Keeping My Bride by Angela Snyder

Chapter 28


IWAKE THE next morning with a pounding headache. I drank way too much last night, and now I must suffer the consequences.

I climb out of bed, every movement making the headache worse. I pop some painkillers and hop into the shower. The hot steam seems to help a bit. And by the time I’m dressed, I’m feeling a little better.

I walk downstairs and pause in the dining room. Memories of last night bombard me, and I curse out loud. I told Verona too much. I showed my cards. I told her my true feelings behind my hatred towards her and her family. And the look on her face told me exactly what I already knew — she didn’t have a clue.

Of course her father didn’t tell her that he was responsible for murdering my mother. I mean, why would he? I don’t think that man has ever accepted responsibility for any of the bad shit he’s done his entire life.

He’s killed indiscriminately, but I bet Verona has no idea who her dear old dad truly is or what he’s capable of. At least I know who my father is. I’ve witnessed firsthand the type of destruction he can bring to an entire family. I’ve always wondered why he didn’t take out the Morettis when he had the chance, though. If it were up to me, they would have been eradicated from this earth a long time ago.

I know we never caught the actual person who slit my mother’s throat. I’ve always envisioned it was Antonio Moretti himself, but that big, lump of shit couldn’t have run fast enough out of the house that morning without tripping over his two fat feet.

No, it was definitely someone who was hired by the Moretti family. But why my mother? I never understood the answer to that question. It would have made more sense to try to take a hit out on my father. He was Antonio’s rival, his sworn enemy. Why kill someone who was innocent?

Trying to clear my head, I walk into the kitchen.

Benito is drinking a cup of coffee while the staff mills about, cleaning up after breakfast.

One of the housekeepers walks into the room. “Breakfast, sir?”

Ignoring her, I ask Benito, “Where’s Verona?” I wouldn’t be surprised if she ran away after last night. She knows my true feelings towards her now. And even though we’re bound by this contract, I don’t doubt that she’s terrified of me and what I might do to her.

“She went to see her father,” Benito informs me.

“Fuck!” I yell, startling the young woman beside me. “Who drove her?” I demand.

“I believe it was Dante.”

Dante. Of course. He’s been a thorn in my side ever since I can remember. And now he’s pushing my buttons when it comes to my wife. He’s taking the role of her bodyguard to a whole other level. And if he thinks he can best me, then he has another thing coming. I guess putting him in his place the other night didn’t change anything.

I’ll just have to take it a step further to make sure he understands.

“Breakfast, sir?” the housekeeper asks again, her blonde bangs hanging in her eyes.

“Yes,” I tell her. I might as well eat and get some of my strength back. I’ll deal with Dante and Verona later.