Where We Found Our Home by Natasha Bishop



The next two weeks fly by. Ciara and I are together damn near every day at this point. There’s not a lot of sleeping apart. Nevaeh has officially replaced me with Ciara as her favorite human being, not that I blame her. I’ve officially met her mom and friends through FaceTime. Ciara insisted on meeting Mrs. Townsend after she sent more cookies for her, and Mrs. Townsend has taken to planning our damn wedding every time I see her in the neighborhood now.

I’m supposed to head to her place tonight, but I just got home from my shift and it was a particularly tough one. We responded to a car accident where one of the passengers didn’t make it. Failing to save someone is hard no matter what, but car accidents are especially hard for me.

I don’t think I’ll be good company for anyone tonight, so I send a text to Ciara.

Me: Hey, I think I’m gonna stay home tonight. Rough day.

Ciara: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah I’m just not gonna be good company so I’m saving you

Ciara: Always the hero. Anything I can do?

Me: I’ve heard that nudes that can solve all problems

Ciara: Haven’t heard that one

Ciara: *image of a cat*

Me: What’s the cat for?

Ciara: It’s a picture of a pussy. Enjoy *smiley face*

Ha! It was worth a try.

Twenty minutes later I get a knock on my door. When I open it, Ciara is standing there wearing a trench coat, holding a box of pizza and a six pack of beer.

“I don’t send nudes, but I can deliver them in person.” She saunters in, sets the beer and pizza down on my kitchen counter, and unties her trench coat. My jaw hits the floor when I see the lingerie she’s wearing. “So? Did this solve all your problems?”

“Oh, it more than solved them.” And created another in its place. How do I hold on to your heart forever? Because I think I’ve handed mine over to you. She hops up on my counter, grabs a slice of pizza, and beckons me with her finger. I’m on her in seconds. “You know? I think I’m hungry for something else right now.” She smirks and spreads her legs wide.

“Feast away then.” I grab the band of her panties, and she lifts her hips so I can pull them down her legs. I start at her ankles and leave biting kisses up both her legs, watching as her breaths become labored and her eyes darken with desire. I reach the heaven between her thighs, gently massaging her folds. She’s so wet for me already. I waste no time diving in.

As soon as my mouth is on her, she throws her head back and moans. She runs her hands through my hair and lifts her hips more. I know her body so well at this point, I know exactly what she needs. I trace my hands up her thighs and curl two fingers inside her and use the other hand to squeeze her ass.

She is absolutely gorgeous. She still has a white lace corset on, and it really feeds into the whole Angel moniker I’ve given her. She’s pure perfection. Watching her writhe beneath my hold is addicting. Her soft whimpers spur me on. She grabs my hand from her thigh and places it on top of her corset. I love that she has no problem showing me what she needs. I massage her breast and pinch her nipple, eliciting a groan from her.

“Fuck! I can’t take anymore. I need you inside me,” she cries out.

Nope. I’m not done with my meal. I look up, and her eyes are shut so tight. I slap her ass, and her eyes fly open as she whimpers and looks down at me. I wink at her. “Give it to me first.” I want her first orgasm from my mouth and her second, third, and fourth from my cock. I push deeper until she shatters, and her taste coats my tongue.

“Fuck, you are beautiful. I could watch you come all day every day.” I can’t get enough of her. She owns me.

She laughs while trying to catch her breath. “Yeah, you are definitely giving me Khal Drogo vibes today.”

I throw my head back in laughter. “I’m okay with that. As long as you don’t get witches involved.”

“I would continue the joke but if your dick is not inside me in two minutes, I may die, soooo…”

Say no more. I toss her over my shoulder and carry her to the bedroom.

“See, that’s some Khal Drogo shit. Oh look, I still had one in me.”

We’re lying in my bed, her legs draped over mine, her arm wrapped around my waist, and her face pressed against my chest. Her natural orange and vanilla scent surrounds me, putting me under her spell. I move a piece of her hair off her face. She stirs but just barely. I’m in fucking trouble.

I’m falling for this girl. Hard.

It terrifies the ever-loving shit out of me. I don’t know if I’m ready for this. I put my heart on the line once, and it ended in tragedy. But I know I’ll regret it ten times more if I let her go now.