Mafia Games by Vi Carter




“You want me to push you?” I ask Finn as we make our way to the hotel in Kells. It’s our first check-in of the day. 

“No.” His word is barked.

Shoving him out in front of oncoming traffic has crossed my mind. My father has been on my case. So this would be the perfect opportunity to remove another thing from my to-do list.

“I still can use my arms.” His remark is spoken through gritted teeth.

“Make them work faster. We are losing daylight hours,” I say without looking down at him.

He stops spinning his wheels, so he’s facing me and also blocking me from going any further. “You will show me some respect.” There is no force behind his words, and I’m ready to tell him he hasn’t got my respect, but my attention is snagged by Shane, who jogs across the road.

He is accompanying us today. My father must think we are delinquents as he sends three of us to check in on the running of the hotels.

“I got caught up,” Shane grumbles to me. “Did you hear from Darragh?” He directs his question to Finn, who's all red in the face from having a go at me.

“No, why? What has he done now?”

Shane exhales loudly while rubbing his jaw. “He’s not answering his phone. He was meant to initiate new members.”

Shane takes out his phone. “I’ll try him again.” While Shane rings Darragh, I’m here standing on a footpath in the middle of Kells. These brothers are such fuck-ups.

Shane shakes his head, glaring down at the screen on his phone before cutting the call.

“I’ll initiate the members. Just tell me where,” I say.

Shane’s smirk is brief as he raises both brows. “You think Liam would want his son doing groundwork?”

“If it’s good enough for Darragh, it’s good enough for me.”

Shane’s smirk returns, and he glances at Finn, who also finds this fucking amusing.

“Are you sure?” Shane tilts his head like he’s giving me a way out, and I should take it.

But standing here with these two clowns isn’t doing it for me.

“I’m positive, Shane.” I don’t flinch.

All humor flees Shane’s face as he directs his attention to his phone. Mine vibrates in my pocket, and I remove the device.

“That’s the address.”

“Have a good day,” I tell them and leave. I’ll have to kill Finn some other time.



The new members are runners for the drug trade, and all vary in age. The only common thing they share is that they are all male, and all are here for the money. Two men I’ve never met before make their way across the warehouse toward me.

The first wears a leather vest with nothing underneath. His dark black hair is slicked back. Muscles bulge as he holds out his hand eagerly for me to take. I take his hand but want nothing more than to wash my hands immediately after.

“Shane told us you were coming. Great to meet you, Richard.”

I stare at him as I release his hand. “Your name?”

He stands a little taller as the second man steps up beside him. His attire is cleaner, with slacks and a royal blue shirt.

“Mike, and this is Eddie.”

Eddie holds out his hand, and I take it quickly.

The noise in the warehouse is growing quieter as the men start to notice my arrival.

“So the boys have been primed and are raring to go,” Mike says proudly, and I step around him toward the men who would do the actual donkey work. These men might be the lowest paid, but without them, this ship would sink. I just needed to make sure that if the ship did sink, the captain would remain on dry land.

“Who has spent time in prison?” My question has the men mumbling. I focus on a young boy, maybe eighteen, the pristine white tracksuit and shoes that haven’t seen a day’s work. That would change. He’s at the age that if he throws his weight around like that, it makes him more of a man.

I single him out. “What about you?”

He turns to the other men, half laughing before facing me. “Nah, I’m too quick to get caught.” He lifts the baseball cap off his head before sliding it back on. Laughter bubbles up behind him.

I grin, not fucking amused.

I look at an older man.

“You?” I ask.

“No, Sir.” His gut hangs out over his trousers, and I move along the line of men.


A lanky man, whose face is covered in acne scars, steps forward. “Two years in Mount Joy.”

I place my hands in my trousers pockets as I make my way down to him. I don’t ask him about his crime. That is irrelevant.

“In those two years, how many times were you beaten?”

“Too many times.” He laughs, but the pain and anger reflect in his eyes.

“How about getting raped?”

The next question has his face growing red, and he’s ready to step away from me and back into formation with the other men.

“You will answer my question.”

He looks to Mike and Eddie, who are approaching me fast like they are sweeping in to do damage control.

I know it’s Mike who will take charge before he opens his stupid mouth.

“This isn’t what Darragh does, Richard. We don’t interrogate the men.”

I nod, and the man who hadn’t answered my question tries to sink back into the line. “Stay where you are.” I warn him, and he pauses.

Turning to Mike, I grip his shoulder. “It’s Mr. O’Reagan to you.”

His jaw hardens, but he keeps his big mouth shut.

“I’ll do this my way.” I turn back to the lanky man. “Were you raped in prison?”

“Yes.” He admits through gritted teeth. Men snort laughter around him, and I take a step towards them.

They shut the fuck up.

“Working with us may seem like quick money. Easy earnings.” I walk the line, making sure each man hears my words. “But if you get caught, prison is how you pay for your quick money, and in prison, you will be beaten.” I stop and point at the lanky man who admitted to being raped. “What’s your name?”

“Jared.” He grumbles reluctantly.

“Just like Jared was beaten and raped, so will you.”

The men aren’t laughing now.

“But let me tell you something, if you get caught and breathe the O’Reagan name, rape and a beating would be a blessing compared to what I would do to you.” I stop, and the young boy who had never been to prison has paled as he looks up at me. The baseball cap dragged a little closer to his eyes.

“I enjoy hurting people,” I speak to him before stepping back. “I’m very good at it.” I allow a slow grin to grace my face. “I can’t give you references because no one survives.”

I clap my hands, and they startle. “So let this be your warning. It’s money on the table, but the consequences are deadly.”

I turn to Mike and Eddie. “How did I do?”

Eddie looks to Mike, who tightens his jaw. “Very well, Mr. O Reagan.”

I step up to Mike and slap him gently on the cheek. “That’s a good boy.” He needs to remember he is in the presence of a king.

No one laughs or speaks. The room is deadly quiet as I look back at the men.

“That is your initiation. Mike and Eddie will give you further instructions.” I take my leave from the group of silent men.

I think it went well.

I have no intention of returning to Shane and Wheels. My mind has been fixated on Claire whenever I gave my mind a break from thinking about work. She fascinates me. So much so that I had Davy take over bringing her food because the pull I felt toward her kept growing. She is the perfect image of damaged, and instead of mending her, I want to completely open her up until she is unfixable.

“That wasn’t wise.”

A thrill shoots through my body and I turn to Mike, the knight who races across the asphalt toward me.

“The men are pissed, and I had to ring Darragh.”

I fold my arms across my chest and let this fool continue to divulge.

“He’s Mr. O Reagan to us, and I mean no disrespect, but what you did to Jared in there wasn’t right.”

I nod my head like what he is saying is fascinating.

I could lash out easily and take this fool’s life. I remember my lessons. Take something else from him. It would be his power in this case.

“You’re right, Mike.” I unfold my arms.

Mike smiles. “Look, I get it, man, I know what you were doing, but that doesn’t work on my guys.”

“Your guys.” I grin.

This stupid motherfucker grins back. “I’m the boss when Darragh isn’t here.”

“Let me apologize to the men.”

Mike’s brain kicks into gear. “Really?” It’s his first time looking skeptical.

I walk back to the warehouse. “Yeah, Mike, really.”

He jogs until his steps match mine. “I mean, they would appreciate that. Especially coming from you.”

I pull open the door to the warehouse, and like the gentlemen I am, I allow Mike to enter first.

The hush falls around the space quickly, but I want to make my point.

I clap my hands several times. “Gentlemen.” I garner their attention. “Mike here thinks I’ve treated you badly.”

Mike steps up beside me, his shoulders held back with pride, like he just tamed a lion.

“Anyone else agree with Mike?” I ask.

I take a slow, drawn-out look at the men. Not one of them moves, not even poor Eddie who looks gray. The royal blue shirt he’s wearing sports sweat patches.

“Looks like you’re on your own, Mike.”

“These are my men.” His growl pisses me off.

I keep my temper in check. I’m proud that I don’t extract my gun and make him eat bullets.

I step away from Mike. “Ten G’s to whoever shoots this clown.”

Mike’s face grows white, and he spins, ready to run. Three rounds are fired in quick succession. One drills a hole into the back of his head. It’s all over in a second as he hits the floor, blood pooling around his head like a halo. I turn and note the three men who had withdrawn their guns. The young boy with the baseball cap and white runners lowers his gun. “Never liked him.” He’s a cocky little fucker, but he’s like a starving dog. Throw him a bone, and he will become loyal.

“The three of you will get your blood money,” I announce to the group before approaching the boy.

“You will apprentice under Eddie.”

He puts his gun away, and his eyes sparkle as his ego grows.

“What’s your name?”

“George.” He nods several times as he speaks.

“Well, George, here is your chance to shine.”

“I won’t let you down, boss.” George bites his bottom lip like he’s trying to contain his excitement. Like he can’t wait to tell all his little friends that he's a boss.

“No, you won’t, George. Because if you do….” I don’t finish that sentence, and he swallows, looking unsure for the first time.

I’ve had my fun with these donkeys.

“All yours, Eddie.”

Eddie’s shirt is worse for wear with his growing sweat marks. Where did Darragh get these men?

“Change your shirt.” I bark, and he starts peeling it off as I leave them to squabble.


Taking off my suit jacket, I get into my car and drive away from the warehouse. I don’t get far before my phone starts to ring, it’s Shane. “Yes, Shane.”

“Killing the staff isn’t wise.” His growl vibrates down the phone.

I unbutton the top of my shirt. “I didn’t raise a finger. My gun is cold.”

“Your father won’t be happy, Richard.”

I grit my teeth as I join the traffic on the roundabout before veering off for Monalty. I want to say I don’t give a fuck what my father thinks. “I’ll take it up with him, then.”

“Jack would never behave like this. You need to follow your brother's example.”

I laugh as I merge onto the road. Jack is responsible for his son’s death. I wonder if he knew the truth, would he still sing his fucking praises.

“I’m going to give you some advice.” Traffic zooms behind Shane’s words. He must be walking outside.

My laughter dies down as I wait for his words of wisdom.

“I didn’t survive this long in this game by being foolish.”

“I was making a point.” I state.

“No, you were showing your power.”

Same difference.

“Let me give you some advice, Shane.” I’m getting sick of tip-toeing around my uncles like they are gods. They are old and worn out. “The reason you survive this game isn't because you are careful. It’s because my father wants you alive. Otherwise, you would be dead.” There it is, the truth of all this.

We don’t die from some street gang or jobs gone wrong. We die because of my father. Either he wants you to die, or you get caught in his crossfire of dirty deeds, but ultimately it all comes back to him.

Shane is silent, and I listen to the zoom of traffic down the phone as I approach my home.

“You are right. Your father favors me. He always has. That is something you should remember.” With his final words, he hangs up like it’s some threat.

The only threat here is my father. And what do you do with threats? You eliminate them.