Fight For Me by Claudia Burgoa


I am so grateful to so many people. First and foremost, to all my readers. You’re the power that pushes this engine. I am grateful to have you. Thank you for reading my words, and for supporting my books. Thank you so much for those emails and notes, they mean so much to me.

My husband for his continuous love and support, not sure where I’ll be without you, babe.

To the amazing group of editors that helped me shape Fervent. Paulina, Ellie, Virginia, Marla, and Mo Stysma.

Stephie Walls who was writing but still made time to go through the manuscript and helped me polished it. I’m so thankful for everything that you do for me.

Thank you to Debra and Drue who help continuously help me pushing my books and my brand.

My beta readers, Yolanda, Colleen, Christine, Melissa and Patricia. Thank you for reading the first draft of Fervent and helping me with the Everhart boys who are proving to be amazing and challenging.

To Hang Le. I’m thankful for her patience, her talent and her friendship. I love you so much.

To my Chicas, you’re the best fans in the universe. I love you from here to the moon.

Thank you to Give Me books. To all the bloggers, and event organizers. Your effort and energy are what makes my releases such a success. Thank you so much for everything you do for them, I appreciate every single one of you.