Love Me Anyway by Jennifer Probst

Chapter Nine

“You’re early.”

Julianna opened the door, her genuine smile confirming she was happy to see him. He wondered at the spear of pleasure that pierced him. He’d taken a risk coming before dark at their appointed time, wondering if she’d turn him away, but his instinct drove him to bring her dinner. He lifted the pizza box. “Hungry? I skipped lunch so I figured I’d bring food.”

“I’m starving, it’s like you read my mind. Come in.”

He followed her and slid the pizza on the elegant table. “I took a risk.”

She grabbed china plates with etched gold around the rim and set out fancy silverware. A frown creased her brow. “With the pizza?”

“No, with coming early.”

He watched her face carefully but she looked puzzled. “You brought me dinner and it’ll be dark within the hour. I didn’t think our contract included a stopwatch for orgasms.”

He loved her smart mouth as she set a prim and proper table. She was such a delightful contradiction. “You’re a hard taskmaster. I gave you that retaining wall for a steal. Figured you’d make me wait till my appointment time.”

“Well, that’s silly. Besides, I’m hungry.” She sat down, laid her napkin on her lap, and looked up. “Would you like a beer? I picked some up today.”

Another surprise. “Thanks.” He retrieved a Guinness from the refrigerator and wondered what her action meant. When he’d first come, she refused to serve him water. Now, she was buying his favorite beer.

Jack refused to analyze why it made him so damn satisfied.

“Now, let’s just hope you got the right pizza,” she said, reaching over to flip up the lid. “If there’s anchovies on this, I’ll need a few more orgasms to make up for it.”

He ripped out a laugh and joined her at the table. “Now I regret not getting them. Nothing sweeter than you begging me to let you come again.”

Her cheeks flushed as she slid out two slices. Then blinked in surprise. “You got meat lovers.”

Jack arched a brow. “Problem?”

“No, I’m just surprised. Most people wouldn’t suspect I’m a huge carnivore. Unless you got it for yourself?”

He picked his slice up and dug in with gusto. “I noticed you have roast beef for lunch, bacon for breakfast, and a freezer full of chicken and ribs. You’re not the vegetarian sort, which suits me perfectly.”

He paused at the flash of appreciation in her cocoa-brown eyes, as if she wasn’t used to anyone trying to please her. His heart squeezed in a funny way. For such a poised, capable woman, there was a loneliness etched around her like an aura. At first, it’d been a harmless game, to try to seduce the spinster.

Now, he felt differently. He just wasn’t sure he wanted to analyze why.

“Thanks,” she murmured.

“Eat.” He shook his head when she began delicately cutting the pizza with a fork and knife. “With your fingers, love. Just let yourself enjoy the pizza without worrying about making a mess.”

She considered the slice, then him. Finally, she grabbed it in her hands and took a delicate bite. “Hmm. Good.”

His dick hardened as she licked her lips. “Tonight, I’m going to hear you make that exact sound. On your knees.”

She gasped, but he only grinned and motioned for her to keep eating.

They fell into easy chatter, ranging from sports to movies to books. He found she was knowledgeable in most subjects, and a keen listener. Most women he was with seemed to be waiting for their turn to speak, or flirt, or grab attention back to themselves. But Julianna seemed honestly intrigued by his words and thoughts, which was a pleasant surprise. The more they spent time together, the more he craved.

What was happening to him?

Her chin was propped in her palms. Her hair was held back in a casual tie. Freckles sprinkled her nose. She wore no makeup, her lips naked of color. Jack was hit with a premonition of them in his own home just like this; sharing a meal, talking about their day with no frills or false personas, content with each other’s company. A physical connection hummed beneath the surface but it was more than that.

Bigger. Stronger. Fiercer.



He shook off his thoughts and refocused. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“Tell me about England. What is it like?”

He thought of his childhood home that held his heart. “It’s full of history and secrets, from the Royals straight to the working class. The pubs are the heart of our social gatherings, where you can grab a Guinness, some chips, and talk to strangers without worry. You can walk down the busy city streets, close a big deal, and forget that you share space with tortured queens and war heroes who changed the world. England, in my personal opinion, is the ultimate contradiction. You would love it.”

“I’m sure I would. I’ve always wanted to travel.”

“If you could pick one place, where would you go?”


He cocked his head, entranced by the look of wonder flickering across her features. “Why?”

“I’ve read so much about it. The food, the culture, the passion. I dream of sitting in St. Mark’s Square in Venice, sipping cappuccino, the grand canals in the background. Browsing through museums and churches where Michelangelo and Dante and Galileo strolled.”

“And you never tried to go?”

Sadness gleamed in her eyes. “Once. It didn’t work out.” She forced a smile. “One day, though.”

“Yes, one day,” he murmured.

She got up and cleaned off the table. He thought of joining her while they traveled the world. Thought of savoring the look on her face as she gazed upon the hidden treasures across Europe. It would be like initiating her into the realms of her sexuality.

In that moment, Jack wanted her with a hunger that swept away all reason.

He came up silently behind, lifting and turning her body so he held her tight against his chest, her feet hovering off the ground. Her eyes widened in surprise, but her body melted in his arms, well-trained to respond. Locking his gaze with hers, he walked to the fancy table and sat her on the edge. Cupped her cheeks with his palms. And kissed her.

She moaned and he caught it. Jack kissed her for a long, long time, his tongue tangling with hers, thrusting deep, overtaking and commanding until she was pliant and trembled beneath him, open to anything he wanted to do. A primitive possession sliced through him, driving him to mark her; claim her; fuck her; until he imprinted his body on her very soul.

He broke the kiss. She panted, eyes wild with need. “Lay back on the table.”

Slowly, she eased back. She wore one of those dresses that fit her like a tent, but when he pushed the fabric up to her hips, he sucked in his breath.

She wore no underwear.

“Did you do this to prepare for me?” he asked, tracing his finger over the bare expanse of her pussy, now neatly shaved. Already, wetness seeped to leak down her thighs. The fierce way she responded to him made him feel like a god. “Answer me.”


“Good girl.”

Yanking her forward so her legs draped over the edge, he lowered his head. Jack pressed soft kisses over her mound, his tongue barely touching the pulsing bud of her clit. He continued the teasing while she begged prettily and writhed underneath him. Opening his lips, he breathed hotly over her swollen tissues, slowly parting her with his thumbs so he could gaze at her.

“You’re perfect, love. Now, you’re going to come for me. In my mouth. On your fancy table. Right now.”

He suckled her clit with a steady pressure while his fingers pushed into her pussy right at her G-spot.

She came, screaming his name, bucking her hips. With one hand, he unbuckled his pants to free himself, donned a condom, pulled her legs over his shoulders, and slammed home.

Her tight, wet tissues squeezed. Her thighs trembled. The spicy scent of her rose to his nostrils and he growled like an animal, thrusting wildly into her still convulsing body as he brought her back to orgasm and kept her on the razor’s edge; her pleas like music to his ears.

They climaxed together. Hot bursts of pleasure clawed at his body, but it was his heart that was affected the most.

She slumped over the table, wrecked. Protectiveness washed over him. Jack picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, removing the rest of their clothes and pulling her in close. His hand smoothed back the hair from her face. He pressed a gentle kiss to her swollen lips.

“Jack?” she whispered.


“I can’t wait to go sailing with you.”

The words held a deeper meaning for both of them. He paused, not sure how to respond, and reminded himself this was supposed to be a short affair to ready them both to marry other people.

The right thing to do was leave. Break it off right now and disappear. There may still be time left to save them both.

Instead, he touched her soft cheek. “Neither can I. Now, sleep, love.”

She did.