Mafia Games by Vi Carter




Days pass, and I’m not sure what I’m waiting for, an army to crash through the front doors, led by my father? I’m waiting for Shay’s betrayal to come to the surface. Our meeting at one of Shane’s pubs is still playing on my mind, I just can’t figure out what angle Shay is coming from. I’m slowly losing hope of ever finding loyalty in anyone.

I keep waiting, and nothing happens. That leaves me more unsettled. My mind forgets my worries as Claire comes into view again. She’s outside with Connor. I watch her play chase with the dog. I can’t help thinking again about how it was the best decision I made in regard to keeping him. As she runs through the garden, she looks like she’s always belonged here by my side. She’s leaving me unsettled, too. Having her here and seeing her smile more with each passing day makes me afraid of losing her.

“Jack rang earlier looking for you,” Davy speaks from the doorway. I glance at him over my shoulder before turning back to Claire.

“I know. I have a phone.” I’d seen all the missed calls but cutting myself off and just existing here with Claire is all I want to do. The more I learn about her growing up, the more I want to know her. She’s the strongest person I’ve ever met; after all she suffered at Leonard’s hands. He will be the reason I leave this house soon. Killing him will be a true joy. Claire turns like she can feel my eyes on her, and I love how her cheeks flush. I haven’t touched her since the pool, and it’s all I want to do each time I look at her.

“He keeps ringing.” Davy continues.

I exhale and turn to him, holding back my irritation at being disturbed. “Did he say what he wanted?”

Davy steps into the room. “He wants you to ring him.” Davy’s gaze travels past me and out the window. “She’s settling in well.” Sarcasm drips from each word.

“She’s none of your concern.”

“I never interfere, Richard, with your personal life, but…”

I hold up a hand, cutting off Davy. “You don’t interfere in any part of my life, Davy, because I pay you to do what I need you to do. That’s it. Right now, I don’t care for your opinion or advice.”

His jaw tightens. I hate having to put him in his place, but he’s getting a little too lippy for my likings. He takes a final look at Claire, much to my annoyance, before facing me again. “I’ve given you my servitude without question.”

I take a step toward Davy. “Yes, you have. I pay you well, and I appreciate it. So before you go a step further, I advise you to end this conversation.”

He won’t answer me with words. His eyes are angry, narrowed slightly, and it’s taken a whole army to keep him from voicing his words. I can appreciate that, so before he loses control, I speak.

“You are dismissed, Davy.”

He marches from the room, and I run my hand across my face before returning to the window. My stomach twists painfully as my gaze darts around the garden. I can’t see Claire. I’m ready to race outside when she steps out from behind a tree laughing. Connor races after her as she hides behind another tree.

She does this with him several times, and as much as I love watching her, I know I’ll have to face the world again soon. When people like Davy start to question me, what are other people doing? The sharks are surely starting to circle my home. Hiding behind my walls is a sign of weakness, one that will not just put me in danger but Claire, too. I pause before moving away from the window when Claire looks directly at me. She’s happy. She gives me a little wave like she’s not sure what to do.

I give her a half-smile that I try to bury, but with Claire, it’s hard not to smile around her. She walks back to the house, and I leave the room and meet her at the back door.

“You’ve been out there all morning,” I say.

There is a shyness in her eyes that has grown considerably over the last few days. “I love spending time with Connor.” She rubs behind Connor’s ear.

“I was starting to think you were avoiding me.”

Her smile is sweet as she pats Connor on the head before straightening up. “No, why would I do that?”

Yes, she is avoiding me.

“Would you like to go for a swim?” I ask.

Her face blazes, and it’s exactly what I wanted. I want her to remember my hands on her. I want her to remember how I had made her cum. I can’t stop thinking about how sweet she was.

“I don’t have a swimsuit.”

“Yes, you do. I had Mario pick you up one. It’s in your room.” Her having her own room isn’t exactly something I am happy with, but giving her space seems to relax her.

I’m waiting for her to make up another excuse.

She bites her lip. “Okay. I’ll just put Connor in the garage.”

“I can do that.” I didn’t want her to change her mind.

She hesitates, but when I reach for Connor, she goes into the house. I lock him in the garage, and a buzz has my steps quicken as I make my way to the pool. I want to be there before her so I can see her in the red bikini that I got her.

I strip down fully and dive into the pool. Ten lengths later, Claire arrives with a white towel wrapped around her bust. I swim backward so I can watch her.

“It’s nice and warm.”

She’s nervous, and if I swim away, she might get in quicker, but I’m a bastard and enjoy her nervous gaze and hunched shoulders.

She holds the towel with one hand while walking to the steps that lead down into the water. She’s staring at them like she’s considering the best way into the pool. Her gaze dances across the water before her eyes land on me.

I grin. “Whenever you’re ready.”

Boldness fires in her blue eyes, and she unclenches her fist and drops the towel. I straighten in the pool and wipe any excess water off my face. My cock skips all the first stages of hardening and becomes a rod of steel. The red bikini against her skin has every male part of me come alive. She’s fucking perfect. She doesn’t turn around but instead dives into the water quickly. But I’ve seen enough to make me want to ravish her. I dunk my head under the water to see her swimming towards me; I don’t want to miss a second. Blonde hair flows around her like a halo, and I break the surface at the same time she does.

She’s pushing hair and water out of her face, and my plan was to swim for a while, but I lose all semblance of control and reach for the beauty. She startles at my touch as I help her push the hair off her face. Claire’s eyes widen at the sudden closeness. I devour her lips in the most unapologetic manner. I suck, nip, and taste her. Her hands are pressed against my chest but soon slide up to my neck, and she matches my kiss heartily.

I move both of us to the side of the pool to help support me as I greedily push my tongue into her mouth. She’s perfect against my body, her breasts swell against my chest, and I open my eyes and break the kiss. She appears startled; her breaths brush heavily against my lips. She’s trapped between me and the edge of the pool, and I slip one hand down and let my fingertips dance against the fabric that covers her pussy. I’m testing the waters, and when she does nothing, I continue touching her. I keep watching her as I slip my fingers under her pants. Her breaths grow more frantic, and I hope she’s thinking about the last time she came on my fingers. I haven’t stopped thinking about her juices coating my fingers; all I want to do is fuck her hard.

I push a finger inside her pussy. Her head falls back, and her eyes close. I keep moving my finger in and out, dragging it up to her clit that I circle slowly. She squirms and whimpers between each painfully slow stroke. My finger’s still inside her, and a look of almost panic has me elated at how much she wants this. Her hands tighten on my neck, and she pushes down on my fingers.

“You want to cum?” I ask her.

She nods her head eagerly.

I grin. “Tell me you want to cum.”

She blinks a few times before speaking. “I want you to make me cum.”

I remove my hand from her pussy and run it up her side, grazing the side of her breast that I want to taste.

I let my thumb glide across the fabric that covers her breast, her nipples are pebbled, and I take my time running my finger across them. Claire bites her lip, drawing my attention to the small cut on her lip. It’s nearly healed, and I think about opening it up again, about tasting her again. But what I really want to do with her, we can’t do in the pool. My intentions alter from wanting to make her cum to wanting to fuck her hard.

I guide her to the opposite side of the pool, and she doesn’t question me. Once I reach the edge, I pull myself out, water cascades down my body. Her gasp has me grinning as I stand up naked. My arousal has captured every ounce of her attention. I reach down and stroke my cock. She startles at the movement, her innocence widening her eyes.

“Have you ever watched a man make himself cum?” I ask.

She shakes her head and swallows.

I kneel down and hold out my hand for her. She’s looking at my open palm like it’s a choice that will change her life. I’m not sure what I’ll do if she doesn’t take my hand. Dragging her out of the pool seems like the only option at this stage. Her small hand fits perfectly in mine as she takes it, and I pull her out of the pool. She’s light, and once she’s standing beside me, I resist the urge to take her here and now. Instead, I press a soft kiss to her lips and take her hand, walking her back to where she dropped her towel. Picking it up, I place the towel around her shoulders, covering up most of her body. I don’t want any of my men to look at her. The thought alone has my jaw clenching. Her eyes are dull, and she looks almost pained like I’m rejecting her. I don’t explain what we are doing as I take a robe that hangs on a row of hooks off and cover myself up with it.

“I want to show you something.”

“Okay.” Her voice wavers, and she chews the inside of her cheek. Once again, I hold out my hand for her to take, and once again, she stalls before her hand slips into mine.

Her hand remains in mine as I lead her through the hallways and up the stairs.

I glance at her a few times, and she won’t look at me. Instead, she focuses on the floor. Her hand grips the towel in a death grip.

I bring her to my bedroom door and pause before entering. “I want you. But I want you my way,” I say before pushing the door open. I release her hand and take her face, making her look at me. I kiss her, and it’s not gentle; nothing about fucking for me is. I want her to know that when we go into my room, I won’t hold back.

She appears pure, but she matches my kiss with her own ferocity, and I push the door to the room open fully, leading her inside. I pause one more time, breaking the kiss giving her the opportunity to stop this, but she’s still standing in front of me as I close the door behind us.