Obsession by Lena Little



I’m absolutely stuffed, so when Carlito suggests a walk down to the beach to burn off some of the enormous amounts of calories I just inhaled I can’t say no.

We leave the 18th century hotel restaurant garden setting and make our way down the cliff, the blue sea calling us. The walks a short one and when we arrive I notice a gift box sitting on a rock, I don’t say anything, but then again I don’t have to. Carlito walks me over to it and of course, says, “It’s for you.”

I open it to reveal another swimsuit. This one is also a conservative one-piece and considering how far my stomach must be sticking out right now I’m not complaining.

“We can’t swim now, can we?”

“We can do whatever we wanted. I rented out the beach just for us.”

I shake my head in awe. “Why?”

“Because I wanted to. Because of you.”

I melt into his arms, his forearms like coiled rope, wrapping around me and pulling me in. “But there’s nowhere to change.”

“There’s a towel in the box too. I can hold it up or you can wrap it around you and change underneath.”

“What about you?”

He tucks his hand behind a crack in the rock and pulls out a swimsuit of his own. “I came prepared too.”

I can only laugh and as I reach for the towel, Carlito does the gentlemanly thing and gives me some space, making his way to the water and diving in headfirst. He comes up a good thirty yards offshore, and a couple of minutes later I’ve got my swimsuit on and I’m rushing to join him.

Time seems to stand still and fly by at the same time. I’m not the best of swimmers but with Carlito at my side, I always feel safe. The water is also calm so that helps too. He even helps me climb a small formation of rocks and we jump a good three or four yards down into the water, holding hands as we do. The second we jump I feel his grip tighten on mine, his big hand engulfing mine. And once we hit the water he’s quick to wrap me up and make sure my head is above water and I’m swimming comfortably.

There’s something very…paternal about it.

As the moon moves through its path overhead we start to realize we’ve been out here longer than expected, not that either of us necessarily had any expectations. At least I didn’t. This isn’t how I expected my failed Italian nanny situation to play out, but it most certainly has.

After I’ve managed to somehow burn off most of the calories from dinner, Carlito races me to the shallow water at the shore, letting me win. We find a spot on the small rocks and I remember that many beaches in this part of the Tyrrhenian and Mediterranean seas are rock, not sand. But the rocks are small but not so small to pebble your behind every which way. They’re surprisingly comfortable actually, and I forget all about them thanks to the company at my side.

“What could make this night better?” I ask to the sky, as I put my hands behind me and lock my elbows, leaning back.

“I know one thing. That’s for sure,” Carlito is quick to add, plopping down next to me…very close. Without hesitating he leans over and closes the distance between us sending my heart racing like hummingbird wings.

His lips pull up just short of mine as if to ask permission without saying the words. I don’t object and without another second passing us by his lips close on mine.

Fireworks shoot off in my mind and butterflies take flight in my stomach. I lean into his kiss a little, wondering how I’m doing or if I’m doing it right at all.

But before I have time to ponder it more a slightly larger wave than normal comes in and kicks sands on my lap.

“I thought this was a rock beach.” I look down at my waist, our kiss broken.

“It is, but there’s sand out there if you go out far enough.” He pauses. “I haven’t taken things too far myself, have I?”

“No,” I say, brushing off my groin, appreciating that he’s checking in with me and not pushing my boundaries more than I’m comfortable with. I manage to get rid of some of the sand but a lot more of it proves to be elusive. And without another slightly larger wave coming anytime soon I need to get back in the water to get it off or…

“Let Daddy help you with that, Precious.” That word, that title… makes me freeze, and before I realize what’s happening his big hand is over the top of mine, brushing off my lap. His thick, calloused fingers moving away sand as his crooked knuckles make a mockery of the size of my digits below. His hands look like those that belong to a boxer, or someone with more than their fair share of fighting experience.

And as he brushes our hands to the outside of my leg I find myself pulling my hand out from underneath his, tucking it underneath my thigh.

“There’s still a lot of sand there,” he announces.

“You’re better at this than me. Plus your hands are bigger.”

A beat passes between us and he continues doing what he started, this time his skin touching mine directly. Electricity shoot through me and I swear I can almost feel his hand shaking in excitement.

“Some of it found its way into some very tight spots,” he announces, waiting for me to respond or protest what we both want to happen, and we both know is inevitable.

I say nothing and a second later his index finger gently pries open the crotch of my suit, my pussy exposed until he covers it entirely with his palm.

My head leans back and I feel dizzy, but in the best way, I ever have.

Next thing I know Carlito is helping me to slowly lean all the way back on my back with his free hand before returning his attention to my aching sex.

In one motion he yanks my suit harder, quickly followed by his tongue streaking right up the center of my folds, parting my lips wide open.

The warm water of the Tyrrhenian Sea laps at my feet while his tongue laps at my pearl. He finds my bud and flicks it once, twice, three times before taking it in his mouth and rolling it around in figure eights before stopping to blow on it, gently tug on it, and tease it in more ways than I knew were humanly possible.

“What…what’s happening…Daddy?” I slap my hand over my mouth and shake my head vigorously. “I don’t know why I said that. Sorry.”

He stops, creating a vacuum between us that needs filling again. Immediately. “Don’t you ever apologize for being how you are or who you were meant to be. You understand me?”


“Yes, what?”


“Like you mean it.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

He goes right back to licking my sticky sweetness and a sense of correctness washes over me, wiping away the doubt about what I said. He gives me the power to be who I didn’t even know I was. It’s beyond liberating and causes my body to start to shake and then as if my mind is on a delayed timer, I really process the word I’ve just said…the same one he used to describe himself earlier. Something about it feels so right as if it’s been missing from my vocabulary my entire life. Because he’s been missing from my life. Until now.

“Daddy’s going to lick his Little Girl clean, spit shine her private parts.”

“Okay. It’s good to be clean.”

“Especially when Daddy does it his way,” he mumbles into my flesh and continues doing what he was doing.

He nibbles the nub of flesh between my folds and I feel a geyser about ready to explode inside me. This is everything like what the books I read describe yet now I realize how completely incomprehensible it is until it actually happens…to you.

I’m on the verge of orgasm, as Carlito moves my nub like he’s trying to tie it in a knot like a Maraschino cherry. His nose presses against my opening while his forehead grinds against my mons pubis. His tongue moves quickly and his head from side to side even faster, creating friction, sensation, euphoric pleasure in the entire region dead center between and around my opening. My climax feels like it’s rapidly approaching, yet stalled at the same time. I have nothing to compare it against so I can’t say, can’t quite get myself to the spot I need to be despite flexing my ass cheeks and pressing my hips up, grinding my pussy into his face as he eats my cunt whole.

He licks my slick folds, his growls reverberating throughout my body just before he wedges his tongue deep, deep inside me, twisting the tip and then sliding a finger in to join.

I grab at the rocks on the beach my heels digging in as I toss rocks to the side, only to pick up more and repeat the process. My body is writhing like an animal caught in a pleasure trap, my midsection twisting as his thumb strums my clit like a guitar as he eats me and slides one finger in and out of my drenched channel.

“I need to come, Daddy,” I call out, not caring who can hear if they can speak English or anything of the sort. All that matters is my release and finding it before I explode.

I’m babbling, talking gibberish, begging, and whining to take me over the edge. But instead, he just slides both hands underneath my ass, gripping it like a bowl, and then tips my pelvis toward his face like he’s savoring the world’s most expensive soup. All. By. Himself.

“Got to clean my little girl. Take away the naughty and make her innocent again.”

“I need to be naughty, Daddy,” I moan, my tone growing more demanding and feral. It’s completely unlike me, but so is this, this…everything that he’s exposed me to, given me, shown me in a comfortable space that I can become.

My legs cinch between his head and my thighs flex, pulling him into my middle until there’s no way he can breathe. But my strength is no match for his as he pushes my legs apart and works his tongue in and out of me as my hips continue to tremble.

“Daddy!” I protest, his title echoing off the top of the sea.

My loud cry causes Carlito to pause, but just long enough to look up at me and flash me his trademark smirk.

“You’re damn right I’m your Daddy and don’t you ever forget it, Princess.”

He grips me by the waist hard and jerks me back to his mouth, my body dragging along the rocks a few inches, the pain feeling so damn good.

“I’ll never forget. I promise,” I exhale.

“Good, now Daddy will give you a present you’ll never forget. Come for me, Sweet Carolina. Come for me now,” he commands.

And just like that, I do what I’m told, my body releasing that energy that was stuck at the peak of the cresting wave but couldn’t quite find its way over the top.

A wave washes over me and I explode on his face, drenching him with my release as my body jerks and convulses wildly like a fish out of water.

Carlito keeps licking, gripping my hips tight as if my pussy has the cure for everything that ails the world inside it and he’s not about to miss a single drip.

My hips jerk and buck some more and then finally my body stills, and Carlito rolls to the side on his back, his chest heaving in rhythm with mine.

“What was that?”

“That was what happens when you’re a good little girl. Daddy rewards you.”

“Does Daddy have any other rewards for me?” I play along, or is it playing? It just comes out so naturally.

“If you think you’re ready then Daddy has a very, very big reward for you. His biggest.”

“I think I want that,” I say in-between attempts to catch my breath.

“You have to be one hundred percent sure because there’s no going back once you take what I’m offering. And you’ve had a wild stay in Italy so far. You need a proper night’s sleep and to be wooed, wined, and dined like the princess that you are.”

“But, Daddy,” I whine.

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow. But for now, we rest.”

“Can I sleep on your chest?”

“There’s no other option, Little One. Not tonight. Not ever.”

He pulls me in and the light sound of the sea caressing our swimsuit-covered bodies croons us to sleep. Together.