Camp Hardwood by Alexa Riley

Chapter Six


After I get the horses calmed down I go over to the saddle bench and run my hands across it. I think about her perfect round ass rocking on top of it and how wet her sweet pussy was against my fingers. I unbuckle my saddle and then place it in the back so that no one else uses it. Everyone who has access to the stables knows this one is mine, but just in case, I want to make sure it’s untouched.

Once everything is done, I calmly walk out of the stable and make my way to the lake. I know exactly where I’ll find Jack and I have no doubt he’s already running his mouth. I gave myself time to get my emotions under control and to think about my actions, but in the end, nobody will ever make Tia feel like she’s less than, or that what she felt was wrong.

Lashing out isn’t like me. For the most part I’m cool headed and laid back, but when it comes to Tia all bets are off. My heart is so full and happy when I’m next to her. I feel playful and fun when we’re spending time together, but when we’re alone something changes. Maybe it’s something inside of me that was there all along and she woke it up.

I can still feel the abrasion against my fingers from the threading of the rope. What must Tia be thinking when she looks at the marks I left behind? God, I wanted so badly to slip inside her as she rode the saddle and my fingers, but I held myself back. I’m prepared to wait until I can take my time and today is an example of why I have to be more careful with her. Jack is a nosy little fucker, but the reality is that anyone could have come in and witnessed us in the throes. I’ve got to do a better job of concealing my instant gratification and wait until I can make time to enjoy her like a meal.

The thought of tasting her river of pleasure while I have her bound to my bed makes it almost painful to take my next step. I have to stop and take a breath as I place one hand on a tree. I’m hit with the need for it. I want Tia so badly it literally makes me weak at the knees.

When I’ve got myself under control, I finish the long walk to the lake, opting to go on foot instead of taking the Gator. I need to burn off some energy before I confront him and if I went in like a speed demon it would end badly. Although it still could, at least I’ll have worked up a good sweat in this summer heat.

“Jack,” I bark loudly so he can hear me from where he’s standing next to the water.

Just as I suspected, he’s standing next to two counselors, Sadie and Vanessa, who have a look of horror on their faces as they turn to look at me. I knew he wouldn’t run to tell my parents, because even though he acts like a dramatic child, he’d much rather spread the gossip than face my dad.

I square my shoulders as I stomp over to where he’s at and refuse to let the judgment in their eyes touch me. I can only assume Jack told them the worst of it and embellished just enough to make me look like a monster.

He smirks at me as I come closer and crosses his arms over his chest. “So did you cut your little filly loose or—”

Before I can think I ball my fist up and pop him right in the mouth to shut him up. Well, I guess my walk didn’t do much to cool my anger after all.

He cries out and covers his mouth as his busted lip begins to pour blood. His curses are muffled, his face turns an angry red and the people around him take a few steps back.

“So let me go ahead and explain to everyone here how this is going to go,” I say loudly since people from the lake have turned to see what the commotion is about. “If anyone hears Jack mention Tia’s name or something to do with her again, I’ll give the person who tells me a week paid vacation.”

The counselors look to one another and I can see the light of excitement in their eyes.

“Don’t worry, there are no strings attached. Just tell me he said it and I’ll not only give you a week off but you can watch me kick his ass too.”

A few people begin to laugh and it enrages Jack. When I take a step closer to him the coward backs away.

I look at Sadie and Vanessa and open my palms out at my sides. “I have nothing to hide and I can promise you whatever he said is complete bullshit.” I look around the growing crowd until I spot some of the women counselors huddled nearby. “Just like how he told everyone he messed around with April and Jocylyn.” Their eyes widen as they turn their glare on Jack. “And that he hooked up with Sadie and Kris.”

“Are you serious?” Sadie asks as she steps forward.

“I believe his exact words were ‘she’s got a great mouth.’”

“You little worm, I never touched you!”

When the women all turn their eyes and their wrath onto Jack I take a step back and smile. Nothing I could do to him would be half as awful as what these ladies can do. And to be honest, he deserves it. I should have stopped it the second I heard it but I thought maybe there was some small truth to his conquests. Now I see by the women circling him that it was all just bullshit.

He stammers over his injury as the voices around him grow louder and I walk away. I feel as though I’ve set off a bomb but Jack will get what he deserves. I’ll also make a point to talk to my parents about his removal just as soon as I check on Tia and make sure she’s okay.

I’ve got plans for us that involve a lot of alone time in my cabin and I’m ready to get started on them now.