Camp Hardwood by Alexa Riley



Five years later

Iwatch as Moose flicks through the app on his phone checking the security cameras. We’ve just upgraded them. He’s catching on a lot easier this time around than he had the first time we installed them. Technology isn't Moose’s strong suit, but being out in the middle of nowhere with nothing isn't mine. We’ve taught each other a lot over the years.

“Can’t wait to see these at night.” It’s the reason we got the new cameras. Their night vision is supposed to be the best. We don’t really need the cameras around the camp and our homes, but they give us peace of mind and that shit is invaluable. Especially when you have priceless things like my muñeca and our little ones. My mind drifts to this morning and how I got to eat her sweet cunt before our little ones woke up. My cock comes back to life when I think about that. I’m reminded that I hadn't gotten to have my turn inside her body. I should go track her down now. She’s with Tia in the kitchen and I know she’d keep an eye on our boys while I stole my wife away for a bit.

“Who the fuck is that?” I look back at Moose’s phone. The food delivery truck is here. It’s the usual time, but I don’t recognize this delivery person. I don’t respond to Moose’s question. I turn and take off toward the main lodge because that’s where the truck will stop first before it goes to the main cafeteria kitchen. It’s not that I think the guy is a threat, at least not physically, but I don’t like anyone new around my wife that I don't get to do a once-over on. I’m good at reading people. Always have been. It kept me alive in my old life and I can tell this guy is one of those cocky little shits just from watching him get out of the truck. I also know my muñeca is the most beautiful thing that ever graced this earth and no man could resist her. The only thing I feel keeps them away is me. Once they see me they give my muñeca a wide berth. You’d think the ring on her finger would keep those fuckers off but it doesn't. Some men have no respect and I’m more than willing to teach it to them.

It takes me no time to reach the main lodge. When I enter I see Fuckface talking to my wife. He’s standing way too close. I don’t think she’s noticed how close he’s gotten because all her focus is on the apple pie in front of her. This is the third time I’ve knocked her up and each time she gets on a kick for one kind of food. This time she will eat anything apple. She’s only a few months along but the cravings are already strong.

“Back up,” I bark. Piper doesn't look up from her pie. The young man jumps back about ten feet, putting his hands in the air and seeing the error of his ways instantly. I’m going to be making a call to the food delivery service later. I don’t want some punk wandering around camp thinking he can get in women’s personal space.

“Run,” Moose warns the guy. I figure he followed me to make sure I didn't hurt anyone because his wife is safely tucked away at home where no men can get near her right now. The young man nods and takes off, almost tripping over his own feet in the process. He got off lucky. I don’t have to look to know Moose is following him out.

“Let me finish my pie.” My muñeca finally looks up at me, shoving another bite into her mouth. As she chews she fights a smile because she knows I’m coming for her. I don’t see our boys so they must be off with Tia or Honey or playing with the other little ones. We could start a day care at this point with the kids we all have running around.

I round the counter and pluck her up from the chair she is sitting in. “Pantry.” She points to it. She doesn't have to tell me twice. I move us, kicking the door closed behind us.

“You got here fast. I think he got three words out to me.” She licks her lips as she looks up at me with a smile. She knows I’m a jealous fucker when it comes to her. She likes it. I think she gets off on it even. That’s a good thing because I’m not changing. I can't control it. Not when it comes to her. I spent too long not getting to tell everyone she was mine. Those days are long over. I stake my claim when it comes to her.

“I’m going to fuck you,” I tell her.

“I know.” She starts lifting her dress for me. Her thighs can’t spread any more than I already have them. I take up all the space between her legs. My jaw goes hard when I see she doesn't have any panties on.

“You been walking around like that?” I growl.

“Been waiting for you to finish what you started this morning.”

I reach for my buckle, freeing my cock. I don’t waste another second as I thrust inside of her. She lets out a gasp as her body takes me. She wraps herself around me, holding tight. Fuck. I love when she does that. Her whole body clings to me.

“I’ll never be finished,” I tell her before my mouth takes her. I’ll never have my fill of my muñeca but I’ll spend my life getting as much as I can.