lady’s room,” Rachel warns me, making me laugh in surprise.

“I guess I won’t show you any of my geriatric ideas, then.” I laugh once more and glance around. “We can totally do this.”

“Okay, I guess we can try. I don’t even want to think about what Dad would pick.” Rachel smiles. “Dad said you were pretty cool.”

“Did he?” I glance at Hunter and then back at Rachel. “Well, I try. Do you like chicken wings and fries?”

“Sure, who doesn’t?”

“Well, if you come into my family pub with your dad for dinner, the wings are on me. But no beer this time.”

She winces. “I think I’m off of the beer for a long time.”

“As it should be. You have time for those kinds of shenanigans. Don’t try to grow up too fast. It happens fast enough as it is.”

“I wish it would go faster.” She sighs but then shrugs. “The pub sounds cool. Dad said the food is good.”

I smile at Hunter. “It’s the best on the island.”

“Did you ask her?” Rachel asks Hunter, who shakes his head, but his eyes are still full of humor.

“Ask me what?”

“Ask her, Dad,” Rachel insists.

“Did I raise you to be bossy?”

Rachel just grins at him. She’s a lovely young woman, with dark, straight hair and big brown eyes. She’s slim and tall like her father.

“Is someone going to ask me something?”

Hunter nods. “I need to be in Los Angeles in two weekends, and I’d like for you to come with me.”

“Well, I usually work at the pub on the weekends, but I can probably get someone to cover for me. What’s in LA?”


“Hey, this is my story,” he says, interrupting his daughter. She folds her lips in but is clearly bursting with anticipation.

“I’m a presenter at the ESPYs,” he says. “And I’m nominated in a couple of categories.”

I blink at him, look at Rachel, who’s grinning widely, and then focus back on Hunter.

“What categories are you nominated in?”

“Fighter of the year, and athlete of the year.”

I blink again in surprise. “Holy mackerel, Hunter, that’s fantastic! Congratulations.”

“Thanks. I don’t usually take a date to these things—”

“More like has never taken a date,” Rachel mutters, earning a pointed look from her father.

“But I’d really like it if you would join me.”

“Is Rachel going, too?” I ask.

“Nah, I’m staying at Gram and Gramps’. And, yes, I promise to be a perfect child while you’re gone so you don’t have to worry about anything.”

“So, what do you think? Wanna go hang out in LA for a day or two?”

“Well, sure.” I press my lips together, suddenly panicking.

“What’s wrong?”

“I have to find something to wear, and I only have two weeks to do it.”

Hunter and Rachel both laugh.

“You’ll find something awesome,” Rachel says.

Is this the same child I saw just last week? Sure, she still rolls her eyes at her dad, but she’s calmed down considerably.

“I’ll make some calls,” I reply. “Wow, thanks for inviting me.”

“Thanks for saying yes.”