Convincing Leah by Becca Jameson

Chapter 12


When I wake up for the second time today, I realize where I am quicker. I’m also less panicky. I needed the rest. I take a moment to stretch out and take deep breaths, remembering everything that happened this morning. Or maybe that was more like noon.

I need a shower. I need clothes. I’ve been in this T-shirt since we got to the house early this morning. I don’t have anything to wear though. I came here in nothing but the clothes I was wearing when I was abducted. I’d like to burn those on principle alone.

I stare at the ceiling, reminding myself I’ve chosen to be little today. It wasn’t a tough decision. I’m emotionally drained and I woke up earlier feeling extremely needy and clingy. As if some hidden little in me wanted to raise her head.

It’s not something I could do forever, so I hope I’m not giving Craig the impression I’ve switched into a new persona for good. I just wanted to see what it was like. Today. A day when my life feels like it’s falling apart and I don’t want to be in charge anymore.

“Hey, sweet girl.”

Craig’s gentle voice makes me turn my head toward the doorway. He’s approaching me, and when he reaches the bed, he climbs up on his hands and knees and hovers over me. “How do you feel?”

“Better. I needed the sleep.”

“I know you did. You’re probably going to be out of sorts for a while.” He strokes my forehead, brushing hair out of my face.

“I need a shower.”

“How about if I give you a bath, and then you can put clean clothes on. Eve went to your apartment and packed some things for you. She and Colton brought them by a while ago.”

I grin. “Bless her.”

“I thought you’d like that.” He reaches for my hand and hauls me to sitting. “Are you still willing to let me Daddy you for the day?”

“Yep.” I’m nervous. That’s not going to change. But that’s because of the unknown.

“Good. Let’s get you in the tub.” He slides off the bed and then reaches for me, tossing me over his shoulder before carrying me to the master bath caveman-style.

I giggle. “Craig…”

He sets me on my feet next to the tub, reaches over to turn on the water, and puts the stopper in. After sitting on the toilet seat, he pulls me between his legs. His hands come to the sides of my face and thread into my messy hair. “I probably screwed up your hair by letting you sleep with it wet.”

“It’ll be okay,” I assure him. “Maybe Eve grabbed me some clips or scrunchies.”

“I’ve got you covered on that. Will you let me brush it out and braid it?” He runs his hands down its length. “I’ve wanted to braid this hair from the moment I first met you.”

I lean into him, setting my cheek on his shoulder. “Okay.” No one has ever done my hair. Not since I was five. I don’t even care what he does to it. I bet it will feel amazing to have someone comb it out while I sit and enjoy myself.

Craig twists around and opens a drawer. I’m surprised to see it’s full of hair bobbles. He grabs a hot pink scrunchy, spins me around, and then gathers the messy curls into a loose bun on top of my head.

When he’s satisfied that it won’t get wet, he lifts my T-shirt over my head.

I shiver and instinctively cover myself, crossing my arms over my boobs. My nipples stiffen.

Craig chuckles as he tests the water with his fingers. “I’ve seen you naked, sweetheart. Touched every inch of you.”

“I know,” I murmur, still unnerved.

He smiles at me, making me blush. He sets his hands on my hips and then eases them up until he can stroke the undersides of my breasts with his thumbs. “I don’t know why, but for some reason when littles get in their little girl headspace, they tend to get bashful.”

I nod. That’s exactly it. I suddenly feel shy.

He lifts me up and sets me in the tub. “On your bottom, sweet girl, before you slip and fall.” He keeps a protective hand on me until I sit, my legs stretched out in front of me.

Craig reaches for my hands and gives a little tug. “Lower your arms, sweetheart. I can’t wash you if you cover yourself.”

I feel incredibly unnerved to be sitting here naked in his tub with him fully clothed next to me, intent on bathing me. Hundreds of people have seen me naked over the years in the club. They’ve watched me get spanked and even fingered to orgasm. They’ve seen my swollen breasts, heavy with arousal, and my peaked nipples. They’ve seen my pussy wet and needy. Why would I be embarrassed to be naked in front of the man I’m currently exclusive with in his home?

But I am, and I can’t look at him as I drop my hands to my thighs.

I expect Craig to reach for the washcloth and get this over with, but instead, he strokes my breast, his fingers grazing over my nipple, making me flinch and gasp.

“Look at me, sweet girl.”

I purse my lips as I lift my heated face.

“I think you’re embarrassed because you’re aroused, and that’s confusing when you’re in your little headspace.”

He’s right. I blink at him. That’s exactly it. Finally, I nod, but my face heats further.

He strokes my nipple again. It feels so good. “It’s perfectly natural for you to be aroused, Leah. There’s no reason to be self-conscious.”

“When I’m in my little space?” I ask, my voice incredulous and high-pitched.

“Yep. For many people, age play is arousing. There’s nothing wrong with that. Surely you know Eve and Lucy and most of your friends get aroused when they’re little.”

I swallow and run my fingers through the water, watching the ripples to avoid concentrating on how my nipples are stiff peaks and how he keeps touching them. “I guess. I just never thought much about it. Do they have sex in their little space?”

“A lot of people do. Some people switch out part way or all the way in bed, but half the fun is how aroused you get from submitting to a Daddy all day.”

I nod. “Eve always talks about how arousing it is and how hard her nipples are and how wet her panties get. She overshares.” I chuckle. “It just feels strange now that I’m in it for some reason. Like it’s wrong.”

He lifts my chin. “Nothing you feel is ever wrong, Leah. We’re all wired differently. You’ve been a member of Surrender for years. You know firsthand that everyone has their own kinks.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” I shudder, still unnerved by this particular reaction to this particular kink.

“When you submit to me in your adult persona bent over a spanking bench, you get aroused, right?”

“Yes, Sir.”


I lick my lips. “Because I drop into a more open place in my head when you lean me over the bench, especially if you restrain me. I get wet and needy when you dominate me. It’s like it’s out of my control.”

“Then why should that be different when you engage in age play? The submission is even deeper. Everything is even more out of your control. I’m dominating you constantly. I’d be worried if you didn’t squirm with need.”

I nod slowly, trying to understand.

“No matter how deep you let yourself slide into your little. No matter how long or how often you stay there. No matter how young you let yourself explore. You’re still a grown woman who is sexually reacting to dominance.”

I think I get it. He’s making sense. “Okay.”

“Good girl.” He leans over and kisses my forehead before grabbing a washcloth and pouring liquid soap on it.

I giggle when I see that it’s baby soap in the pink bottle.

“What’s so funny?” he asks as he lifts one of my arms and starts to wash me.

“I’m just repeatedly surprised by the number of things you own for the lifestyle.”

“I told you, I was prepared. Wishfully hopeful. I’ve thought about washing you with baby soap for a long time.” He grins. “I can’t wait to smell your skin after I’ve bathed you.”

I lift my gaze to his, thinking to remind him not to get too hopeful about this arrangement. It’s temporary. But no words come out because he picks that moment to rub the washcloth over my breasts, squeezing them slightly and rubbing my nipples until I gasp.

He’s got an evil grin as he washes my back and then moves to my feet and up my legs.

I gasp and grab the sides of the tub when he reaches for my pussy and rubs the cloth over my folds, lingering until my knuckles are white and I’m panting. “Craig…” My brain is scrambled.

He pulls his hand away before picking up a cup and using it to rinse off my body.

I’m trembling when he lets the water out and lifts me from the tub. I stare at it longingly, wishing I could relax in it longer.

“We don’t have time for you to play in the water right now, sweetheart. Master Quinten is coming over in a few minutes. I bet you want to be dressed when he gets here.”

I lift my gaze. “Today? Now?” The idea makes me nervous.

“Yep. I told you I was going to call him.”

“Yes, but I didn’t think he would drop everything and come immediately for a house call. I was picturing an office visit in two weeks.”

Craig smiles as he pats my body dry with a towel. “Turns out Master Quinten does extra special favors for people in the fetish community, especially members of Surrender. I talked to him for a while on the phone. He sounds amazing.”


Craig sets the towel aside and gives my bottom a pat. “No buts. Come on. Let’s see what Eve brought in the suitcase.”

I follow him into the master bedroom. I’m totally naked and now I’m emotionally messy. I’m suffering from a combination of extreme arousal which he has to know and now nervous tension, which he also has to know. That’s why he didn’t tell me about Master Quinten’s visit sooner.

Craig lifts my suitcase onto the bed and unzips it. The first thing he picks up on top is an unopened package of panties.

I rush forward and look into the suitcase. I think I see a few of my own clothes in there, but the top layer is stuff I did not own before this moment. “I’m going to kill Eve,” I mutter.

Craig chuckles. “She’s insightful.”

“She’s meddling, and if she finds out about this, I’ll never live it down. She thinks she knows what’s best for me.”

Craig opens the package and pulls out a pink pair of panties. Before I can protest, he’s squatting in front of me. “Hold my shoulders. Lift your foot, sweetheart.”

I grab his shoulders and let him put the pair of panties on me, completely unnerved when he pulls them up over my bottom.

“Perfect,” he declares.

“I haven’t owned anything that covered this much of my butt since I was ten,” I inform him.

He laughs. “And how old are you today?”

I groan. “Five.”

He gives a little tug to the small bow at the front of my panties, making the elastic snap against my belly button because that’s how high-cut they are.

While I’m still staring at how silly I look, my heart races because at the same time, the panties have yanked me totally into a very young headspace and my already wet pussy is now soaked.

I’m still uncertain about feeling this level of arousal while pretending to be so young, but I’m starting to see the appeal. Right or wrong, I’m going to squirm the entire time I’m wearing these very young panties.

The next item Craig holds up is hot pink leggings. Without a word, he helps me step into them and pulls them up too. They were also not found in my closet or drawers. Eve is dead.

“Arms up, sweet girl.”

I lift my arms on command and Craig pulls a soft cotton shirt over my head. It’s fitted and therefore snug. It barely conceals my tummy. It’s light pink with writing across the front. I nearly die when I read it. Daddy’s girl.

He hasn’t given me a bra, and my damn nipples are hard, obvious points.

I cross my arms. “Craig…”

“It fits you perfectly, and you look adorable.” He stands and takes my hand. “Let’s fix your hair.”

“You can see my nipples,” I point out unnecessarily.

“Yep.” He spins me so that I’m facing the full-length mirror in the bathroom and begins to work through the tangles in my hair with a brush.

Craig smiles at me in the mirror as he works. “You are so incredibly precious. You have no idea.”

I cover my boobs with both hands. “My nipples, Craig.” I shudder.

His smile spreads. “How many times has Master Quinten seen you naked?”

“I don’t know. A lot,” I murmur.

“How many of those times were your nipples hard?”

“All of them,” I whisper. Why does Craig have to be so reasonable?

“How many littles have you seen wearing bras?”

I sigh. “None.”

“What did you say Master Quinten’s little’s name is?”


“Have you ever seen her in a bra?”

“No.” My shoulders drop. I’ve never been in this strange headspace. I’m freaking out.

“Is there a single chance in the world that Master Quinten will bat an eye or flinch over your choice to try out age play for the day?”

Now that I’m not sure about. “Maybe?”

Craig lifts both brows as he finishes brushing through my wild hair and parts it into two sections. “Fine. Let’s say for argument’s sake that he’s momentarily shocked that you’ve chosen to give age play a try today. Will he judge you?”

“No, Sir.”

“Right. Now, outside of the guest we’re about to have, if he weren’t coming, how would you feel about this outfit?”

“Young.” I shuffle my feet. My pussy is wet. My panties are wet. The arousal I felt in the tub is growing. My breasts are heavy, and I’m squeezing them with both hands still because if I let go, I’m going to moan from the way the cotton rubs my nipples.

I’m impressed by how quickly he braids my hair in two long, thick rows behind my ears. I look very young. He looks very pleased.

He pats my bottom when he’s done. “How’d I do?”

I release my breasts to run my hands down the two braids. “Perfect.” I smile at him. “You did great.”

“Why thank you.” He bends down and kisses my forehead. I find I like when he does that, and he does it often. “Ready?”