Beast’s Demands by Sam Crescent

Chapter Thirteen



“We’re not ever going to stop doing it.”

I released a scream. I’d been trying to hold it in, but the moment Earl touched me, all thoughts left my body. It didn’t matter that we were in a fancy clothing boutique, or that I was naked, and he pounded into me from behind. His hands on my tits as he drove inside me. All the while, he made me watch him in the mirror.

It had been a week since he’d taken my virginity.

The next day, he’d packed us up, and I realized a few miles from the house, there was a small helipad. That was how he kept coming and going. We were away from his island in a matter of hours.

We stayed in the penthouse he owned in the city. Every day and night, we fucked.

I no longer felt sore, which was insane as all we did was have sex.

Each time I thought it would be the last, only the moment he touched me, I couldn’t resist him.

He’d taken me to a restaurant yesterday, and he’d followed me to the bathroom. Even as people came and went, he had me pinned up against the stall, taking his length. Much like now, only this was far more intense.

The hand at my chest moved up to wrap around my neck.

He pulled me back so his lips were at my neck. “I fucking love how you take me. Your pretty pussy knows what it wants. I’m the only dick it craves.”

I moaned.

“Say my name.”


“What am I doing to you?”

“Fucking my pussy.”

“That’s right, and who owns this pussy?”

“You do.”

He slammed in deep, and I felt wave upon wave of his cum as he came. The veins in his neck seemed to pop out with the restraint he showed.

With the last of his orgasm ebbing away, he laid gentle kisses across my shoulder.

“My cum is going to spill down your thighs the moment I let you go.”

Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I nodded.

“You’re not going to clean it up. I want it to stay there so you remember me.”

As if I could forget him.

Ever since he found me chin-deep in the ocean, he’d been far more attentive. He’d pushed me to the breaking point.

I’d never been so relieved to hear cars and people. Even arguing. The first night back, we’d stood in the elevator as a couple screamed at each other.

I’d lapped it up. Loving the fact people were angry. I still lived.

Earl eased out of my pussy, and his cum spilled down my inner thighs. I pressed them together, thankful I had thighs that met in the middle so it couldn’t go anywhere else.

I changed quickly into my clothes.

Earl grabbed my hand, and we left the stall. He’d picked up the clothes, and I left him to deal with the sales assistant.

He’d been determined to take me shopping. I hated shopping. Clothes were a necessity, but I never got any enjoyment out of it. The truth was, for me, my favorite kind of shopping was at the supermarket, buying food. Lame, I knew.

Within seconds, we were out of the shop. His guards following in front and behind us as we moved along the street. People kept a wide berth, no one daring to come too close.

“Do you ever really get used to this?” I asked. I was so far out of my depth.


“This? You know, people not wanting to be near you.”

“It gets easier after a while. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.”

I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to get used to it. I kept my mouth shut. Neither of us had spoken about our truth-or-dare game, or what happened after.

We found another restaurant to eat at.

I liked the food, but I missed cooking. The past week had been a lot of fun, but I wanted to eat my food.

His guards always took a separate table. If the place was fully booked, people lost their seats. I hated how powerful he was at times. How easy it was for him to move people along as if they didn’t matter.

To Earl, they didn’t. He rarely saw other people.

Sitting opposite him now, our first course already in front of us, I wondered how much of this life he truly enjoyed.

There was more to Earl than what met the eye. I got that. It was why I didn’t fight my attraction to him.

“Do you still feel me?” he asked.

“Yes.” I couldn’t help but glance left and right.

“No one will say a word to you.”

“It’s not about that. I just, I don’t want people to know what we get up to. You know?”

The smile on his lips was a combination of sin and dark secrets.

“You think they don’t know that I’ve fucked you senseless? The mark on your neck and wrists, the plumpness of your lips? All of it is proof of a woman who has been taken.”

I couldn’t help but lick my lips.

I knew I’d been thoroughly fucked. My body was very much aware of it. The pleasure was intense.

Even when he took me in the changing room less than an hour ago, I felt an answering heat in my body.

“You’re thinking about it now, aren’t you?”

I simply nodded my head, not wanting to give this feeling any other kind of word.

The second and third courses came to us quite quickly.

Earl took care of the check, and I was in his arms. We were back on the street, only this time, we went to the car.

He gave the driver the instruction to take us back home.

As we drove through town, his hand rested on my knee. I wanted to move it up further. Even though we were in the car, so close, I craved his closeness. He didn’t even move an inch.

Staring out of the window at the passing streets and scenery, I smiled to myself. I didn’t think it was possible to be happy like this.

There was an easiness to it.

When I was around Earl, he was the one in control. He made me feel safe. The power he held came from sources I didn’t like, but again, I had to question his feelings about it.

He’d gone through with the dare.

“Oh, fuck!” the driver yelled. “Impact!”

The car suddenly spun out of control, and we were shoved forward. I was wearing my seatbelt, as was Earl. The windows smashed. Just when I thought we were over the worst, something hit us from the side.

I cried out as my head slammed against the side of the car.

There was so much pain, and then everything went black.



Several hours later

I paced the bedroom. So close to calling the doctor and ordering him back to my place to check on Ashley again. She still lay on the bed. I’d changed her out of the clothes that were cut up and coated in blood.

We’d been ambushed today in the middle of the fucking street.

I’d been so distracted by Ashley, I hadn’t noticed the guy tailing. I was angry that I was so careless. I never forgot how close I was to death, to my enemies. They were always watching.

I should have noticed we were being followed.

Now Ashley lay in bed. The doctor had promised she’d come to, but he’d gotten another call.

Just as I was about to lose my shit, Ashley started to moan.

We’d had such a good fucking day. I’d made the ultimate mistake of forgetting. I wouldn’t make that mistake again.


I was at her side, holding her hand. “I’m here.”

She groaned, licking her dry lips.

I’d already gotten her some water, and I held out the glass, placing the straw against her lips. “Drink.”

She did as I told her, swallowing large gulps of water.

I was so fucking relieved she was alive.

This wasn’t what I had planned for the day.

Her face was heavily bruised. The doctor also had to remove shards of glass from her hair.

After the car had slammed into Ashley’s side, we’d been shot up. I’d gotten out free and took out two men. But I lost one of our own before I could help Ashley out of the car.

“What happened?” she asked.

“You were in a car accident.”

She frowned, opening her eyes. “I feel like I’m going to be sick.”

Grabbing the trash can, I held it beneath her, and she started to throw up. Gripping her hair, I kept one hand on her hair, the other on the trash can. Her hands shook. The doctor said she’d feel sick.

I held the water out to her as she finished with the bucket. Placing it on the floor but within easy reach.

“My head is killing me.”

“You were knocked unconscious from the impact. The doctor will be back to assess you.”

“I was out for a long time?”


She rubbed at her temple. “What happened to the other people? Are they okay?”

I frowned. She didn’t even realize this was intentional.

“Ashley … no, they aren’t.”

“What?” she asked. “We killed them?”

Cupping her face, I tilted her head back, but she covered her mouth. “They weren’t good people, Ashley. They were my enemies.”


“I’ve got them all over. I’ve told you this before, and today, they started a war.”

It had been a long time since I’d been attacked this openly. With Ashley in the car, it guaranteed those behind it were going to suffer. I would never allow anything to happen to her.

I was known for my rage before, but this went beyond that. I was a cold-blooded killer. I struck without mercy.

With Ashley so close, the need to protect her overtook all other feelings. Those who had organized this hit would feel my wrath.

Tears filled her eyes. “Are you okay?” She put her hands on my body. “They didn’t hurt you, did they?”

Even now, she was more worried about me than herself.

It made me want to kill even harder.

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’m not the one who banged my head.” I placed my palm against her head. “How do you feel?”


“Don’t lie to me.”

Her lip wobbled as she smiled. “Like I’ve been run over time and time again.”

“The doctor is coming back to check on you.”

“I’ll be fine. People end up in car accidents all the time.”

Yes, but they didn’t end up nearly dead because they were the enemies of one of the passengers.

“Earl, you’re scaring me,” she said.

I didn’t mean to scare her. The truth was I was fucking enraged. Killing some of the men who’d been involved with the crash hadn’t stopped my thirst for blood, for revenge. Now, I needed to fucking drown in it.

“Are you hungry?” I asked.

It wasn’t like I could feed her. She was the best cook around. We both knew it.

She tried to pull the blanket off her body, but I took hold of her wrists and stopped her. “No. You’ve got to rest until the doctor gets back.”

I wished I hadn’t let him go now. Staring at Ashley, seeing how vulnerable and fragile she looked, it was hard for me to stay in control.

“Let me at least come and sit with you.”

“I’m fine.”

“And I feel fine. You can make me something to eat and this way it will at least taste good.” She tried to wink at me, but it fell flat.

Stroking my thumb across her cheek, I skimmed across her lips. So plump. The way she’d looked in the car. I hadn’t had time to panic as the bullets had been raining down on us. All I could do was react and deal with the problem at hand.

The minute it had all stopped, I hadn’t wasted any time. The doctor had been pissed at me for moving her, but I had to get her out of there.

Anyone could have seen her.

I couldn’t allow my enemies to know how I felt about her.

This went way beyond taking her virginity, as I knew it did back when I first took her.

“I’m right here,” she said, pressing her face against my palm.

It still didn’t help.

I felt I was on the edge of losing my mind. I needed distance. Getting to my feet, I eased off the blanket, and rather than allow her to walk, I slid my hands beneath her legs, supporting her back at the same time.

“Earl, what are you doing?” she asked, releasing a little giggle as I carried her all the way to the kitchen.

I made sure she sat in the most secured seat, high handles surrounding her, keeping her locked into place.

She touched my hand, and I kissed the top of her head.

After going to the fridge, I stared at everything and just began to grab stuff. I wasn’t paying attention. My only concern was the woman in front of me.

With all the food picked, I decided to chop everything up, throw it into a pan, and mix it around.

Ashley stayed silent.

I didn’t know what I was doing. Onions, peppers, even potatoes chopped up went into the pan.

Giving everything a turn, I felt Ashley’s eyes on me, but she made no comment as I seasoned it and then mounded a plate high, pushing it toward her.

Without question, she picked up a fork and took a bite. As she heaved, I realized I hadn’t cooked the potatoes long enough.

“Shit. Fuck. Shit. Bastard. Cunts.” The control I’d been going for ended.

I grabbed her plate, picked it up, and launched it across the room. It smashed against the wall. Some of the peppers stuck to the wall but eventually fell down to the floor.

The skillet. The glasses. I tore the kitchen apart even as Ashley let out a scream and flinched away.

Nothing got near her.

I wasn’t going to hurt her. My anger was at how hurt she got.

Halfway through my rage, my kitchen was completely trashed, but the doorbell rang, alerting me that someone was joining us.

Running my hands down my chest, I smiled at Ashley before going to answer the door. The only way people could get to my apartment was through my men. They were all stationed at different points within the building. This way I knew, for the most part, everyone getting to my place had been vetted.

I expected the doctor. Emily came barreling into my apartment. I glared at the men who were supposed to be acting as guards.

Caleb, River, Gael, and Vadik were all with their woman.

This pissed me off.

“I’m waiting for the doctor to arrive.”

“We heard about the accident,” Caleb said.

“That’s funny. I don’t seem to recall making it to the news.” These men needed to die. I didn’t like them meddling.

I heard Emily and Ashley in the distance.

Stepping back from the door, I waited for them to enter before closing the door.

I wasn’t in the best of moods. I didn’t linger at the door. Heading back to the kitchen, Emily had Ashley’s face in her hands.

“What the hell did you do to her?” Emily asked.

“Em, stop it. Nothing has been done to me.” Ashley grabbed her friend’s hands, pushing them off her face. “I’m fine. I’m good.”

“For your own safety, I suggest you keep the suspicions to yourself.” The last thing I wanted to put up with was her fucking meddling, poking at me.

“Look at the mess!”

Emily’s four minions joined us as she put her hand on her waist. The heavy pregnancy was very clear.

“We’re waiting to hear from the doctor. You’re free to stay here until then. Afterward, you’re going to have to leave.”

“I’m not leaving her with you.” Emily advanced toward me, and she was an easy target. I reacted. I wrapped my fingers around her neck. She was the cause of so much shit and trouble.

At my back, I heard Caleb, River, Gael, and Vadik draw their weapons.

“We’re all friends here,” Ashley said, getting to her feet. She grabbed my arm. “I know you’re angry. They didn’t cause the crash. It was not their fault. Earl, please.”

Her fingers sank even tighter, and she let out a groan. The moment she started to sway, I let Emily go and grabbed Ashley, holding her in my arms.

“I don’t feel so good.”

I pushed some hair from the back of her face.

Nothing could happen to her. She was too precious for this world. No one deserved her.

“You’ve done too much.” Ignoring Emily and her men, I picked up Ashley in my arms and carried her back through to our bedroom.

I lowered her to the bed.

Ashley whimpered. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to look weak.”

“Shut up. You’re fine. You shouldn’t have been doing so much. It’s not good.” I wanted to touch her, to surround myself in her to make sure she was fine.

All that kept going off in my head was how many people died from head injuries. Was it a lot? A little? People died for no good reason, and the thought of Ashley dying, well, it filled me with an anger unlike any other.

She couldn’t die.

“Please, don’t hurt my friend. She’s been through enough.”

“What about you?”

“I’m still alive to talk about it.” She grabbed my hand where I held her cheek. Kisses filled my palm. “For me.”

“You keep asking so much of me.”

“And you do the same in my position. This isn’t Emily’s fault. They came here to be friends.”

The doorbell rang again, and I cursed. “That should be the doctor this time. I’ll be right back.”

I stood and found Emily in the doorway. “Stay with her.”

Without another word, I left the bedroom to go kill anyone else who was at the door who wasn’t a fucking doctor.