Tyrant Daddy by Isabella Starling

Chapter 8


It’s another long evening of me waiting in my office for the call that Willa is here.

But the call doesn’t come. Instead, my assistant buzzes through the phone saying, “Mr. Santino? Dylan here to see you.”

Instantly, I perk up, sitting up straighter in my chair. I’m excited for this.

Through the door, my apprentice, Dylan walks into the room. He’s in his early thirties – a kid by my standards. His nearly black hair is short and chopped into a fashionable cut, and a thin layer of stubble covers his chin. I’ve seen girls melt at the sight of him. I hope Willa wasn’t one of them.

Dylan takes his seat across from me at my desk. “Good news, boss.”

“Oh yeah?” I get up, pouring us both drinks. “What did you find out?”

“I found out just what a bad girl Willa Canterbury Miller is,” he smirks. “And I have the photos to prove it.”

My balls tingle and my dick twitches at the thought of seeing a picture of Willa. I can never have enough. I could stare at her for hours. No other woman has elicited this kind of response from my dick. Or my heart, but that’s another fucking story.

Still, it bothers me how Dylan speaks about Willa. I’m the only one who’s allowed to talk about her that way.

“Show me.” I lean forward, setting down his drink and sitting back at my desk. He slides over a manila envelope and I cut into it with a letter opener. Photos pour out, photos of my Willa. “How did you get these?”

“One of her friends turned twenty-one,” Dylan smirks. “I got into the venue and pretended to be the private photographer. You know, the one nobody hired. And the one that only took photos of the gorgeous Willa.”

I slam my fist onto the table and Dylan throws me a surprised look. I’m calm and collected, fucking always. But apparently not when it comes to Willa.

“What’s wrong, boss?”

“Watch your mouth,” I hiss at him, making his surprise double. “Don’t talk about her that way. She’s just a target to you, not someone you get familiar with. Got it?”

“Got it,” he laughs after a short pause. “No worries, boss. Take a look at the photos, please. I have a nice video here, too.” He places a flash drive on my desk.

It doesn’t escape me that he’s now acting impersonal about the situation, and my smile softens in response. I knew I did the right thing by giving this young man a chance and a job.

I look through the photos, trying to fight my erection and miserably failing. “When was this?”

“Three days ago.”

Three days ago. After Willa had promised to visit me in my office. So, this is what my trouble gets up to when she’s supposed to be on her knees, sucking my cock. My fist tightens around the photo, crumpling it. The next second I’m trying to flatten it out again, not wanting to damage anything with her image on it.

“That’ll be all, Dylan.”

“Of course, boss.”

“Keep tracking her. Stay on her trail unless you know she’s with me.”

“I will, boss. See you tomorrow.”

I nod, walking him to the door just as my assistant walks up and hands me an envelope. “This just arrived for you, sir. I’m going home now, unless you need something else?”

“Nothing else, thanks.” I take the note from her. “Say hi to Joshua from me.”

“Thank you, sir.” She blushes. “He loves the new train set you sent over for his birthday.”

“Dylan, walk her to the parking lot,” I order, a sly plan forming in my mind. “See you both tomorrow.”

They say their goodbyes and, after they get in the elevator, I lock my office and pull out the photos again, plugging the flash drive into my laptop.

My eyes flit between screen and paper. On the photo, Willa sucks on a cherry lollipop while dancing with her friend. She’s wearing a crop top again. One I want to rip off her. I want to wrap her in fabric, cover her up so no one else can see her beauty. It fills me with rage. And I fucking like it.

The video begins to play on the screen. I watch Willa turning on the dance floor, twirling with that girl that’s always hanging out around her. She’s sucking busily on that lollipop, her hands gliding over her body as she dances. She raises her shirt, pushing up the fabric, giving the camera a view of her smooth navel.

I curse out loud, knowing what’s coming next. And Willa doesn’t disappoint, her disobedience making me throw back my drink in a fit of rage.

The top goes up, and her small tits pop out. The camera zooms in on her stiff nipples and I curse out loud for not killing Dylan when I had the chance. Nobody should be seeing her like this, nobody should know what her tits look like but me.

I growl at the sight of her exposed like that, pausing the video. I know if I watch another second of this bullshit, I’m going to put my fist through the fucking screen.

Instead, I palm my cock, wrapping my hand around it through the fabric of my pants and jerking it.

My eyes go to the envelope that my assistant handed me. I force my other hand off my cock and open it. A single sheet of paper slips out, with a typed message.

I know you're fucking around behind Elise's back. Drop the girl, or I tell your fiancée.

Crumpling the note into a ball, I toss it aside. I don't give a shit if somebody tells Elise. As far as I'm concerned, our marriage deal is already off. I just need to find a good moment to break it to her.

The note is irrelevant to me. But I'll still put Dylan on this person's trail. There's no stamp on the envelope, so it must've been hand delivered.

But I’ve got bigger things on my mind than this shitty attempt at blackmail. My thoughts are back on Willa, and I hit play on the video again.

I watch her suck on that lollipop, hypnotized by her eyes shyly downcast when the camera hits her. She doesn't seem to mind that much though – there's certainly no resistance when Dylan's hand pulls her to the dance floor, making her spin in front of the guests. Jealousy explodes inside me, the bastard’s lucky he’s not here.

Her friend joins in then, the one that's glued to her side at all times. The girls' bodies gyrate together as they dance, grinding on one another, giggling with drunken delight. They're fucking wasted. Who let my girl drink? Who was stupid enough to let her get this messed up? Why didn't Dylan stop this?

I watch with a snarl as the girls dance, their bodies pressing against one another. My cock hardens as I stare at Willa. She looks so pretty, so wild. I want to taste the freedom and youth on her lips.

The girls lean against one another and smile. Then, their lips touch in an innocent peck that soon turns into a deep, passionate kiss.

Anger wells inside me. This is what trouble's been doing instead of servicing me? She's going to get punished for it. When she finally shows up back here, I'm going to fucking ruin her.

I barely notice the fact that I've now unzipped my pants and brought out my thick, throbbing cock. As my eyes remain glued to the screen, I pump my fist up and down my cock. The sight of these two kissing might just be the end of me, and shockingly, I don't want to kill the little bitch whose mouth is currently on Willa's. In fact, their kiss is kind of cute. And kind of really fucking hot.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath. Willa puts her lollipop in her friend's mouth just as the clip ends. I frantically search for more, but there's nothing else.

Not having Willa next to me to serve her purpose is driving me fucking crazy. I can't bear the thought of not knowing what she's doing. Unable to think straight, I scramble for my phone.

I scroll past the numbers still saved on my phone.

Willa and Dove.

Dove and Willa.

Which one should I call?

I press call on one of the numbers and lean back in my chair, waiting for the line to connect.

"Hello?" a male voice barks into the phone, dissolving into threats and growls the next moment. "Why the fuck are you calling my wife?"

"Would you fucking relax?" I hiss in return. "It's me, Raphael Santino."

"Why are you calling my little bird?" He sounds about ready to rip my head off, and I roll my eyes at the sound of his words. "What the fuck do you want?"

"I would've called you, but I don't have your number."

"Spit it out, Santino."

"Your kid," I hiss. "That girl, Willow something?"


I messed up her name on purpose. "Yeah, her."

"What about her?" He already sounds so fucking threatened. The poor prick is blinded by jealousy... but I understand that better than anyone else.

"I heard your daughter's been messing around at parties," I mutter with a heavy sigh. "Drinking, some drugs. I'd keep an eye on her if I were you."

I can hear his sharp intake of breath, but he doesn't say another word. The line just clicks.

I smirk even though it's with a pang of guilt. I didn't want to snitch on Willa to her parents, but she left me no choice. Especially since she was out partying instead of fulfilling her duties to me. Duties I've fucking paid her for already.

And yet, when I sit back down at my desk, my eyes go straight back to the video on the screen before me. I click play again. I can't resist touching myself again. My cock grows heavier with the cum I don't want to spill, the load I've been saving since she promised she'd come here and milk my dick.

The little bitch tricked me.

But I'm not going to let her get away with it.

I've already got her father involved now. And I know Nox will control his daughter, anything to keep her away from me. He won't even tell her why, that's the best part. The guy's so fucking threatened by me, he refuses to even utter my name.

At the same time, I can't help questioning whether I've just shot myself in the foot by telling Willa's father what she's been up to.

This will give her less freedom... which means Willa won't have as much free time.

As I stroke my cock, stopping every time when I get too close, I think back to the blackmailing note. I have a suspicion about it now, and I fully believe Nox is the one who sent the note. He certainly noticed when I recognized Willa on that photo on his wife's phone – he's sure to doubt tonight's phone call, too. He has every reason to blackmail me, and I have no doubt he's going to tell Elise what's going on too.

But as my phone starts to ring and I see Elise's number flashing on the screen, I don't suspect she already knows.

She screams at me over the phone while I lazily palm my cock, still watching Willa's frozen image before me.

Fuck my fiancée. Fuck the fact that she knows about my forbidden relationship with trouble. I'm not going to stop for Elise. Likewise for Dove and Nox.

I'm not going to stop for anybody when it comes to Willa.

And even if she refuses to admit it, I'm going to prove to her that she's meant only for me.