His Wallflower White by Tammy Andresen

Chapter Fifteen

Two hours later,Millie stood outside the local parish, resting her hand on Ben’s arm. “I can’t believe I’m getting married.”

“I can’t believe you gave me mother’s ring,” Ben answered, looking over at her. “Thank you.”

Millie drew in a deep breath, turning toward her brother. “I love you, Ben. I’ve always loved you and when you were gone…” She’d been going to say that she’d missed him. But his face shuttered before she could get out the words.

“I’m sorry I left you, Millie.” His voice was so quiet, she almost didn’t hear him.

She shook her head. Despite her feelings of hurt over his loss, she hadn’t meant to make him feel guilty. “I only meant to say that I would do nearly anything to help you.”

He swallowed. “Millie.” He drew in a long breath. “I need you to understand something.”


“I left because I love you, too.”

His words stole her breath. How could that be true? Had Patrick told him of her hurt feelings over Ben. “You don’t have to say it. I—”

“No. Listen.” Ben reached for her hand, holding her fingers in his. “I left because I thought he’d be kinder to all of you if I were gone. You especially. I was young and foolish, and I can see now that I made the wrong choice. But I need you to know I was trying to protect you. And myself. I can admit to that.”

Tears welled up behind her eyes. “Did Patrick tell you to say that?”

Ben blinked, his chin pulling back in surprise. “You’ve talked to him about us?”

Millie shrugged. It seemed as though Patrick hadn’t shared with her brother, which she really appreciated. And it also meant that Ben was saying these words because… “Just that between father and you, I thought…” she didn’t want to hurt him… “I worried that I drove you away.”

He shuddered. “Oh, Millie.” And then her eldest brother crushed her in a hug.

Chloe opened the doors to the church. “They’re ready—oh!” And then without a word, she came down the two steps and threw her arms about them both. “I’m so glad to see you two hugging.”

Millie was glad, too. And somehow, this moment with Ben, made her even more certain that she’d made the right choice by marrying Patrick.

Ben pulled away. “Well, then. If they’re ready for you…”

Millie blinked back tears. “I’m ready, too.” In fact, she was more ready than she’d ever been. And as Ben led her into the church, and she saw Patrick in front of her, the tears she’d been holding back filled her eyes again.

Because she was marrying the man she loved.

The ceremony flowed over her, her hands clasped in Patrick’s.

Ben, Dez and Justice sat in the first pew, as she said the words that tied her future to Patrick’s forever.

She glanced over at Chloe and Esme, as well, so glad to have them here.

How could she have worried that she didn’t have love in her life? At this moment, she’d never been fuller of the emotion.

And as for her fear about her father…about marrying a man like him…Patrick had proven over and over just how different he was.

Kind, considerate, protective and loving. She knew she’d be happy in his hands and that she’d take the best care of him as best she could.

And when his lips came down on hers, sealing their vows, her throat closed.

This was where she belonged.

* * *

The day had passedin a welcome reprieve from the worry and strife. After the ceremony, they’d quickly returned to townhouse where they’d had a simple wedding breakfast.

Patrick winced when, instead of travelling to their new home, they only travelled up the stairs.

But then again, Millie’s protection was more important than anything else.

Tomorrow would be soon enough to begin their journey north.

It had been decided that Ben, Dez, Dez’s wife Fleur, and Justice would all make the trip.

Esme, however, was staying in London.

Ben had argued at first, worried about her safety. Esme had returned, however, that trouble was far more likely to follow the brothers. She was in mourning and would stay in the house. Plus, her son was already set up with tutors here in London.

In the end, Ben had acquiesced.

Veritas had also come to the wedding breakfast, assuring them his injuries were minor. He’d also stay and continue the search for the White’s bastard sibling.

Tomorrow, they’d be on a cross-country journey with much of Millie’s family in tow. But tonight was theirs and they would make every minute count.

She walked ahead of him, hips swaying as she climbed the stairs.

Patrick had never seen anything more alluring than Millie walking…fully dressed. And when she looked at him over her shoulder, he knew he’d made the right choice.

“When does Ben think that we’ll be able to take up residence in our new home?” she asked as she reached the landing.

He shook his head, placing a hand at her waist. “Not until this entire business is taken care of.”

Millie nodded, a sigh escaping her lips. “Ben and I had a lovely talk, and I’m glad we’ve put the past behind us, but there is our sister to consider.”

His sister. “What do you mean?”

She turned to him then. “You said you wished for her to come live with us, didn’t you?”

He stopped on the top step. She’d remembered. “I did.”

She touched his cheek. “I’m assuming we can’t make that happen until we’re settled into our new residence.”

His heart was so full, it was fit to burst. “Millie.” Without another word, he scooped her into his arms.

She wrapped her arms about his neck. “I love you.”

“And I you.” He kissed her then, carrying her toward their room. “I love you so much, Millie. Somehow, with you, everything in my life has just moved into place.”

She sighed in his arms. “Mine, too.”

“We were meant to be.”

Still holding her, he opened the door and entered the room, pushing the heavy panel closed behind him.

He kissed her then, long and slow, his tongue sliding against hers until they were both gasping for air.

Millie was his.

All his.

They belonged together.

He lightly set her on her feet even as he continued to kiss her, and they only broke apart when he stepped around her to begin undoing the tiny buttons at the back of her dress.

With each piece of her clothing that he removed, he also took off one of his own, until they were both nearly naked.

Only his breeches and her chemise remained.

She stepped back into his arms, eagerly kissing him again. He laughed as her hands thread about his neck. “That took an eternity.”

Despite the fire travelling through his veins, he had to chuckle at that. “Women’s clothes are ridiculously complicated.”

Her tongue touched his in lieu of an answer and he forgot his amusement as desire roared to the surface, blocking out all his other feelings. Truth be told, he’d been purposefully slow to remove her layers. Not just because they were complicated but because…he’d wanted to savor this moment.

But now, as slow as he’d gone, everything sped up. Their bodies ground together as he kissed a trail down her neck and over her chest. And when he sucked her nipple, still covered by her chemise, into his mouth, she pulled at his hair, her body arching into him.

He growled out his need as they tumbled onto the bed. He kissed her everywhere, tasting her skin as he peeled away her last layer.

She pulled at his falls and he shucked those off, too, their skin rubbing together, creating an exquisite friction that had blood pounding in his veins.

His manhood pressed to the slick folds of her opening and, as he began to sink into her, he moaned in pleasure, trying to slow down once again. He didn’t want to hurt his love. She was new and her channel, wet as it was, was decidedly tight.

But she tilted her hips, taking more of him in.

“Millie,” he whispered close to her ear. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You would never hurt me.”

“There is a pain,” he answered. “The first time.”

“That is different than real hurt. I’m ready for you.”

Her words stunned him. This beautiful woman was so much more than he ever could have imagined. And as he sunk into her, breaking her maidenhead, he tried to tell her again, the depth of his emotion but it overwhelmed him.

All he could manage was, “I love you,” over and over.

And all she said in return was the single word, “Yes.”

But that was enough.

And as he slowly moved within her, he could feel her pain diminish and her pleasure build until her hips met his.

They moved together, in perfect unison, until finally, he felt her shudder, her pleasure breaking. And then he let go of the stiff control he’d been using to hold on, his own orgasm crashing over him.

It was more than he’d ever imagined, more than he’d ever experienced.

No one would hurt his love. Ever.