Tempted by Renee Rose



Present Day


Just, whoa. Caitlyn Shriver, the pain-in-our-ass scientist, was hot as hell.

Fuck, she was even prettier than Wade had described. Prettier than the pictures I’d seen of her online. A tiny thing, she didn’t even reach our shoulders. I caught the strawberry-spice scent of her Wade had described on the soft breeze. One inhale, and that was it.

We were so fucked.

Wade had been right. One hint of her scent, and I knew she was the one. Our mate.

I’d known pairs to find their mate. It happened often enough—my parents included. Still, it hadn’t seemed possible for me. But Wade had found her in Granger. Or, better yet, she had found us. Which meant Fate had intervened. If one believed in shit like that. Which, after today, I was inclined to.

And what an ironic bitch she was, too. Fate, that is.

What were the chances that our one true mate would be the very same wolf biologist who was going to put our entire pack at risk with her research? Who’d refused our alpha’s orders to stay away?

Gib had left me in charge of the pack while he was gone, a job that shouldn’t have been too difficult to manage. Ben had tasked Wade with looking into our sexy scientist. That, too, shouldn’t have been too hard to handle.

But Fate sent us a curve-ball.

Just like that—one look, one whiff, and our lives changed. At least I wasn’t in this alone. Wade and I stood shoulder to shoulder in the clearing, and had a stare-down with this defiant little firecracker of a woman. The one who could wreak havoc on our peace and safety.

Our female.

She wasn’t meek. She was brave, and clearly passionate about her work.

Which was all about wolves.

Gib was going to lose his shit when he found out. I was only filling in as alpha, and based on the fact that I’d already let Caitlyn onto our land with a tranq gun and microchips, I was doing a shitty job.

She stared at me with a mixture of arousal and wariness—the perfect combination, in my book. It meant she knew who was in charge. We were. And her mates would give her exactly what she needed.

We’d stated plainly to her that we took a woman together. That we had a mutual desire for her.

“What… what kind of punishment?” she asked, her voice soft. Her cheeks were flushed from her hike, but also from interest. Wade had said we would never harm her. I’d agreed immediately because I’d do anything to keep her safe.

“Oh, I don’t know.” I sauntered closer to her, taking in the way her nipples poked through her bra and t-shirt, the way her breath rose and fell rapidly in her chest. “I’m thinking something like leaning you against that fence post and smacking your ass… until you’re good and ready.”

“R-ready for what?”

I glanced at Wade. “Us.”

Her pupils dilated, and my dick hardened. She liked the idea. Whether she was a masochist or just liked someone taking control, I didn’t know. Yet.

We’d find out before we left this field. She’d know who was in charge. Me.

I watched as her tongue flicked out and licked her lower lip. I stifled a growl. Wade had had a taste of her, and my mouth watered for one of my own.

When he’d returned from Granger two weeks ago, I’d expected him to tell me his mission had been accomplished. Since he was filling in for Ben, he’d been tasked with making sure the nosy scientist was going to leave us alone—not getting on his knees and pleasuring our supposed mate’s pussy.

I’d been equally jealous and frustrated because I’d had to wait until she showed up to know if Wade’s scenting was accurate. She had to come here, threatening our pack, before I’d discover the truth.

I knew it now.

But what did I do with her? I wasn’t the real alpha. Gib was. In his absence, I needed to ensure the pack’s safety, and he was relying on me. I had enough dominance in my genes to feel the strength of the role myself. My father had been alpha, and I would take over from Gib if something ever befell him.

But I was now as sure as Wade that Caitlyn was our mate. Which meant sending her away wasn’t an option, either. Neither of our wolves would allow her to distance herself.

Gib was going to be pissed when he heard my mate was a huge threat to the entire pack and our way of life. I wanted to run a hand over my face; to sigh. Being an alpha was a pain in the ass.

Instantly, I knew how to play this. We needed to keep her close. Know every move she made out here. Get our eyes on that research, and prevent it from being published.

“You ignored my brother’s refusal, and showed up here to trespass,” I said, my voice deep with all the frustration I felt.

She lifted her chin in defiance, but her gaze shifted from me to Wade, like I made her nervous. My wolf didn’t like her nervousness. Not one bit. I tried to soften my tone.

“After we address your… disobedience,” I flicked my brows so she remembered it would involve pleasure, “you may conduct your research on West land.”

Wade’s head whipped around and he stared at me, wide eyed. He didn’t say anything.

A smile spread across Caitlyn’s face and she opened her mouth to speak, then thought better of it.

“But there will be rules,” I added.

The smile dipped.

I lifted a finger. “Rule one. You will have Wade or myself with you at all times while you are on West land.”

She set her hands on her slim hips. “But what if you interfere? What if you scare off a wolf?”

“I assure you,” Wade drawled with a smirk, “we know how to be quiet in the wilderness.”

He didn’t say it, but he didn’t trust outsiders. Not after what had happened with his mom. Neither did I. I had to keep my pack safe, no matter how sweet the pussy.

I raised a second finger. “Rule two. You will remain here as our guest while you work. No putting up a tent to camp, no popping onto the land at random locations and times.”

I glanced at Wade, who was catching on to my plan. If she wanted her research data, she’d get it while one of us was with her. We could ensure she only tagged true wolves, not shifters. We could get her to stay here with us. At Wade’s house. Make sure she wasn’t a danger or threat. Know what her research was proving before she published it. In the meantime, we’d win her over and get her used to the idea of being claimed by two wolf shifters. Once she was ours, she’d see she couldn’t publish any paper that endangered our kind or our animal cousins.

We’d take care of the problem.

Gib and I lived in the old West homestead our great-great-great-grandparents had built, but he’d be returning soon with his mate and Ben. It was his place to raise a family. It was time for me to move out, especially since I’d be relocating right into a bed with Caitlyn in it.

These rules would also satisfy pack members. They wouldn’t be pleased to know a wolf researcher was on our land, but having her monitored at all times by both the temporary alpha and fill-in enforcer should keep them calm. For now. The saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer was apt.

She frowned. “I’ll stay with you? Every time I’m up here?”

“Every time?” My lips twitched. “How often did you plan on sneaking onto our land?”

She flushed and glanced at the ground. “I’m teaching an undergrad summer school class to… well, pay my rent. My plan was to camp here every weekend until I used up my trackers, or couldn’t find any more wolves,” she admitted. “All summer, if that’s what it takes. During the week, I’d be in Granger, teaching and monitoring.”

Wade took his hat off, ran a hand over his dark hair, then set it back on his head. The sun was over the mountains now, and the air was heating fast. “How many trackers do you have?”


“I see. Well, you heard me,” I warned. “No camping. It’s neither safe nor welcome. You’ll stay with us.”

Camping in the wilderness held dangers to humans. Bears, even with bear spray, could easily kill, especially if it was a mom with some cubs. People in sleeping bags weren’t called bear burritos for nothing.

Caitlyn could fall down a ravine and no one would know where she was. Lightning. Mud slides. With every possible scenario I thought of where she could get hurt, I got more and more angry. Yeah, she was staying with us, where she would stay safe.

She looked at me skeptically.

“We said we’d never hurt you, and it’s the truth.” I offered Wade a glance and he nodded. “We protect what’s ours with our lives.” To Wade and me, this wasn’t a one-off thing. She’d be between us always. Starting right away.

Her dark brows winged up. “What’s yours?”

Fuck. Probably too soon for that. She wasn’t a shifter. She had no idea what I meant.

Wade picked up on my mistake, and chuckled to lighten the mood. “He just means if you’re with us, you’re under our protection. No harm will ever come to you.”

It was quite a declaration, but words were empty. She needed action. Starting now.

“Rule number three. You will follow our rules, Caitlyn, or there will be punishment.”

Her lips curved into a sultry smile that nearly had me busting out of my pants. “You’re into this punishment thing.”

Wade and I nodded.

“The way your pupils dilate every time we mention it shows you’re into it too,” I added.

Wade pointed. “Your nipples give you away.”

She glanced down, and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Do you agree?” I asked. Then I waited.

A flush crept up her cheeks once again as she considered. I’d given her more to consider than just access to the wolves. She was also consenting to a spanking. She could say no, and we’d respect that. She was our mate, and we’d figure out what she did like. There were lots of ways to get her obedience, in and out of bed.

“I just found out about the rules.” Her brow knit in thought. “Shouldn’t the rules be enforced starting now?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. She wasn’t just smart and cute, but funny too.

“Yes. Starting now. But we’re not leaving this spot until you agree to these terms… and the punishment you earned for trespassing.”

* * *


I seriously couldn’t decideif I should turn and run for my life, or rip my clothes off and let these two ravish me.

I was heavily leaning toward the latter.

Especially because Landry had said the magic words. He was going to let me conduct my research.

Or were the magic words, punishment you’ll enjoy receiving as much as we enjoy giving it? Because that sure rang my bell.

I never knew it, but that sentence was like catnip to my kinky inner self.

I’d never been spanked by a guy before. It hadn’t been offered and I hadn’t considered asking. The fact that I was eager for it all of a sudden, and from a stranger, from two strangers, made it surprisingly more enticing.

Did that make me insane? Or was I so into my research, I’d do something sexual in trade?

I frowned as I considered that. No, I had too much self-respect to sell myself for career gain. Sure, I did what egotistical Dr. Andrews said because he was my boss, and I didn’t like how pushy and annoying he was. I didn’t get that vibe off of Landry and Wade. In fact, it was the complete opposite. These guys weren’t assholes. They weren’t making these rules just to be petty, or to show a false sense of dominance. Dr. Andrews used his power to build himself up at others’ expense. Like taking the credit for all my research. I was doing the work. Putting in the miles, literally, for the benefit of the wolves. There were days when I didn’t think he even cared about the animals.

I wasn’t into these guys because of their land ownership. I was into these guys because of their broad shoulders, their big hands, and even bigger…

Yeah, I was just horny, and I had the opportunity to have some fun with two men. Two men who were bossy, but… safe.

I’d remember this when I was eighty.

“Um… okay. I’m in.” I rubbed my lips together. I still had no idea what the exact situation was, here, other than that two extremely large and sexy cowboys seemed to want to share me. Enough that they’d been waiting for me.

Landry closed the distance between us, settling his hands on my waist. “Good girl,” he murmured, making my pussy clench.

Okay, he wasn’t all gruff and stern rules.

“So… are you two a couple?” I looked from Landry to Wade.

Wade shook his head, moving in close as well. “Nope. We just like to share. Meaning we give you all the attention. Double the hands. Double the mouths. Double the dicks. Are you down with that, Caitlyn? Twice the attention you got last time?”

Maybe I wasn’t nervous because I’d been with Wade before. I’d trusted my body to him once, and I wanted to do it again. “Always?”

“Always,” they confirmed at the same time.

I gripped Landry’s forearms because my knees suddenly turned weak. I worked to swallow. “Yep. I’m down.” I looked at Wade. “But I’m trying to understand. You didn’t, um, let me reciprocate at my apartment. I thought you didn’t want me. That…” I blushed and looked away. “That you didn’t like my pussy.”

At the sound of a rumbling growl, I looked up. Wade moved in closer. “Didn’t like? Woman, you need a spanking for even thinking badly about yourself. You have the sweetest, wettest, most perfect pussy.”

I flushed again for a completely different reason. “Oh. Then why?” I glanced between them. “Because you were waiting for Landry?”

“That’s right. I gave you pleasure, but I wasn’t taking any until we had you between us. Enough questions.” Wade’s grin was feral. “Time for your punishment.”

They walked me backward several feet, then Landry turned me around and carefully removed my backpack. “Hands on the fence, sugar,” he ordered.

Wade stepped forward. “Wait. It might have splinters.” He tugged his shirt off over his head and draped it over the weathered wood. I tried not to whimper at the sight of his bare chest. There was a smattering of dark hair between his flat nipples. It tapered down to his chiseled abs, and formed a line that disappeared beneath his jeans.

“Um… okay.” I placed my hands on top of the shirt, my fingers wrapping around the post.

“Ass out, sugar.” Landry’s rumble held warmth and satisfaction, like he couldn’t wait to punish me.

For a moment, I didn’t move, my brain and my desire not in sync. But these men had had the opportunity to hurt me if they’d wanted to. They wouldn’t do it now.

I relaxed into the pose, giving over to what I truly wanted to try, hollowing my lower back and pushing my butt out in their direction. Landry’s hand slid down my spine, wrapped around my waist, and unclipped the bear spray, setting in at my feet. His palm cupped my left ass cheek through my jeans, stroked it, then left it. His hand slapped down with a muffled crack.

I startled, but it wasn’t all that hard of a swat. I felt the sting, but it quickly morphed into heat.

Wade then smacked my right.

“Ow!” I laughed because his strike hurt. It was also ridiculous and hot. They were right: double the hands.

“She likes it,” Wade said to Landry, who only made a sound deep in his chest as response.

Landry landed another spank. Wade followed suit.

Damn. I never thought getting spanked could be so sexy, but I was wetter than a running faucet, and my excitement grew with each slap that landed. As my skin began to tingle with heat, my core turned molten. I wiggled my hips, trying to seek relief.

With some silent agreement, they picked up speed, and I started to shift as the burn grew hotter.

I panted as my temperature rose everywhere. We were alone out in the Wyoming wilderness. I could only imagine what we looked like, which only made me hotter.

Two big alpha hotties spanking me. In the wild. We were wild. And that was… scary.

“Ow,” I said, meaning it now that they’d ensured I was with them. “Jeez, are you done? Wasn’t there supposed to be a pleasure part?”

Both men immediately stopped at my protest, relieving the niggling worry I had that I’d made a mistake. Landry stepped into my side and massaged the cheek he’d been smacking, while slipping his other hand between my legs from the front. “This kind of pleasure?” he rumbled against my ear.

I couldn’t help the wanton moan that slipped from my lips. “Th-that’s a start,” I managed, liking the feel of his palm through my jeans.

“Wait until you taste her,” Wade said. Landry pressed the seam of my jeans against my clit, which only set me off because until this point, they’d only made contact with my butt.

Oh. My. God. How did I get so lucky? How did I like this? How was I so close to coming?

“Yes, please,” I begged. I’d come this far. They hadn’t hurt me. My butt stung, but they’d spanked me because they knew somehow I’d like it. That it would morph into needy pleasure.

Now I saw why having two men focus on me was better than one.

Landry shifted to stand directly behind me, and reached around to unbutton my jeans. Things went in slow motion as he hooked his thumbs in my waistband and dragged them down my hips. Was I really doing this? Getting naked? It was one thing to have my jean-clad butt spanked out in the wild with two strangers, but taking my pants off? Did they truly want to do dirty, unspeakable things to me? Had I been wrong about my attractiveness for the past two weeks? Had Wade truly been waiting for me?

Um, yes. Yes, I was. And, it seemed, yes, they had.

No one was around. We were on private land. Landry’s private land. I could scream my pleasure and it would only catch on the wind. It sounded so primitive that I gushed even more. I was so wet. So ready for whatever they had planned.

We were in new territory for me, and I was content to let them lead. Not that I had much choice if I thought otherwise. Not with these two.

Landry turned me to face him, picked me up by the waist, grabbed Wade’s t-shirt, tossed it on a nearby boulder, and draped me over the hard surface. Wade gracefully vaulted over the large rock to stand behind me as Landry tugged my jeans and panties off my legs while I toed off my hiking boots.

“I’ve got you, sugar,” Wade murmured in my ear, his large chest providing a backrest for me to lean against. He slid his hands under my shirt, coasting up my bare sides. I squirmed on this granite altar, excitement warring with nerves. Wade’s mouth found my neck and he sucked a little, then flicked his tongue over my earlobe. I picked up his scent, recognized the feel of his hands.

He was a familiar comfort while we were doing all these new things.

I let out a breathy laugh. Landry hooked his hands behind my knees and tipped me back, more into Wade’s arms. Wade wrapped one snugly around my waist to hold me secure while his other hand dipped inside my bra. I lost track of the sensations he created by cupping and squeezing my breast because Landry dropped to his knees in the tall grass, flicked off his Stetson, leaned forward, and licked into me.

“Oh!” One of my legs kicked out in the shock of pleasure. I stared up at the clear sky, a bird catching an updraft above me.

Wade somehow understood his touch had to match the intensity of Landry’s because he pinched my nipple, hard. I writhed and squirmed. The sting in my butt mixed with the sharp bite of pain and the wet slide of Landry’s tongue.

“Oh!” I repeated. It seemed to be the only syllable I was capable of uttering. I could hardly track all the pleasure being given to me. Landry was just as capable with his tongue as Wade was, making me jerk and squirm and shiver with every flick, every suck, every lap against all my most sensitive bits.

Wade’s treatment of my breast grew rough, each squeeze harder. His breath was hot against my neck as he nipped it.

“You were so right,” Landry said to Wade, lifting his head. His mouth glistened with my arousal. I could have sworn his eyes were brown before, but now they had a green glint to them, the way an animal’s eyes looked in the night. “I could eat this pussy all day.”

“Right?” Wade replied. “Pure heaven.”

This couldn’t be real. This scene was straight out of a fantasy. I was sure it was a porno. Lost scientist meets two ravenous mountain men, and gets herself punished and pleasured.

This was real. It wasn’t make believe. It was hot as hell, and these men had me at their mercy, and were giving me all their attention. Besides Wade’s shirt being used as protection against the rough surface, they were fully clothed.

My inner thighs quivered as I gulped the fresh mountain air. Wade kept working my nipples as Landry sucked my clit. My pussy clenched on air.

“She takes her punishment well.” Wade’s voice held laughter.

“I do,” I agreed breathlessly. If this was punishment, I never wanted it to stop. And I was going to be bad all the time. “I really do.”

Wade’s chuckle made his chest rumble beneath my head.

And then I couldn’t take any more. The pleasure was too much, the sensations too overwhelming. My toes curled as I wrapped my legs around Landry’s shoulders. I cried out, making a flock of birds take off from the pine trees. My internal muscles squeezed, my belly tightened, and I came with another cry loud enough to echo off the stand of boulders to our right.

“That’s it, sugar,” Wade encouraged, his touch gentling on my breast, his lips nuzzling my neck.

Landry lifted his head and licked his lips with satisfaction. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of green. “Ours,” he declared, looking at Wade.

“Uh huh,” Wade agreed.

A tingle ran up my spine. I had no idea what they were talking about, but it seemed to mean something to my body. As if on some level, I understood I’d just been claimed. If that meant I got orgasms like that, I didn’t think it would be too bad. Right?