Beast’s Demands by Sam Crescent

Chapter Two


I was bored.

I wasn’t used to this feeling.

Working, experimenting, having girl time with Emily, it took up a lot of time, and I loved it like that.

Sitting in a cabin on a boat was the most boring thing of all.

I’d bathed twice. Slept for what felt like hours. Done nothing.

I was starving.

Time was just that. Going by.

At some point, I ended up at the bottom of the bed with my head hanging over the end, waiting. My thoughts went to Emily. If she was with the Monsters, then that meant she was happy. I’d seen how miserable she’d gotten without them. Four men, all of them completely devoted to her.

All my life, I couldn’t even get my mother to truly love me. I wasn’t jealous of Emily. I love her like a sister. I’d always wanted the best for her, but I did envy the number of people who actually loved her.

All four of her men.

I had one man who didn’t even care about me. Nope, just a small, thin piece of flesh between my thighs. That was the most interesting thing about me, it seemed. I was a virgin and that gave me value. Nothing else. My mind didn’t matter, or my love of romance. I was worthless.

The door unlocked, and I stayed hung upside down. The blood flowed to my head as I watched Earl enter my room. He leaned against the doorframe. The sane part of my brain told me to be nice. To play whatever game he wanted to play in order to make it out of here alive.

The other part of my brain, the one that seemed to have grown balls and talked right off to him, wanted to get under his skin. That part wanted to make him suffer, wanted to make everyone who treated me as less than suffer.

I’d never been a vindictive person, but at that moment, I could quite safely say it would be so easy to be one.

“What is the meaning of this?”

“No meaning.” I stayed, staring up at him.

He was tall. Handsome. Even with his scar. Why couldn’t he have been ugly? He was older than me. Perhaps in his forties. His age didn’t bother me though. Strange.

“Are you hungry?”

“Will it be undercooked like the eggs?”

He smiled. I liked it. I really shouldn’t, but it was nice.

“You’ve got a smart mouth.”

“You’ve promised not to hurt me.”

“And you believe me?”

“You’d have killed me already.” I rolled over and fell to my knees before him. I was a virgin. I’d never kissed a guy or been felt up by one. Never had one give me an orgasm. The ones I’d given myself were pitiful. It didn’t mean I was completely unaware of sex. I’d seen porn. I’d even heard my mom with some of the men. It was disgusting, and I knew kneeling on the floor, with my hair falling around me, I looked submissive. The clothes available in this room were not so sexy. Sweatpants and a large shirt, but I liked them. I felt like I could hide when I wore them. “Unless what is really going to get you off is the chance of me being dead. Is that what you want, Earl? A dead virgin?”

I watched him closely. He gave nothing so obvious away. It was all in his eyes. The way they stared at me. I hit a nerve, but the truth was I didn’t care.

I wasn’t going to be at his or anyone else’s mercy, not ever again. Even though my heart raced as I fought him, I took great pride in not giving in.

“If you want to eat, follow me.”

My stomach chose that moment to answer for me. Traitorous hunger. Getting to my feet, I followed behind him. The boat was still swaying. Part of me wondered if a shark was circling. I could push him overboard and take over the crew. It would never happen. I had more chance of dying through drowning than taking over this boat.

I expected us to head above deck, but he led me to a sitting room. Along the curve of the room, I saw sofas. They looked so comfortable. A large television screen dominated a wall, and three large boxer dogs lifted up when Earl entered.

“Stay,” he said. His voice commanding, deep, husky.

Another table was set for the two of us.

Earl held out a chair, and I went to it, sitting down, and he slid it beneath the table.

As I sat on my ass, his fingers traced along my arms, and I waited for him to touch me some more. It never came.

I placed the napkin into my lap and watched him sit. He’d changed out of the white trousers, and he now wore gray and white. I was a slob in comparison to him.

“Did you enjoy your bath?”

“Yes, thank you.”

He snapped his fingers, and a man came out. I’d noticed none of the men even looked at me. I wondered if it was because of my ugliness or if he’d ordered them not to. Why would he do that? A small bowl with white-looking soup was placed in front of me. I waited for him to start before picking up my spoon.

I took a spoonful and closed my eyes. Cauliflower, herbs, I thought I detected some rosemary, one of my favorites. I knew not a lot of people liked it, but I did. It was especially good on roast potatoes. I couldn’t believe that while I was seated opposite a man, I was thinking about food and ingredients. I was so fucking weird.

“Good?” he asked.

“It’s delicious.” I took another sip, and I wasn’t lying. It was good soup. One of my favorites, in fact. I loved cauliflower. As an ingredient, it wasn’t appreciated enough. Emily loved what I made out of cauliflower, from barbequing it up, to making it into a pizza, using it as rice. So many good things.

I finished the soup, wishing I had some bread to dip around the edges. There was perfectly good food, and I hated to waste anything because of the years of living with my mom when she’d worry about the next paycheck, or the wealthy boyfriend who would pay all of her bills.

Again, Earl snapped his fingers, and I sat through two more delicious courses before dessert finally came out. Chocolate mousse, yum. I used the tiny spoon provided to take small amounts to enjoy the taste. I did this in an attempt to know what ingredients were used. At that moment, I wished I had my notebook. Emily often teased me about carrying around it around, but I loved it. It was like a security blanket. Not that anyone could blame me after everything that had gone down.

“I love watching you eat,” Earl said.

Now there was no food as a distraction, I had no choice but to face him. Holding my hands across my stomach, I stared at him and waited.

“Have you thought any more about my request?”

“You think you’re giving me a choice?”

“Everyone has choices, Ashley.”

This caused me to laugh. It wasn’t a nice sound. All my life, I hadn’t had choices. My mom took them away from me. Even the Monsters didn’t give me a choice. I’d always been told what to do.

“I don’t have a choice. You’re not going to let me out of here until you get what you want.”


I wanted to play with something. Fidgeting was a comfort to me, but the moment I was in his company, I seemed to freeze up, standing still. It was infuriating because I didn’t want to give in to him. The last thing I wanted to ever do, was allow him to think he’d won. He hadn’t won. Sure, the man made me nervous, but who wouldn’t be.

He was handsome with a bit of a boy-next-door look, with blond hair that appeared to be swept back but was yet never out of place. Green eyes, striking, and they held me in place. He was muscular as well, with hints of ink displaying beneath his shirts. I’d never seen him naked, and the truth was the thought of it terrified me. He was all man in every way, but he was also scary as fuck.

This man was a beast.

The scar wasn’t just the one indication.

It was the way he commanded. A simple nod. A flick of his fingers. All of it gave way to a man who was completely in control over everything.

I didn’t know if I liked it.

Still holding on to my stomach, I waited for him to speak.

“Just because your choices are limited doesn’t mean you can’t negotiate.”

I raised my brows at him. “Negotiate?”

“I’m happy to hear your terms and conditions.”

This caused me to frown, and I sat up, trying to understand a little more clearly. “I’m not sure I follow.”

“You’re here for me. The end result is I will take your virginity and keep you as mine for as long as it amuses me. That’s non-negotiable. That’s the prize at the end. Getting to that point, during it, and of course, after it, all of which I’m willing to hear your requests and conditions.”

Okay, this was new. “Why?” I asked.

“You think I don’t understand the situation I’ve put you in? I do. I’m well aware of what I’ve done. Doesn’t mean it has to be difficult for the two of us. I don’t want some terrified woman in my company, Ashley. I happen to think we’d get along well if you gave me a chance.”

I chuckled. “You’re a monster.”

“I like to think of myself as more a beast. We’re not in Crude Hill anymore.”

I hated that place. Just the very mention of it was enough to make me tense up.

With a hand on my knee, I looked at him, waiting for him to burst out laughing to show it was nothing more than a trick. He was the one who held everything. I couldn’t leave.

“I need to think about it.”

“Well, how about I tell you some of my conditions?”

I didn’t think it would hurt, so I nodded. What was the point in ignoring what he had to say?

“You’ll be by my side at all times. You cannot leave my company. I’m in control of every part of your life and your safety. You’ll sleep in my bed, beside me. You have to be open to my touch. I want conversation, companionship, and above all, loyalty and trust. This is just to start.”

“Wow,” I said.

“Is there a problem?”

“Trust and loyalty? Companionship? What’s wrong with just taking me to your bed and fucking the hymen right out of me? Let’s not butter it up with sweet words like virginity and all that crap. What you want is my tiny piece of flesh that no other man has ever gotten the chance to pop. You can do it. I can’t go to the cops. I can’t expose myself or Emily. My hands are tied in every single direction. What’s the point in trying to dress it up as anything else?” I wasn’t going to pretend for him or for anyone.

Earl sighed. He fucking sighed. As if this was my problem. It pissed me off.

I stood up and stormed across the room, going toward the door. With a hand on the doorknob, I turned it, but it didn’t budge. I kept trying to open the door.

“Damn it. Open the damn door,” I said, spinning around to see him still sitting there, watching me.

“I figured this would happen. You’re very volatile.”

He was so calm.

I hated it.

“I’m not a robot barking out demands. I’m a human person who has feelings.” After kicking the door, I stepped away from it, but rather than sit opposite him, I moved toward the comfortable-looking sofa.

Sitting down, I sank into the cushions. I wasn’t wearing any socks or shoes, and I lifted my feet, enjoying the luxury.

I’d never allowed myself the opportunity to enjoy anything.

“This could make life a lot easier for you, Ashley. I understand that you’re angry. You’re right, I can drag you into my bedroom, chain you to my bed, spread your pretty thighs, and take what I want without a single thought to your well being. I’m the kind of man who can do it. But I’m choosing not to. I’m giving you a choice. You can either enjoy it, and think of something you want out of the prospect, or you can fight me every single step of the way.”

His words lingered in the air. He’d pulled out his cell phone and was tapping away on it.

Grabbing one of the cushions, I held it in front of me. It wouldn’t offer me any kind of protection, but it allowed me to calm down to a certain extent.

My brain was working so fast. I couldn’t get it to stop.

I was infuriated, but also wondering what could be.

My thoughts wandered to Emily. I missed her. She’d be so angry at Earl right now. “Is Emily okay?” I asked.

Earl stopped tapping on his cell phone and looked up. “Of course. She has no reason not to be. She’s with the men she wants.”

“But you wanted her. Aren’t you angry?” I asked.

He shook his head. “No reason to be angry. Emily’s not mine. You are.”

Was he hiding something? Resting my head back against the cushions, I closed my eyes, and once again, the boat was rocking. “You know, I hate being out on the open water.”

“You do?”

“Aren’t you afraid of sharks getting to you? Squids? Octopuses? Crocodiles? Snakes?” Even as I start to speak them aloud, I knew I sound so completely lame.

“You’re a fan of those kinds of movies?”

“A fan, and it helps to make me very much aware of the dangers around me.”

“We’re not going to get attacked by sharks.”

“That’s what you think.”

He chuckled. “You’re adorable.”

“When your boat is sinking and you’re being eaten by sharks, you’ll be wondering why you didn’t listen to me.” I was smiling.

“This doesn’t have to be an awful arrangement, Ashley.”

“You’ve got to give me time to think. I didn’t exactly plan to be taken and given the option of making this better than myself.”

“Let’s work on it then. What is the first thing that enters your head that you’d like me to consider as your terms and conditions?”


“What about her?”

“I don’t want you to hurt her, and whatever agreement you’ve got with the Monsters to keep her safe, please do it.”

He sighed. “You are a surprise.”



That night, I allowed her to go to sleep in her own bed. She wasn’t alone. I spent a great deal of time watching her toss and turn. Her gaze constantly looking at the door, waiting for me to enter. She didn’t realize I could keep my word while also watching over her.

I’d spent a great deal of time researching this woman. Keeping an eye on her, observing her. I was the reason she got the job at the restaurant. No one would willingly hire her. I had no idea why people found her so annoying. I thought she was charming. Sweet. Adorable. She had an obsession with food that I could understand.

Sleep often eluded me. I’d never been a good sleeper. For me, the night was always a chance to work. When normal people fell asleep, the true monsters and beasts of the world came out to play. I was used to getting one or two hours, never anything more.

I was enjoying breakfast on the deck when Ashley arrived. I’d gotten one of my servants to pick out a dress for her, as well as escort her to me.

Ignoring the woman, I focused on the true beauty in front of me. She was stunning.

Her long brown hair fell around her, curving her body. The dress I’d picked out molded to her curves to perfection. I liked the look and wanted to keep her to myself, so fucking badly.

She sat down, sliding out the chair and lowering herself into the seat opposite me. She’d lost the frown.

One of the women poured her a glass of water, and she thanked her.

I didn’t thank anyone who worked for me. They were here to do a job. Ashley wasn’t like me. She wasn’t like anyone at Crude Hill either. She was an angel among demons.

Her eggs were of course overcooked. She took one scoopful, and I watched closely to see if she was testing me, but she moaned in delight. “Thank you.”

“You really do like overcooked eggs.”

“Sorry. I know I should be runny all the way, but these are so much better. I think it stems from my childhood. Mom never liked to cook, but she always made me eggs.” She shrugged.

“Do you miss your mother?”

“Can we talk about something else?”

“Is your mother a sore subject?”

“More like a complicated one.”

I was curious about this woman. It was why she was with me on my yacht, eating my food. I could have any woman I wanted. A snap of my fingers, a brief description, and she’d be right here for me to take.

Ashley was pure. Not just her virginity, but in the way she acted. Even seven years after everything that had gone down, she was so open. So loyal. I couldn’t help but enjoy her.

“I can listen.”

“You want to listen to me complain about my mom?”

“Why not?”

She looked down at her food. “It’s not important. My mom was … compared to many, a saint. I loved her. I still do love her.”


“I love the thought of her being the best she can be, but she never gave me that, ever. She was always interested in what she wanted. Not what I wanted, or anyone else.” She lifted a shoulder, then heavily dropped it. “I never wanted to go to Crude Hill. I came home from school one day to her packing everything up. Within forty-eight hours, we were in a nice house and I was enrolled into one of the meanest schools that ever existed.” She swallowed. “I was so scared. I knew bad people existed. I just didn’t realize they created a separate school and place for them all to live.” She let out a breath.

“That doesn’t tell me if you miss your mom.”

“Yes and no. I miss the chance for her to be great. I don’t miss the actual person she was.”

She was sad.

“You’re upset.”

“I don’t like spilling my past. I don’t even like thinking about it. She died due to the choices she made. She was always so selfish. There are times I get angry because I never told her just how selfish I felt she was being, but does it really matter? It’s not like she cared. She was always after a good thing. A sure thing.” She put down her knife and fork. “I’m not hungry.”

“I didn’t mean for you to lose your appetite.”

“The past is a sore subject for me. I imagine the same can be said for you. Were you born into this life?”

“Yes,” I said.


“My father was a trafficker. You could say I was one of his many sons that showed great promise. He died due to a raid that went badly. I thought my father was the worst person in the world. Then I met my grandfather, and well, the rest is history.”

“You have a grandfather?”

“Had.” I put a bullet in his brain so long ago now. The moment I made a name for myself, I took over all of his businesses, made them bigger, better, and then I took everything from him, including his life. He’d broken me down, piece by piece, but I was the one who built myself back up. Not him.

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Do not waste your sympathies on him. You would’ve been sold to the highest bidder. A virgin was a rare treasure indeed, but he didn’t see you as such. You would’ve been nothing more than a business deal.”

“You don’t trade in virgins?”

I avoided virgins at all costs. The irony wasn’t lost on me.

“Have you thought any more about our conversation last night?” I asked. As much as I enjoyed watching her through a camera, I’d rather have her at my side. I was a controlling man in all areas.

“I have thought about it.”


“I, er, I … I’m not very good at this.” She took a sip of her water.

I snapped my fingers for the contents of the table to be taken away. One by one, the women came, removed everything, and left us alone.

Ashley’s gaze followed them. “You surround yourself with beautiful women.”

“They have a good life.”

“Do all of the women who work for you have a good life?”

“They do now,” I said.

She rubbed at her temple.

Taking over from my father and grandfather had exposed a great many cruelties that I’d changed. She didn’t need to know the true extent of the depravity I once inherited. Everything I owned and possessed, I was proud of. It could be a lot worse.

I sat back and watched her. “Relax, Ashley.”

“I don’t know how to do this. You’ve picked the wrong woman.”

“For that reason alone, I’ve picked the right one. Let me guide you.”

“You’ll manipulate everything.”

“True, but I can also offer you help. I know what I’m willing to give and as we talk, you’ll be able to decide what you want.”

She nibbled on her lip. With a nod of her head, I picked the easiest topic.


This caused her to shake her head. “I’m not a whore. I don’t … no.” She went a little pale.

“Neither your mother, nor her lover, set you up to be taken care of. I’m not offering you money for your virginity, Ashely. As your friend and a guide, like a lawyer, I will make sure you are compensated for your time. For the days you’re with me, I will pay you.”

“You’re going to pay me for sex. That makes me a whore.”

“No, it doesn’t. I’m paying you for your time. If I was paying you for sex, I’d negotiate a price for each. Your virginity being the highest, at say a hundred thousand, anal fifty thousand.”

“Stop.” She shook her head.

“So instead, I’m offering you a price for something far more valuable.”

She laughed but it wasn’t a good sound. “Far more valuable than my virginity? What could that be?”

“Simple, time. Time you can’t get back.”

“I can’t get my virginity back. Once it’s gone, that’s it.”

“I do believe there are surgeons who are happy to make it happen, but you’re right, it doesn’t grow back. However, you can have great sex, and you are rewarded with pleasure for that experience. Time, you can’t make it stop. It cannot always be pleasurable. There is a great deal of pain, of loss. But even as we die, we all pray for more time.”

Tears filled her eyes. “You’ve thought about this a lot?”

“No. I’ve seen a lot of people before death, Ashley. I know what a lot of people pray for. Time is a value people throw away.” I reached into my jacket pocket. “So, I think you’ve been with me over twenty-four hours, but we’ll take it day by day.” I wrote out the check, peeled it off, and handed it to her.

“You can’t be serious.”

I just wrote her a check for a million dollars. To many, it was a fortune, to me, it was pure change.

“This can’t be right.”

“Why not?”

“I just, this is insane.” She put the check down on the table. “People don’t pay that kind of money for me. For anyone. You’re surrounded by beautiful women, Mr. Valentine.”

“Call me Earl. Then we’re in agreement. Every single day you’re with me, that is what you will earn.”

She shook her head. “I can’t accept that.”

“I’m not going to pay you any less.”

“If I’m with you a month, that is an alarming … no.”

I shrugged. “You’ve got to start valuing your worth.”

“There’s worth and then there’s this.”

“You think you’re not worth that?”

She nibbled on her lip. “No, I don’t.”

“My grandfather, sick bastard that he was, he told me the first point of business was to understand your worth. If you don’t believe what you’re worth, no one will pay you for it. You’ll be a laughingstock. Remember what you’re worth, Ashley. Never forget it. Not for me, or for anyone.”

She didn’t pick up the million. The truth was, I’d already put plenty of money in a bank account for her. I would continue to pay into it for the rest of my life.

“So we’ve agreed on money. Next, sex.”

“Wait.” Ashley held her hand up. “I don’t want to be harmed at all. I don’t want you to do anything that will hurt or humiliate me. I can’t be shared out. I don’t want to be filmed. I … it’s me and you.”

“Those are your conditions?”

“Some of them. I want to be able to walk away. If I can trust you, when this is over, I want to be able to walk away without looking back. No memories, no nothing.” She looked at me, her dark-brown eyes boring into mine. “I don’t ever want to fall in love with you. This cannot be confused with feelings. It’s mechanical. Friendship at best. Sex. Nothing personal. I don’t want anything else.”

Now, this did surprise me and was an element I wasn’t prepared for. “Fine. I don’t do love. I’m not the kind of man who falls in love. I don’t believe in it.”

She rested her hands on the table.

“Now, sex, I want everything on the table. Your mouth, your ass, your pussy. It will all belong to me. I will not hurt you, or set out to cause you any kind of pain. I’m not into that. I’ve no desire to see you crying or hating me. I expect to be in charge. You’ll do as I say, and you will submit to me.”

“But it won’t be anything awful?”

I smiled. “You’ve got a lot to learn.”

“I’m not completely stupid about what can happen. I know sex can be … vigorous. Maybe we can explore it more greatly, but if I don’t like anything, we stop.”

“Then we stop.”

“Do I need to have a … safeword?”

“I’m not a Dom and this is not a BDSM agreement.” I thought it over. “Even though it could be seen that way. I’m in complete control. When we’re around people, you will do as you’re told. You will trust me in all things, and above all, you will not argue with me. Do you understand?”

“You’re not going to lock me in a cage and throw away the key?”

I wrinkled my nose. “Some men may enjoy that, but not me.”

“This is so weird,” she said.

I couldn’t stop my smile. “Why?”

“You’ve kidnapped me. You’re going to take my virginity, so sex is happening. Er, and I’m being paid more than I’d ever thought possible. You’re going to keep my friend safe, and I’m going to be taken care of.” She let out a laugh. “My mom would be so jealous of me right now.”

“And yet you look like you’re going to throw up.”

“Because this isn’t what I had in mind. For my first boyfriend, I imagined kisses and hugs. Love. I saw a future planned out. He’d know I was his first and he wouldn’t have to be a virgin. I get that.” She covered her face with her hands. “I’m making this sound like a really bad romance movie.”

“You’re a young woman.”

“It’s a school girl’s fantasy. I haven’t been a young girl in a very long time. There’s no way that’s going to happen with me.” She rubbed at her temple. “I feel a little sick.”

“How about I take you out exploring?” I asked.


“It’s time to get off this yacht. We’re about to dock in a port. There’s a quaint small town. We’re restocking our supplies. If you promise to be a good girl, I’ll take you with me.”

“And if I’m not a good girl?”

“There will be consequences for your bad behavior, Ashley. I won’t hurt you, providing you don’t give me any cause. Do you understand?”

“So you’ll hurt me?”

“Only if you give me cause.”

She stared at me, but I couldn’t figure out what she was thinking.

“I’d like to go with you.”

“Good.” I snapped my fingers and organized a small party for us to leave the yacht and go into town.

“We’re not going alone.”

I smiled at her. “You think Emily would stop the Monsters from looking for you?”

“Wait? They’re looking for me?” Ashley asked, standing as I did.

“Of course. Emily loves you and she doesn’t like me.”

“Do you wish it had been her?” Ashley asked.

I watched her as she brushed a wrinkle out of her dress. Did I wish Emily stood before me?

“No, I don’t.” I was glad it wasn’t Emily. I was having way too much fun with Ashley.