Camp Hardwood by Alexa Riley

Chapter Seven


Iwatch as Tia rolls out the crust and I think she’s making a pie. She’s so quiet unless Piper is around; those two have become fast friends. When she talks to Piper it’s always in low whispers and I think it’s because Tia is really shy. It’s actually helped with my unsettled feeling when it comes to Piper and the small baby bump she’s still trying to keep hidden. Maybe me not being able to hover over her has helped her get close to a girl her own age. I know I can be a little bit of a helicopter mom to some of the girls when they’re here. I can’t help myself. She’ll confide more in someone she sees as a friend because I might still fall into the boss category for her. I am but I always want the girls to be able to tell me anything. I get close with the campers but with the counselors I feel a bond. They’re here for longer stretches and some stay year round. I grow attached to them and I have a feeling Tia’s going to be sticking around. She’s the shy one, but Piper’s been rubbing off on her and I don’t want anything to spook her.

“Is there something you need, Honey?” Tia asks as she peeks up at me. Her cheeks are always a sweet shade of pink and right now she’s got a little bit of flour on her face. The girl really is as sweet as the desserts she makes.

“Mrs. C,” Ford corrects from beside me. He doesn’t even look up from the paper he’s reading and I reach over and smack his chest. He normally doesn’t get bent out of shape when the girls do it.

“Hush,” I tell him and he finally looks up at me.

We’re sitting at a table in the kitchen since I had cabin fever. Too much is going on and I’m missing it. Ford isn’t great at reporting gossip to me and I need to be in the loop.

He’s got my foot in his lap, absently rubbing my ankle as I eat an afternoon snack. He’s been going everywhere with me but he’s calmed down some. He always takes such good care of me but sometimes we forget about the little things when we get wrapped up in everyday life. This whole ordeal has been a reminder to slow down and appreciate what we have, and to enjoy our time together. This snake bite has reminded us to pay attention to the small details we’ve been missing out on.

“You can call me Honey,” I tell Tia and ignore my husband.

He glances over to Tia and nods in agreement before going back to looking down at his paper and Tia’s eyes bounce between the two of us.

“The Cyprus men can be little possessive. Only Ford likes calling me Honey.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t have to call you that.”

“No, sweetheart. You can call me Honey.” I pause for a second and smile because I have a feeling she might be calling me something else soon enough. “For now.”

“For now?” She glances over to Ford, unsure of what to do. He keeps on reading his paper and pretends not to listen in.

“For now,” I agree. She looks back down at her rolling pin as Piper comes in a moment later.

“I’m starving,” she tells Tia before she sees me. “I’m on break.”

She stops walking when she sees me sitting there with Ford.

“I’m not sure we really have breaks,” I laugh.

She’s still training and helps out where it’s needed, but I’m not coming between a pregnant girl and a snack. I know when I was pregnant with Van I could out-eat my husband. Piper is small as it is and she should eat more. My mind flashes to the man who showed up the other day looking for her. Why is she running? I worry my bottom lip between my teeth, thinking. I need to ask Ford about that later.

“I made you a plate,” Tia tells Piper, pointing toward one of the many refrigerators. She rushes over to it and makes Tia beam with happiness. I can tell the girl really does love making food for people. Her eyes go to the door and the smile drops away from her face. After a moment she goes back to what she’d been doing and her face goes as red as her hair.

I look over to see what’s got her blushing and just then Van walks in. He leans against the doorway and watches her. I’ve been wondering why he’s telling everyone she’s his girlfriend. It reminds me of falling in love with my man. There is a glint in Van’s eyes and it makes him look more like his father than ever before. His arms are folded over his chest and Tia starts pressing harder on the rolling pin to keep her focus down on the counter. She lets out a cute little huff to blow away a curl that has escaped from her ponytail.

“You’re not a door so move out of it,” I tell my son.

His gaze flicks from Tia over to me like he’s surprised I’m here.

“Hey, Mom.” He walks over and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “How are you feeling?”’

“I’m fine.” I smile at him and squeeze his arm.

“Want a cookie?” he asks as he walks over to the counter and grabs one from a plate. This is our smaller kitchen for the staff and we eat a lot of our meals here. It’s where the counselors hang out and I can learn about what’s going on right from this table.

“I’m good.” I lean back to watch my son.

He keeps on staring at Tia but she doesn’t look up at him. There’s no way she can’t feel his stare. Piper eats her food but keeps on staring like I do.

“You sure can bake, sugar,” he says as he swallows the cookie almost whole.

Did he call her sugar? She keeps on rolling and mumbles a thanks without glancing his way. I’m used to the girls falling all over Van. They chase him around like lost puppies but he doesn’t find it amusing. It’s why he hides out in the stables so much. Now he’s hanging around this kitchen all the time with a girl who won’t look his way. I fight a smirk.

She huffs again and this time Van reaches out and tucks the loose curl behind her ear. She stops rolling and freezes for a moment before she looks up at him. Everyone is quiet as we watch the exchange.

“Stop it,” she tells him, and to my surprise she reaches out and smacks his hand away.

I fight a laugh but Ford doesn’t. He barks a low chuckle as he stands up.

“I’m not your girlfriend, and stop telling people I am.”

Van doesn’t respond as he shoves another cookie into his mouth.

“Why do you keep telling people that?” I hear her ask.

I don’t get to hear Van’s response because Ford is pulling me to my feet.

“I told you I’d take you to the stables. Looks like it’s all ours if Van is here stalking Tia again.”

“Again?” I whisper to Ford.

“Not stalking, just keeping an eye out,” Van calls out as Ford leads me from the kitchen.

I have really been missing too much around here but I’ll find all of it out from Ford later. I have a feeling right now he’s going to do more than show me the new foal. I’ve been dying to meet her but I’m pretty sure Ford wants to mess around in the hay loft, and I have zero objections.