Battle Royal by Lucy Parker


Writing is often a solitary process—unless you have a new puppy walking over the keyboard every five seconds, as I’ve recently discovered—but the support and hard work of so many people go into bringing a story to life on the page.

Firstly, I’m incredibly grateful to my amazing editor, Elle Keck, and the entire team at Avon. You made me feel so welcome from day one, and have all been supportive beyond measure throughout the whole process. While dealing with the extreme difficulties of a global pandemic, you worked so hard, always offering valuable insight, helping me to take these characters and make them who they needed to be.

Thank you, as always, to my agent, Elaine Spencer. You’re at my side on every step of this journey, an expert voice when I need one but also a constant cheerleader. You believe in me even when I don’t.

I’m so thrilled to have Liza Rusalskaya illustrating the cover, bringing a whole new, gorgeous, colorful dimension to Sylvie and Dominic, and their respective bakeries.

The friends I’ve met in the book community have been one of the greatest blessings since the beginning. It’s a privilege to know all of you, I’m so lucky to have you in my life, and I think about that every day. You’re the kindest, most talented people, and the very definition of friendship.

To the book bloggers, YouTubers, and Instagrammers who work tirelessly and often don’t receive the thanks and respect they deserve: I cannot thank you enough. I’m forever grateful for everything you do.

This is a book about family, biological and found, and I couldn’t do anything without mine. You’ve taught me the meaning of unconditional love, you’re my whole world—and you’ve had to put up with me brandishing pieces of paper and plot points scrawled on whiteboards for a second opinion, keeping frequently unsociable hours, and worrying over details large and small. I love you very much.

Teddy, my newest and furriest family member: you may have introduced me to Extreme Editing, in which all of my worldly possessions were destroyed around me while I revised, but you’re an adorable (and very mischievous) light in my life.

And to every person who reads my books, thank you so much.

I appreciate you all.