Where We Found Our Home by Natasha Bishop


To my mama—You were my very first friend in this world and you’ll be my best friend until my last breath. You have always believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. If I had listened to you and pursued writing when I was younger who knows where I’d be now, but I wouldn’t trade this journey for anything, and I’m so grateful to have you by my side while I do it. Thank you for always being my biggest cheerleader and the greatest example of a boss-ass bitch. You are strong, kind, wise, and a total badass. My main goal in life is to be half the woman you are. I love you with all my heart.

To Brad, the pillow to my blanket—You won’t read my stuff but you’ll promote the shit out of it, and that’s why I keep you around. Seriously, you always let me know how proud you are of me. In the words of Queen Bee, you always make me feel fine as hell. My personal hype man. Even though you’re highly annoying, you rarely let me write in peace, and we almost came to blows over MY writing table, I can’t think of a better duo than us.

To Krissi, mah pooks—Thank you for always being down for a drink and an adventure when I need it. Where would I be if you hadn’t bullied me into eating lunch with you all those years ago? Probably a lot less drunk but also a lot less happy. I couldn’t ask for a better friend than you. You may be older than I am, but you keep me young. When I get lost in my head, you always get me to chill the hell out and relax. You drag me out of the house when I become antisocial, but you’re also down to stay in and binge-watch 90 Day and To All the Boys with me. Balance is key. It’s an honor to call you a sister. I love you more than words can say. Always.

To Jasmine, my soul sister—I am so incredibly proud of both of us for starting the next phase of our lives. Watching your growth with every new release is an honor. And when we start our haunted house specials, the world won’t know what hit them! Thank you for always giving me that extra push when I need it. There’s no one I’d rather get advice from than you. I forced a friendship with you over food neither one of us can eat anymore, but it was one of the best decisions I ever made. If I tell you I love you then it will be in print forever and you’ll never let me forget it so I’ll just say…you know things about me sure. #IYKYK

To Auntie—Your love of romance novels is partly what inspired me to try my hand at this genre. I know my books are in a different lane than what you’re used to, but I hope I made you proud.

To Linda—From our first phone conversation, I knew you were who I needed on my side to get me through the crazy world of self-publishing. I was, and still am, a complete deer in headlights when it comes to figuring all this stuff out, and you make it make sense. You’re always there when I have a million questions, which is all the time. Thank you for believing in me!

To my betas, Tricia, Eliza, and Meghan—Thank you for reading my little story and pushing me to make it the best version of itself. Your feedback was life-changing. Us Harlot Authors gotta stick together!

To my boo, Andrea—You were my first friend in the book community and girl, you give me life! You showed me that I can still be authentically me and still be successful. You are a dope-ass queen and because of you I know even more dope-ass queens in Romancelandia, and I could not be more grateful.

To Melanie Harlow—If it wasn’t for you and the Harlot Authors group I may not have had the confidence to keep going. Thank you so much for being willing to share your insights with so many people. You are a gift.

To Shari—You were a complete lifesaver with my website. I know as a millennial I’m supposed to be good with all things technology, but I’m low-key trash with all of it so you are a rockstar for helping my vision come to life!

To my editors, the Happily Editing Anns—You ladies are the best. You took my little book baby and helped me turn it into the best version of itself. Your ideas completely transformed this book into a version I never saw coming but am so unbelievably happy with. It’s such a joy to work with the two of you. I can’t wait to keep this train moving. Thank you for your guidance!

To my cover designer, Stacey Blake—You absolutely killed it! I am so in love with the cover of this book and that’s all thanks to you dealing with my fifty million changes. Thank you for making my vision come to life.

To my pup, Nisa—You’re a dog so unless you have some secret abilities I don’t know about, you’re not going to read this, but I’m obsessed with you, so you better believe you’re getting a shout out in my acknowledgements. When my characters aren’t cooperating and I need cuddles only you can provide, you tolerate me while I hug you for too long. It doesn’t get much better than that. Mama loves you!

To the readers who took a chance on a black romance writer from Baltimore, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your support means everything to me, and I can’t wait to continue on this ride with you.