Fight For Me by Claudia Burgoa

Chapter Seventeen



Family comes first,always.

It was my father’s mantra, one that stuck with me from the very first time I heard it. I lived by it every day, and that feeling only got stronger when he died Scott and I became the parental figures of the household immediately, and even though our youngest brother is almost thirty, we still look after him. Hunter says he has some big news for us, and it’s my duty as his big brother to be there for him.

I wanted to go out with Luna, spend some time with her, and try to have a discussion around our new arrangement that she’s trying to avoid. We had a great time together last week; our chemistry was off the charts and I could tell all of the little ways she reacted to my slightest touch. We never talked long over the phone, but our conversations were enjoyable, her irritated texts brightening my weekend.

She denies there’s a connection, but I know she feels the spark between us, the way our hearts race when we kiss.

I want more of her, more of us.

I have to convince her that this is a good idea. We can keep the wick ignited until the candle burns low and our time comes to an end. I want her to feel safe with me, but after what I learned from her father and Tiago this evening, I’m not so sure I’m safe with her. Apparently, she has a hidden agenda.

“I can’t stress how important it is that you keep her away from anything that doesn’t pertain to her current case, Everhart,” Cristobal Santillan said to him, his tone conveying his conviction—and his worry.

As soon as I’m done with this family affair, Luna and I will have a lot to talk about it.

Hunter claps, silencing the room and pulling me from my thoughts. “Now that everyone is here.”

“Where is Luna?” Hazel looks around.

“Who is Luna?” Willow raises an eyebrow, pressing her lips together.

“Hi,” Luna steps into the room, coming into view.

She changed her yoga pants and backless tank top for a short, flouncy mini dress, accessorizing with her all too familiar bracelets. Her hair is tied up into a messy bun and her bare feet draw my attention to her ankle where she has a tattoo of a small elephant holding a heart with his trunk as if it was a balloon. Fuck, I think to myself, even her ink is cute.

“Luna, let me introduce you to my family,” I say, taking her by the hand and pulling her to me, kissing the top of her head when she’s within reach.

“Everyone, this is Luna. I’m sure Hazel will bring you up to date later. Luna, meet my family. From left to right, we have Scott and Hazel.”

“We’ve met before,” she says, looking up at me. I lower my head and kiss her lips lightly.

She doesn’t kick me in the nuts. Progress.

“To Hazel’s right is Fitzhenry, the middle child,” I introduce him. “He’s our special little brother.”

Fitz shows me his middle finger. “That’s because I’m the best of the four, sweetheart. Don’t let him fool you.”

“Next to Mr. Grant Beesley, who you already know are Hunter and Willow. He’s my youngest brother, and she’s his girlfriend, who happens to be Hazel’s sister.” I eye the solitaire diamond she wears on her ring finger, arch my eyebrow and gaze at Hunter. “Or should I call her your fiancée, Hunt?”

“As usual, your observational skills don’t fail you, big brother,” he responds, taking Willow’s hand and kissing it.

“That’s not the big news,” Hazel announces, clapping her hands.

Willow rolls her eyes, smiling at her little sister. “We’re pregnant,” she reveals. Her voice is calm, sweet, and joyful.

Grant Beesley stands up to hug his granddaughter. She cries while he murmurs things to her. “Love you too, Gramps,” she says, kissing his cheek.

“I’m going to be an aunt.” Hazel stands up giving her a tight hug too. She is over the moon, though not at all surprised.

“You told her first?” I feign resentment as I walk closer to them and hug them both. “Congratulations, little brother.”

Willow shakes her head. “She guessed, I can’t hide much from her.”

“Congratulations to you both,” Luna smiles, walking closer to Willow and Hunter. “Nice to meet you by the way.”

Scott hugs them both and smiles at Hunter. He glances at me and I know he’s thinking the same thing I am: we did good. We’ll never stop taking care of our little brother but seeing him happy, with his own family? We couldn’t ask for more.

“Mom and Dad would be as happy as we are for the two of you,” I tell Hunter, patting his shoulder.

“Their first grandchild,” Scott agrees. “Mom would be over the moon, Hunt.”

“You think so?” He looks at both of us.

The news couldn’t have arrived at a better time. It’s almost the anniversary of their death. Scott and I smile and nod at him. My parents were happy when we were happy. I bet they are watching from heaven and celebrating too.

“We aren’t sticking to Mom’s desires, are we?” Fitz asks suddenly, eyes wide. “Twenty grandchildren is a difficult request to fill, especially when I can’t have children of my own.”

Hazel glances at him, blinking in confusion. “There’re options. Surrogates, adoption, fostering. You can have as many as you want.”

“I’m not having five children,” Willow protests, then she turns to Luna. “Are you planning on having five mini-Everharts?”

Luna raises her hands, shaking her head. “Ummm—”

“We just started dating, Willow.” I cut her off before she can ask any more questions.

“She’s not there yet. Don’t scare her, please,” Hazel warns her.

I frown at her, but she ignores me. What is going on with little Hazel? I’ll have to find out later, it’s time for me to go. At this rate, they’re going to scare Luna away, and we are in the middle of some very important negotiations. Walking toward the bags of takeout I grab her food, my food, and some chopsticks for the road.

“Do we have any special plans for…” Hunter looks around the room.

“Our parents’ anniversary?” Scott finishes for him. “I have a conference. Hazel and I are leaving tomorrow.”

“I booked another week in Arizona,” Fitz says, casually. “I’m hoping that one of the monks will break their vow of silence.”

Scott slaps him on the back of the head.

“Hey, it’s a joke. You need to get laid.” Fitz says, pouting.

“Hunt?” Hazel asks.

“We might go to LA.” He shrugs, looking at Willow who nods.

“I’m staying in town with Luna. But call if you need me,” I say.

“Same goes,” Scott adds.

“Dinner is here. We’re leaving,” I say, before turning to Scott and then look at Fitz. “I’m going home, do you have any plans for tonight?”

I hope they take the hint for what it is: I need the apartment to myself.

“I do,” Fitz responds. “Don’t wait up for me.”

Scott sighs, checking his phone. “We’re traveling tomorrow. We’ll be gone until Saturday. I can call the charter company and change the time of our flight.” He turns to look at Hazel. “Would you mind leaving tonight, Haze?”

“Whatever.” Her response is short and dry.

The fake indifference might work for everyone, but that light smile on her lips is a dead giveaway. She can’t wait to leave.

“Please don’t do it on my account, Beesley. In fact, if you wait, I can join you two.”

She gives me a challenging look and says, “If you think it’s necessary.”

“Maybe I do,” I call her bluff.

She doesn’t answer and focuses on the food on top of the table, not meeting my eye.

I stare at her, hoping she’ll look at me but she doesn’t. She seems to be ignoring everyone, but I’ve just realized something: Hazel is avoiding me.

What is going on with her? I glance from her to Scott and catch the moment he lightly touches her hand. They have been casually touching since I came back from my other mission. It’s not obvious for everyone, but too obvious to me.

“Be careful,” I warn Scott, angling my head toward Hazel.

He nods once, and I leave the room. Luna follows behind.

“Hey, get a bag ready, you’re not coming back,” I tell her, pulling out my phone.

Luna laughs. “No. I don’t plan on going to your place.”

“Do you want to talk about our plans and the rules you want here while we eat with my family?”

Luna huffs, and storms toward her room. I go back to the dining room and ask Hazel to join me in the library. She closes her eyes briefly but follows along.

“I’m giving you space, but I know something is up with you,” I say as we walk. We’ve always made a point not to lie to each other, to try to be a hundred percent honest.

“Thank you for that.” She smiles and turns toward me to give me a hug. “I love you.”

“Love you too, just be careful,” I warn her because I know that my brother can be an asshole and I don’t know what’ll happen if my hunch is right and he hurts her.

“You too. I’m here for you.” She squeezes my forearm. “Don’t fuck it up, Harry.”


“Luna.” She looks toward the door. “You like her, a lot. Be smart about it.”

“It’s just casual.”

“You keep saying that to yourself.” She lifts her nose and smells the air. “You two smell like Happily Ever After.”

“Be safe, Beesley,” I repeat, making my way back to the foyer.

“I’m ready,” Luna announces, holding her tote bag. “Just don’t expect any s-e-x tonight. And tone down your bossy attitude.”

“As you wish, my lady,” I promise, calling the elevator.

This is going to be an interesting night. I glance at her curvy, petite body and can feel my desire for her like a fire in my core. It makes no sense; there’s just something about her that tears down all my walls. I’ve only known her a few days, but I feel so ready to give her all of me. The next few weeks might be the best of my life.