My Five Night Fling by Maci Dillon





I arrive ten minutes early. The receptionist requests I take a seat and wait for Mr. Lugreno, who will be with me in a moment. The unfamiliar memories of my first job interview come to mind, and I wring my hands together in my lap.

The building is one of the largest in Central London and, thankfully, on my side of town. I could easily walk from my current apartment within fifteen minutes, but today, I take the subway which is only a two-minute walk from here. I don’t want to risk being late for my first meeting, and the six minutes on the subway gives me a moment to collect myself in preparation.

The off-white with dark gray and black trim gives the building’s interior a sleek and professional feel. The odd splash of color in the form of abstract prints and fake shrubbery enhance the ambiance, making it a little more inviting.

On the sign at the entrance, it shows Lugreno Enterprises is situated on the seventh floor, though the main receptionist insists I wait in the lobby for somebody to collect me and take me up, as security passes are required.

Taking my phone from my bag, I double-check it’s set to silent.


“Yes.” My head twists in the direction of the female voice beside me. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you approach,” I tell her, downplaying the minor panic.

Her smile is wide and genuine. “My apologies. Mr. Lugreno is ready to meet with you now.”

I collect my coat and secure my bag over my shoulder as I follow her down the hall and onto the first available elevator. She swipes her ID card and formally introduces herself.

“My name is Elise, I’m Mr. Lugreno’s personal assistant. I travel with him to keep his schedule organized. For most things, I’ll be your first point of contact as Mr. Lugreno is extremely busy and rarely available.”

Good to know. I accept her dainty hand when offered. “Where’s Mr. Lugreno based, so to speak?”

Elise offers a polite smile. “Mr. Lugreno will give you all the details you require in the meeting.”

I offer a tight smile in return.

When we exit the elevator, I’m shocked to see a vastly different style of décor. There’s a central reception desk which I assume is where Elise works, and not a thing is out of place. The walls are sparse, and the metal artwork is void of any color.

The white floors sparkle beneath the charcoal-colored walls, and there’s not a thing on them except the office furniture. A large lobby area consists of vacant space void of personality with no chairs, sitting area, fancy décor, or splashes of color.

“Wait one moment, please.”

Elise leaves me in the open space fitted with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking London as she returns to her workstation and picks up her phone.

“Miss Moore is here,” she directs into the phone.

A door springs open across the room as I’m sweeping the seven-story views above the city. Gabe Lugreno strides toward me, glaringly larger the closer he gets. Dressed in an over-the-top expensive dark gray suit, he is much younger than I imagined him to be.

My version of Mr. Grey in the flesh. Except for his shiny cobalt dress shirt, he’s all but camouflaged in his office.

Taking a few steps toward him, I extend my hand.

“Miss Moore, what a pleasure to meet you in person,” he drawls in a pronounced New York accent.

“Likewise, Mr. Lugreno.”

“Please, call me Gabe, unless referring to me in conversation with a client or contractor. We’ll spend too much time corresponding over the next twelve months to worry about formalities.”

Got it. Gabe, it is.

He sweeps the open area with his hand. “I apologize for the bleak existence of the office. The head office is in New York as I’m sure you’re aware, which is where I spend most of my time between commencements of new projects. I haven’t had business in London for some time now and rented us this floor last week. My decorator will be in this evening and tomorrow to create my desired work effect,” he assures me.

“Makes sense.”

His gaze darts quickly in my direction, and he laughs.

“Please don’t tell me you thought I enjoyed working in a cloud of darkness?”

I chuckle at his relaxed temperament, happy to say I got him all wrong. “Of course not. Elise advised she travels with you wherever you go, so I take it you have no permanent staff here.”

“Correct. Walk with me.” He waves in the direction of the elevators. “I wanted to meet you here, so you know where our base is, but I’d prefer to discuss matters over a drink and some tapas. Is that okay with you?”


Retracing my steps from earlier, Gabe elaborates on my previous question. “I work mostly with contractors, and my clients rarely come to me. I’m hands-on and prefer to meet with my people where it suits them best.”

I remain quiet, listening intently.

“All written correspondence between the both of us will be seen by Elise, of course, and she only comes to me if she needs clarification. Otherwise, she answers on my behalf. Her responses are gospel, and she knows me better than myself.”

He glances across at me as we walk in the opposite direction to the way I arrived. “You may speak freely, Kassidy. Jump in with questions as you wish. This is a very informal meet-and-greet so we have the chance to get to know each other. “

“Thank you.”

“I arrived on the red-eye last night,” Gabe continues. “Initially, my trip was to be for personal reasons only. I have a birthday event to attend this evening, and then you showed up on my radar. Would you believe?”

Call me curious.

“May I ask how I showed up on your radar?”

“It was an odd chain of events.” We stop out front of a downtown restaurant, and Gabe directs me inside. A waiter ushers us to a table for two by the window—only a few tables are occupied being on the earlier side of the lunch rush. Taking a seat, Gabe orders a bottle of water for the table and a bottle of sauvignon blanc.

“The party I’m attending tonight has been on my schedule for months now, and I’ve been to and fro with a new client over the past year. He has been negotiating on the acquisition of several hotels currently operating in some warehouse space on the outskirts of London. His dream is to turn them into a new hotel chain. It was only last week that the contracts went through for these acquisitions, and we’ve been talking for a couple of months about the vision he had for these bars and clubs.”

Gabe takes a breath to sip his water when the waiter appears. I continue scribbling at rocket speed in my notebook.

“He’s been leaning toward incorporating an Australian feel to some of them because we have many ex-pats here in London, and he thinks it would be good business sense to bring the locals a mixture of culture. With the contracts confirmed and approved, I then wait for him to hand over the acquisitions for me to work with contractors like yourself and plenty of others in different areas to put his vision into reality.”

I nod quietly, focused on the chain of command.

“Upon the finalization, I took to investigating designers and digital creators with an interest and vast experience in the design of clubs and hotels. In doing so, I happened upon the name of a corporation in Australia and made a call on a Sunday, thinking I’d hit a message bank and be expecting a call back later in the week.

However, I guess it’s true that some Aussies work twenty-four seven as we do, and your boss, Malcolm, answered after the first few rings. I had looked over your profile on the website before calling him.”

A different waiter returns with the bottle of wine and proceeds to pour for the both of us. I’m completely intrigued and desperate to know what had led Gabe Lugreno to me. But so far, it seems like my stars aligned, and here I am.

“So…” he continues, “… imagine my surprise when Malcolm tells me that his very own superstar was currently vacationing in this wonderful city. I didn’t want to risk you going home and choosing not to return, so I opted to set up a meeting with you as soon as humanly possible, which is today.”

“Well, that’s some chain of events. Thank you for the opportunity.”

He nods, passing me a glass which I happily receive.

“I do require all my contractors and subcontractors to be hands-on because I feel if they are walking in and out of our competitors’ bars and lounges regularly, they are carrying around the inspiration they need to truly manufacture the vision that my client has for his hotel chains. Therefore, I usually seek a local contractor, but needing expertise specifically from an Australian who also knows the ins and outs of the hotel industry, I had to look abroad for this project.”

“And I’m grateful.”

Gabe is all business, not one for small talk.

“My only dilemma, however, is we’re in the process of this work being transferred over to me. As in, I’ll have full run of these acquisitions based on my client’s wishes. This effectively will not be done for at least a couple of weeks yet, but I needed to secure you when I could. Hence, why I agreed to put you up in one of the best apartment blocks in Shoreditch, which is over and above the general contract rate.”

I stop scribbling. “So, you’re saying I won’t be starting on this job effective immediately?”

Those jitterbugs swarming my tummy earlier today are back in full flight, their wings stronger than ever.

“Yes and no. The fact is, I want to wrap up this part of the project within twelve months, as discussed. You can get started on the design brief, and there are many places I’d like you to visit over their busiest periods to engage in some blind surveys and muster up appropriate feedback… what people are looking for, etcetera, and including some competitor and market research without exposing who you work for or the task at hand, of course.”

My face lights up. “You want me to go deep undercover, a rogue agent even?”

Gabe laughs, and again, all is well in my world.

“I’ll keep you busy with questions, discovery briefs, design manipulation processes, and all the works while you’re frequently coming to me with your new ideas and design concepts of your own. I imagine everything will be fully planned and documented with necessary contractors and staff in place to carry out the refurbs within three months. That’s when we’ll begin working more closely with the corporate owner.”

“Sounds perfect. I thrive on being kept busy. Researching pubs, clubs, and restaurants is right up my alley too.”

“Oh, I’ve heard, and from your portfolios, you have a real knack for it.”

While we enjoy our lunch, we discuss the apartment which is ready for me to move into tomorrow and the company credit card I now have for any food, drinks, or entertainment expenses while conducting required research and, of course, any other business-related expenses.

“One more thing I must hand over to you is your retainer check.”

Cha-ching, dollar signs invade my line of sight.

“Oh yes, that’s very generous of you. It will be put to good use, I assure you.”

Gabe reminds me that these funds are for travel back home should I wish to take the trip before I commence work on these initial stages and anything I require to set up my new abode.

If you can email Elise your banking details, the transfer to your account will be made immediately.

“Thank you again, and I have decided to wait until further into the year when there’s an opportunity for a break to visit home. I’m worried if I go now, it will be difficult to return.”

Gabe stares at me intentionally before he adds, “You’re a wise woman, Kassidy.”