Corrupt Prince by Ivy Mason


It had beenthat goddamn smirk. The one she threw my way right before she'd dropped the flaming sock onto a pile of busted up furniture.

By the time I'd torn my eyes away from the raging inferno in the middle of the guest room, I caught the flash of her red hair before she'd sailed out the window.

The woman didn’t even hesitate. She’d just jumped, falling two stories into the bushes below, then took off like it was her tail on fire.

I’d had no choice but to jump after her, trusting that Marisol would get the flames under control.

I gritted my teeth as I landed in the scratchy bushes, hating that I was reduced to chasing a she-devil across my lawn.

Surprisingly, she was quick as lightning and just as crazy. And when she stopped and stripped, showing off an athletic, tight body under that light orange dress, she was my nightmare come to life.

She might be a hellion in a cage but I was the one in chains.

Now, she was smooshed under me, halfway naked, and I had a hard on. Motherfucker, I hated my dick right now.

“Get off me!” she squealed, barely intelligible with her face in the grass.

“Promise you won’t run anymore,” I demanded.

“Fine! I won’t run.”

I hesitated, then sat back on the thick grass, pulling away from her to give her space.

She scrambled onto her feet, coming up swinging. Emerald eyes flashed as she socked me right in the cheekbone.

Yelping in surprise, I fell onto my back and heard the sound of my father's guards laughing.

Scowling, I rose to my feet, then took off, springing after her as she began to sprint away from me again.

It only took me a few steps to tackle her to the ground and, this time, I didn't hesitate to subdue her. Despite her squealed protests, I yanked her to her feet and threw her over my shoulder like a sack of flour.

She immediately grabbed my belt and yanked.

It was so unexpected, I lost my hold over her, and she slithered down my body, falling into the grass.

Growling in frustration now, I turned to see her scrambling to her feet. I pounced, landing on her. We tussled in the grass, my hard body over hers.

I was suddenly aware of her softness under me, skin like silk and perfectly sized breasts pressing up into my chest. Her white, lace bra and underwear reminded me of sweetness and innocence. But her red hair was wild and tangled, and freckles dusted her cheeks, flushing down her chest like a blush. Her beautiful emerald eyes flashed with anger and indignation. Her unbelievably strong arms and legs wrapped around my waist as she tried to push me onto my back.

I was immediately hard again as she pressed up against me, imagining us doing something very different. Her hot and sweaty naked body withering under mine.

I grinned. She would be a fucking pleasure to tame.

Gripping her shoulders, I pressed her into the ground, hot anger shooting through me. I wasn't attracted to this feisty nightmare of a woman. In fact, I was determined to hate her, and all women, until the end of fucking time. They had no relevance in my life, especially Rose’s sister.

"Be still, woman."

"Why should I?" She spat out, still struggling under me, which was only making my dick harder. I switched tactics and gripped her neck in a harsh hold, leaning down to stare into her eyes, my voice cold and uncaring.

"If you ever want to see your sister again, you will do what I say, exactly how I say it, and the second I command it."

“Chinga tu madre,” she spit out at me, her eyes narrowing.

I knew enough Spanish to know that she'd just cussed at me. I squeezed harder and sexy, heart-shaped lips parted in a surprised exhale. Her body stilled, her hands going to my wrist. I was cutting off her breath but she continued to squirm.

"Rose is getting married in two weeks." Her eyes widened at the news and she suddenly stilled. I took advantage of it by tucking her hands between my thighs, continuing. "If you'd like to be there when she ties the knot with my brother, I suggest you learn some manners."

Her lips parted again, trying to take a breath, and I let go of my harsh hold on her neck. I wasn’t trying to kill the little monster. She sucked in air, her words coming out in a rush. "If you assholes are forcing her to marry your brother, I will wait until you're sleeping, then I will slit your neck from ear to ear."

I burst out in laughter at the ridiculousness of the idea. First, she would never be able to get out of her room, I'd make sure of that. Second, the fact she thought she could not only get through the many guards from her room to mine, then manage to catch me unaware, was hilarious.

I’d slept with one eye open since I was thirteen and would hear her the instant she opened my door.

I'd have my gun trained on her in two seconds.

"What's so funny?" she scowled.

"You wouldn't even make it three steps into the room. And even if you could, which you wouldn't, I’d shoot you before you would even think about how to kill me."

"I just told you," she huffed a breath, blowing her hair out of her face, "I don't have to think about it. I plan on slitting you from one ear to the other."

I raised an eyebrow, feeling amused at the redheaded nightmare beneath me. "You wouldn't even nick my skin."

“You afraid, pretty boy?”

“You couldn’t even get your hands on a knife.”

“I don’t need a knife to cut you.” It was her turn to smirk. “Besides, you'd be surprised at how resourceful I can be."

I shook my head, chuckling. "Sure, little ginger." I reached forward, curling a strand of her red hair around my finger and tugged on it.

She scowled. “My name isn't Ginger."

"I don't care what your name is.” Sitting up but still pressing my thighs together to keep her still, my hands went to my belt, unbuckling it. Her eyes widened as I slid it from my pants. “Your job from here on out is to be a good little girl and do what I say, m'kay?"

Suddenly her hand slid out from between my thighs, striking upwards towards my stomach. Dropping my belt, I grabbed her wrist, just in time to stop her from plunging a knife into my abs.

My knife. The one I’d been wearing only seconds earlier.

Growling and growing angry, I jerked the knife from her hands and tossed it to the side. Then I grabbed both her wrists and held them over her head.

She struggled against me but I leaned down, pinning her tight with my hips. I growled in her ear. "If you don't hold still, I'm going to turn you around, yank down the pretty little underwear you have on, and spank your ass red."

She sucked in a shocked breath, stilling, but her voice was an angry growl. "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me." My voice was ice cold. I was deadly serious. "I would love the opportunity."

"You do and I'll slice your nuts off in your sleep."

I chuckled darkly and, holding her wrists with one hand, grabbed my belt. "You talk a big game," bringing her wrists to my chest, I wrapped my belt around them, "but let's see if you can actually back up those big, fancy words with action."

She heaved, watching as I finished securing her wrists with the leather belt. “Give me the chance and I’ll show you just how real my words are.”

I jumped to my feet, keeping a wary eye on her in case she tried to run as I fixed my suit. “How about I give you every opportunity in the world?”

She ticked an angry eyebrow upward. “And how would you do that?”

Reaching down, I grabbed my knife and tucked it back into its holder. “I’ll put you in my room. If you can manage to kill me, then feel free to escape."

She huffed a breath. "Like you'd actually do that."

Leaning down, I grabbed her elbow and pulled her to her feet, making sure not to twist her arm in the process. “Try me." I began to lead her back towards the house, nodding at the guards who were still watching us curiously to let them know I had it handled. "Then again," I continued as we walked towards the house, "if you kill me, it's highly likely you'll never see your sister Rose again."

She hitched a breath. "Are you really going to let me see her?”

For the first time, she revealed a vulnerability, but I squashed down any empathy I had for her.

This was just a job for me.

A way to keep my father happy until we figured out how to get out of the bind we were under.

And I definitely wasn't going to feel sorry for her.

Regardless of the fact that she was only a pawn on our chess board, with no reason to be in the situation she was in, she was part of the game, whether she wanted to be or not.

Whether we even wanted her to be, or not.

"I don't know, princess, you're just going to have to trust me and see." Remembering Marisol’s cookies that were in my pocket, I pulled out the crumbled remains, disappointed.

Her eyes immediately went to them, lighting up in interest. “Are those chocolate chip?”

“They were.” I shoved the biggest piece into my mouth, just to annoy her. She eyed them hungrily and I sighed, offering her the rest. “Want one?”

The piece disappeared into her mouth within seconds. After a moment, she sighed dramatically. “God! These are to die for!”

She snatched the rest from my hands before I could even offer them to her, and I had to close my eyes and look away from her when her tongue flicked out, licking the chocolate from those full, sensual lips.

Fuuck. This was going to be hell.