Keeping My Bride by Angela Snyder

Chapter 37


WHEN LUCA TURNED on the fairy lights, I could see the hurt in his eyes before he stormed off towards the house. I sit there for a long time, thinking over every single detail of what happened tonight. Luca has always been like a snake curled up in the corner of the room, just waiting to strike. I was waiting for the strike. But I guess this time it was never actually coming.

He did this…all of this…for me. Like maybe he truly wanted to make amends. I don’t know why now, all of a sudden, but does that really matter? He was trying. And that’s better than I can say for myself.

I grab the photo album from the table and my heels I discarded in the grass and rush into the house. I drop my things down near the door and make my way upstairs. I see light under his bedroom door on the way to mine, so I stop and knock gently.

The door opens, and my breath catches in the back of my throat. My eyes slowly peruse him. Luca changed out of his suit, and now he’s only wearing a pair of light gray sweatpants, which are hanging dangerously low on his hips, showcasing a perfect V. His broad, muscled chest and abs look like they were carved out of stone, belonging to some Greek god, and his arms are covered in sleeve tattoos going clear down to his fingers. The ink is black and white and violently beautiful, just like him.

My brain stutters for a few seconds before I finally blurt out, “I’m sorry!”

He takes a step towards me, leans down and whispers into my ear, “Like I told you before, Verona, if you come to my room in the middle of the night, it better be because you either want to sit on my face or get on your knees.” When he pulls back, I see a glint of amusement in his gray eyes. “So which is it?”

I take a step back from him.

He cocks a brow before taking a step towards me. “If you run, I’ll just chase you, Verona.”

My heartbeat picks up speed at his words. And suddenly, I want him to chase me. I want to feel like the prey to this predator. Turning, I run down the hall to my bedroom and burst through the door with Luca right on my heels.

I squeal in surprise when he tackles me onto the bed. I twist in his hold until I’m on my back looking up at him and he’s straddling my hips. One of his large hands has my wrists pinned to the bed above my head. I struggle, but it’s no use.

Leaning down, he licks the side of my neck. When he stops at my ear, he whispers, “I like when you fight me, honey.”

I practically melt when he uses the term of endearment with me. He’s never called me anything like that before.

“Honey?” I question.

“Mmhmm. Honey, like the color of your eyes. Sweet, like your scent that drives me fucking crazy.”

His lips trail kisses from my ear to my mouth, and then he’s devouring me. His tongue presses against my lips, demanding entry, and I let him. His tongue sweeps inside, tangling with mine. And by the time he pulls away, I’m a quivering mess.

“Take off your dress, honey,” he tells me, sitting back on his heels.

I climb off the bed and pull the dress up and over my head, throwing it to the floor. Shyly, I try to cover my matching navy-blue bra and thong with my hands, but Luca shakes his head.

“I want to see you. All of you.”

I swallow hard, my nerves getting the best of me. Slowly, I unhook my bra, and soon it joins my dress on the floor. My hands are shaking as I remove my thong. I’ve never been naked in front of a man before, and I never knew how nervous it would make me.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” Luca whispers. He pulls down the waistband of his sweatpants, and his cock bobs free. My eyes widen at the sight of it as he begins to stroke it. “See how hard you make me, honey?”

I can’t look away as he fists his cock, stroking the length over and over again with his large hand.

“Get on the bed. I want to taste every inch of you,” he says before tucking his cock back into his sweats.

I lie down on the mattress. And when I try to cover myself again, Luca frowns. “Keep your hands above you. Hold on to the headboard,” he instructs.

My breathing is unsteady as I do as he says. I grip onto the metal frame, holding on for dear life. I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time. I never knew who my first would be, but I never in a million years thought it would be Luca Vitale. And I can’t help the fact that I’m scared out of my mind. What if he isn’t gentle? What if he hurts me?

Squeezing my eyes shut, effectively blocking out the world, I give in to the rest of my senses to guide me through this.

Luca leans over me, trailing his lips, mouth and tongue from my neck, down my jawline, to my chest and then my breasts. The heat radiating from his body is only fueling the fire stirring deep inside of me.

He kisses the side of my right breast gently, trailing his lips over my heated skin. Then, I feel his mouth on my nipple before he bites. Hard.

I cry out in surprise, and then I hear his soft chuckle.

He gives the same treatment to my other nipple until they’re both aching and hard to the point of being almost painful. His lips move to my mouth while he kneads my breasts softly, running his calloused thumbs over my sensitive, pebbled nipples.

I groan into his mouth as he devours me, shoving his tongue inside and tasting me. And, oh, yes, I want more of him. So much more.

Luca pulls away, and my eyes snap open to watch him moving down between my legs. He gently parts my thighs and places a trail of kisses from my knee to my inner thigh. I’m shaking with anticipation when he leans down and places a kiss on my mound.

“You have the prettiest little cunt,” he says, his filthy words setting me on fire. I wriggle under him, unable to control myself. I want his mouth on me again. I want to feel that undiluted pleasure that only he can give me.

His fingertip strokes the outside of my lips, teasing me. “Tell me what you want, honey. I want to hear the words coming from your naughty mouth.”

“Please,” I beg.

“Tell me,” he demands, teasing me relentlessly. His fingers are so close to where I need them to be. So close. “Tell me what you want.”

“Touch me, lick me, fuck me,” I cry out, my words running together.

He chuckles darkly. “In that order?” His fingertip grazes my clit, and the sensation makes me groan out loud. “I think that can be arranged.”

He spreads my lips and touches me so gently and softly that he’s driving me insane. I’m practically climbing the wall with madness when I cry out, “Luca, please, I need your mouth on me!”

His fingers disappear, and they are instantly replaced with his tongue. I bite my lip to hold back a scream as he devours me between my legs. Oh god, it feels so good. I grip the bars of the metal headboard until my arms ache as I hold on for dear life.

“Fuck, you taste sweet like honey too,” he remarks, drawing my attention to him. His tongue darts out of his mouth to lick his lower lip before he uses that devilish weapon on me again.

I’m a trembling mess as he sweeps his tongue over my clit again and again. My head shakes back and forth from the insane amount of pleasure building in my body.

“I want you to come for me, Verona,” Luca says from between my thighs.

My frantic cries escalate as he begins working his tongue over my clit again. Unable to hold back any longer, I suddenly shatter around his mouth, crying out his name.

I go limp on the bed, my hands releasing the metal bedframe and falling beside me. My limbs feel like they’re made of Jell-O, and I don’t think I could move even if I wanted to.

I watch as Luca leaves the bed. He bends down to strip off his sweatpants and then stands up. My breath catches in my throat at the sight of his thick and long cock hanging between his muscular thighs.

Luca strokes himself once, twice, as he climbs onto the bed between my legs. Planting a hand beside my head, he leans down. “I touched you,” he says, planting a kiss to my left breast. “I licked you,” he tells me, moving to my right breast to place another kiss. “And there’s only one thing left for us to do, honey.”

He stares at me, waiting for me to say it. “Fuck,” I say, the curse sounding foreign coming from my mouth.

“Yeah,” he agrees with a smirk.

My body is vibrating with anticipation and lust under him as he positions himself between my thighs. He lines up his cock and then enters me in one, long stroke. I cry out when he tears through my virginity, the pain and pleasure both incredible at the same time.

Luca suddenly stills above me, and the only sound in the room is my rapid breathing. I swear I can hear our heartbeats it’s so quiet.

Reluctantly, I look up at him, and he’s staring at me with an unreadable look on his face. “You’re a virgin,” he whispers. When I nod, he curses under his breath. “You should have told me,” he hisses.

“I’m…I’m sorry,” I answer nervously.

“What have you done with your previous boyfriends?” he demands.

“I-I-I never had a boyfriend. You were my first kiss. You’ve been my first…everything,” I admit, my face burning with embarrassment.

His brows dip in confusion as he slowly absorbs my words. And then his mouth is suddenly crashing down on mine, taking me roughly, possessively as his hips start to move. I cry out, and he swallows down my moans as his huge cock gently rocks in and out of me.

Suddenly, he pulls back, his gray eyes dark from his blown pupils. “You’re mine,” he tells me vehemently.

“I’m yours,” I whisper in agreement.

“Only mine.” His thumb traces over my bottom lip, and he watches the movement before his eyes meet mine again. “Tell me.”

“Only yours.”

And then his lips are back on mine, his tongue shoving its way past my lips, claiming me and completely devouring me. His hips piston frantically as he picks up the pace, and my nails dig into his shoulders as the pleasure starts to build up inside of me, driving me crazy with desire. He feels impossibly thick inside me, and I groan as he stretches me.

“Luca!” I cry out as I detonate around him, my inner walls spasming and clenching him so hard that it causes him to curse.

He kisses my lips, my face, my neck, my chest as I come apart beneath him, the torturous rhythm of his hips causing an endless wave of pleasure to wrack my body.

“Verona,” he whispers in awe as he stares down at me. He fucks me slowly and deeply, chasing his release. He slams into me one final time before he quickly pulls out. His gray eyes flutter shut as he gives in to his own pleasure, his warm seed spilling out over my stomach and pussy.

Rolling onto the bed beside me, he collapses against the mattress. “Holy fuck,” he hisses. “That was…” His voice trails off, unable to find the right words for what just happened between us.

“Yeah,” I agree with a giggle. I knew sex with Luca would be good, but I didn’t expect the pleasure to be that mind-blowing. My limbs feel heavy, like I wouldn’t be able to move even if I wanted to. I feel like I ran a marathon, and I don’t know why, but I feel deliriously happy in that moment.

My happiness is short-lived, however, when I feel Luca’s weight shift in the bed as he gets up and walks away. Tears fill my eyes as I realize he’s not going to stay the night in my bed. I mean…why would he? I don’t know why I expected to be cuddled after sex. That’s not who Luca is.

Suddenly, I feel something warm and wet between my legs as the bed dips beside me, and I gasp before I realize it’s Luca.

“Let me clean you up,” he whispers soothingly to me.

I watch as he gently rubs a warm washcloth between my legs and over my stomach. “Thank you,” I murmur.

After he’s done, he takes the washcloth to the bathroom, turns off the light and comes back to bed, surprising me when he crawls in and pulls me to his chest.

I close my eyes, listening to his heartbeat as it lulls me into a deep sleep.

I don’t get much sleep that night; however, because several times Luca wakes me up by entering me or licking my pussy until I’m coming so hard I see stars.

It feels like a dream, but I swear I hear him tell me, “I’ll never get enough of you,” before I finally pass out from complete and utter exhaustion.