Curse of the Fallen by Eve Archer

Chapter Twenty-One


“Where is she?” Sara asked as we entered Epicurus Marbella, screaming over the pulsing music and throngs of people.

I was just as eager to find Ella, but I wasn’t bouncing on my heels and swinging my head from side to side like her friend, who’d changed into black satin pants and a silky, red halter top that was mostly string. I gave Rami a side-eye glance, which he pointedly ignored. I hadn’t wanted to bring Sara with us, suspecting that she’d be too anxious to stay cool and might tip off the Solanos before we could procure Ella from them.

“This might not be the best idea,” my second-in-command said as he gazed over the dancing crowd.

At first, I thought he was talking about Sara and finally coming around to my viewpoint, but then I followed his gaze. The guests of Epicurus—the writhing masses of bodies barely covered in skimpy dresses and open shirts—were heavily interspersed with succubi and incubi. It only took a cursory glance to see how many of the sensually motivated demons were dancing in the crowd, their numbers easy to spot because of their black leather and the number of humans hanging on them—not to mention the demonic energy that pulsed around them. If we’d arrived later in the evening, I doubted there would have been such a high concentration, as the demons would have left with the humans they’d chosen to slake their insatiable lust.

Rami groaned. “I’d forgotten about Marbella.”

“They won’t cause a problem,” I told him, with more confidence than I felt.

He twisted his head to face me, cocking one eyebrow. “They’re still demons.”

“Demons we allow to patronize our clubs so they can feast on the sexual energy of humans. If they challenge me, I can easily forbid them to hunt in every Epicurus in the world. Let them go back to sneaking through open windows and seducing people in their sleep like thieves.”

“I don’t know what you two are going on about, but it’s hella creepy.” Sara waved a hand in the air as if dismissing both of us. “I’m going to chalk it up to angel stuff and pretend I didn’t hear any of it. Now are we going to look for Ella, or what?”

Before I could respond, Tamiel joined us, bowing his head slightly. “We’ve been monitoring the situation, Dom. She hasn’t left.”

Sara gave him an unrepentant once-over. “Let me guess? Another one of your hot-as-shit fallen angels.”

Tamiel grinned at her assessment even as he raised an eyebrow. “Who is—?”

“Someone who promised she would follow our lead and not cause trouble,” I said, giving Sara a pointed look and gaining a snarky one in return. I shifted my gaze back to Tamiel. “Where are they now?”

“The group split up. The elder Solano is on the dance floor.” He inclined his head to where the familiar man was gyrating against a woman who looked heavily drugged.

I curled my top lip in disgust. Mateo might be set to inherit Don Solano’s modest underworld organization, but he had none of the older man’s presence or command. Instead, he looked like a low-level deputy who couldn’t control his base instincts. “Get him away from my sight.”

“With pleasure.” Tamiel raised a hand and flicked his fingers to beckon a pair of Fallen forward.

“And the other Solano?” I asked. “I assume the college boy is with Ella.”

Tamiel dropped his gaze. “He took her downstairs.”

I stiffened. The thought of Anthony Solano taking Ella down to the dark and forbidden lair that was the VIP level of Epicurus made my blood boil. It had been a while since I’d personally taken advantage of this particular club’s private room, but I suspected that with this many hungry succubi and incubi, it pandered to the most forbidden desires.

Rami signaled to the Fallen who’d accompanied us from the plane, motioning for them to fan out around the club and mouthing the word demons.

“You should stay here with Sara,” I told him, trying to ignore that way his gaze lingered on Ella’s friend.

“I’m not staying anywhere.” Sara squared her shoulders. “If you’re going after Ella, I’m with you.”

“This could be dangerous,” I said with a weary sigh.

“You’re a big, tough guy.” She twitched one shoulder. “I’ll stay behind you and let you take the bullets.”

Rami choked back a laugh but put a hand over his mouth to hide it, coughing loudly.

“Fine, but it’s not bullets you’ll need to be careful of,” I said. “It’s my wrath, if you get in the way of me saving Ella.”

Sara thumped me on the arm, hard. “You know what? I’m starting to like you.”

“Lucky me,” I grumbled, turning and making my way around the edge of the club to the stairs leading down.

When I reached the top of the stairs, raised voices made me turn.

“Get your hands off me,” Mateo Solano screamed, his voice carrying even over the music, as he was being escorted by a pair of muscular Fallen toward the exit. He spotted me, his face turning purple as he struggled in the grip of the two celestial being who were considerably stronger than him. “What? Don Vicario can’t fight his own battles?”

I stilled, knowing I should brush off his words, but the rage I’d suppressed over the past few days as I’d searched for Ella bubbled up like fire within my soul. I strode over to him, my hands fisted by my side. When Mateo saw me approaching, he shrank back, his angry expression replaced by one of fear. Even my fellow Fallen released their grip on him and took deferential steps back.

As an immortal being with superhuman power, I’d always been careful not to abuse my strength or my abilities. I’d tempered my reactions in front of humans and kept my anger at bay, even when I wished to erupt in a blaze of fury. But when it came to defending Ella—the one female who I believed was destined to be mine—I couldn’t suppress my desire to rain terror on the people who’d taken her from me.

When I reached Mateo, I towered over the cowering man, rage pulsing off me in waves. “I prefer to fight opponents who stand a chance against me.” I grabbed his collar and lifted him off the ground as he emitted a squeak. “You do not.”

I felt the eyes of club guests on me and steadied my breath as I lowered his feet back to the floor. I dropped my voice to a deadly whisper; my lips close enough to his ear that I was sure he could hear every word. “You are lucky I’m not executing you on the spot.”

He stumbled back, licking his lips as his gaze darted nervously at the crowd of onlookers that had gathered. “You think you’ve beaten us, don’t you? Well, you still don’t have your girl, Don Vicario.”

I jerked my head toward my Fallen and the door, and they made quick work of bustling the man from my sight. I pivoted around to find Rami right behind me, with Sara by his side. But it was the demon with black hair standing behind them both who drew my gaze and made my blood chill.

“He’s right, you know,” Jaya yelled, flashing a menacing smile and flipping her blades off her belt. “You haven’t won yet.”

Then she dashed for the stairs.