House of Eclipses by Casey L. Bond


I’m ever thankful to God for his mercy and blessings in my life. I have to thank my family for their constant encouragement, my friends for their support, and fans for loving my characters and stories as much as I do.

A special thanks to Melissa Stevens for designing the perfect book cover, interior, trailer, tarot card and every other thing related to bringing this book to life visually. You are absolute magic and I adore you and am thankful for your friendship and presence in my life.

Thanks to Stacy Sanford for waving her magic red pen over my manuscript and polishing it until it shines brighter than Sol’s sunny aura.

Thanks to Steffani Christensen for illustrating the gorgeous eclipse/dune scene featuring Caelum and Noor, along with our terrible, beautiful Sphinx and sly, handsome Wolven. I love your creativity and working with you is effortless.

Thanks to @NessiArts for illustrating a portrait of our favorite Lumin and Aten. You captured them beautifully and I’m so excited to finally share your work with the world.

Thanks to Cristie Alleman, Stephanie Christensen and Amber Garcia for reading this book before anyone else and helping me make the story better. I appreciate your time and keen eyes.

Thanks to my peers for reading House of Eclipses and providing endorsements. I know time is precious and I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules for this story, and for me.

Lastly, thanks to you, the reader. Whether you’re a member of the Bondtourage Reader Group, social media stalker – er, follower – or this is your first Bond book, I appreciate you reading the story that bled from my soul.