The Blood Boss by Davidson King

Chapter Sixteen


“Ifind the two of you to be confusing,” Reginald said once I explained how I wouldn’t require the offering at his house. “One minute you are yelling, now this? It’s not something one just does, Sir.”

“I’m aware, Reginald. Just see if there isn’t someone in need of an offering, and I’m sure they will be grateful.”

“After we lost help from Juniper Isles and The Ruby Lands due to the damn Tritons and Sirens sinking our ships and harming the offerings, I’m sure I can find someone in need.”

“Well, luckily we lost mostly blood bags, wine, and other things.”

“Yes, Sir, but to those countries a life is a life. One of the offerings who died was the granddaughter of a dragon lord. He wasn’t thrilled.”

“I understand. Have a good night.”

I wouldn’t sit there and be lectured by Reginald. I had a few hours to get some things done before Jayce came to my rooms. Natalie was instructed to not allow me to be disturbed this evening. Even after the feeding, I’d need to tend to Jayce, and seeing as this was something he’d never experienced, I wanted to be sure there were no adverse effects.

I didn’t join Jayce in the dining hall for dinner, but that was no surprise. I often didn’t. I was able to eat certain foods but in truth, vampires didn’t crave things like chocolate or chicken. Wine was another story, and I would often drink that while Jayce ate.

An hour before Jayce was set to arrive, I made sure to have everything I’d need to ensure he replenished all he’d be giving to me. I showered and dressed in casual clothes. It wasn’t typical of what I wore around the estate, but nothing about this evening was typical at all.

At exactly nine o’clock, a soft knock came.

“Come in.” I made sure to be sitting by the fire, not near the bed or anyplace that might unnerve Jayce.

“Hey.” He stepped into the room, and I was able to get a good look at him.

His hair was styled perfectly, he was clean-shaven, and he was wearing a suit I didn’t think he owned. His brown eyes popped under his long lashes, and I wondered why I’d never realized how unbelievably handsome Jayce Harlow was. Don’t get me wrong, I had felt attraction, but this was on another level.

“You look incredible.”

A blush bloomed on his cheeks, and he chuckled nervously. “I observed how the offerings were dressed earlier, and one thing Emil brought me was the only suit I had in my closet at home. I figured it would be respectful to the ceremony you adhere to, to look my best.”

I stood and went to him, noticing how his hands were clenched. “I don’t want you to be nervous, Jayce, and you can change your mind.”

“No. I don’t want to. I want to do this.”

“Very well. I would like it if you could remove your jacket and tie. While very nice, I will need as much access to your neck as possible. Open the first three buttons of your shirt as well.”

“Sure, okay…” He slipped off his coat and I took it from him, placing it on the chair I had vacated.

By the time I turned, he had removed his tie, and his shirt was open completely. “Would it be easier if I remove the whole shirt?”

I knew there was nothing sexual about what he was asking; he wanted to be sure no blood got on it and him being a novice, I wasn’t sure how he’d react to the initial bite.

“If you’re comfortable that way, I’m fine with it.”

“I don’t have a lot of nice shirts, so I don’t want to risk getting it messy.” His laugh was shaky, and I could see the tremble in his fingers. The beat of his heart was steady, and I appreciated how seriously Jayce was taking all of this. His comfort, however, was important to me.

“It’s important you’re comfortable, Jayce.”

“No different than taking my shirt off on a hot summer day, right?” He tossed his shirt haphazardly onto the bed and faced me.

His torso was lean, but he had definition in his abs, and it was obvious he took care of his body. I knew his skin would be soft, and that earlier need to taste him would be quenched in mere moments.

“I will approach you and guide your body to submit to my bite. You will feel a quick, sharp pain, but it will last only a second before the calmness will roll over you. Once I have fed, I will lay you on the bed. You are to stay until you have been replenished, understand?”


Jayce took my hand so I could guide him to where I needed him. I’d have him stand at the side of the bed and close, so when I was done I could easily place him on the mattress.

Jayce’s gaze locked with mine as soon as I touched the side of his face. “Thank you for your offering, Jayce.” He leaned against my palm, exposing his neck. The flow of his blood called to me. I brushed my nose over his flesh, inhaling his unique scent.

“You’re welcome, Cain,” Jayce whispered.

I swiped my tongue along the vein and marveled when he tasted like the sea. He was exactly who Sibell said he was. And I was about to solidify that. I opened my mouth and touched the tips of my fangs to his skin.

“Yes.” He sighed, and I struck. He released a small gasp followed by a hum. I pulled forth the calmness he deserved, knowing in doing so I’d take a painful hit myself. It was my curse. When I took blood from another, in turn I was flooded with their nightmares, fears, their truth.

Jayce was no different. Actually, it wasn’t Jayce at all. I felt the pain and torment of his mother and father. How the demum sacrificium ultimum solvit tore through them, ripping their souls apart. It was indeed painful for them…Well, Asherah at least; she’d spared Rigil. She’d borne it all. And under the pain was the deep sadness of losing her child, knowing that while he was safe, she’d never know him.

I released my grip from Jayce, swallowing the last of the blood I needed and placing him on the bed. His eyes were closed, and a small smile played on his lips. Jayce was, in fact, the king of the seas and the skies. He was everything Sibell had promised and so much more.

I went over to the cart I had out and got a cloth and some water. I spent the next hour hydrating and feeding Jayce, and through it all remembering the painful story his blood had told me.

* * *

“You doubted me?” Sibell argued when I asked her over the next morning. Jayce never woke, though he was replenished, and I left him in my bed.

“Oddly, no. I wasn’t sure, however, how embellished your tale might be.”

She glanced around the sitting room. “Does Jayce know I’m here?”

“No, I left him to rest.”

She nodded. “He offered his blood to you?”

“He did.”

“And that’s how you knew my story was true?”

I closed my eyes for a moment, and Asherah’s heartbroken face flashed behind my lids. “I felt her anguish.”

“The Tritons and Sirens are going to war over Jayce, Cain. He is far too powerful to them.”

“Why would they want to destroy someone like him? He could make them the strongest creatures in the world.”

Sibell raised a brow as she sipped her tea. “And they would be forced to bend the knee to him. They are dark forces, Cain, and Jayce is not. He is more good than anything and would never allow them to go on how they are. And if they are not what they have always been, it is an unknown to them. Better he be dead to them.”

“Did you think I’d hand him over? Because of my curse, or because you think my vampires lead to the dark forces you speak of?”

She placed her teacup on the table. “Is there good in you, Cain?”

I had to laugh at that. “You ask me that now? You should have asked me hundreds of years ago when I was wrapped in chains, awaiting a judgment for a crime I did not commit.”

“It wasn’t my place to pass the ruling, Cain. I was there to bring forth the punishment, that’s all.”

“You wanted me to suffer for eternity. Your spell got all messed up, didn’t it? You wanted me to walk the Earth and beyond and feel the horrors each living thing felt when I touched them.”

“It was the judgment passed!”

I uncrossed my legs and leaned closer to her. “And you agreed.”

“It was just.”

“I was innocent. I did not deserve any of this.”

She looked around the room. “You’re doing well, are you not?”

“No thanks to you or any of the gods.”

Sibell rose from her seat and moved to the window. It was raining, and the clouds were the color of coal.

“I was summoned, told you killed your brothers out of jealousy. It was an unforgivable act, Cain, you knew that. There was no one to speak on your behalf. I was asked for you to wear a mark and with it live an eternity reliving the pains of others. Even I couldn’t have known your mark would be vampirism.”

“You should not do magic you don’t understand, witch.”

She turned, and her eyes widened. I followed her gaze to find Jayce standing in the doorway. His eyes filled with tears.

“Jayce?” I stood and went to him.

“Who even are you?”

I closed my eyes, feeling any progress I’d made with him begin to wash away. I was about to explain, but he moved past me toward Sibell.

“You need only to read his journals to see how much he loved his brothers. He speaks of their accomplishments. The stories suddenly stop and there was nothing more, but I could tell you he loved his brothers. Why did no one ask him?”

He wasn’t angry with me at all; he was going after Sibell.

“It was a time so different from now.”

“No, Sibell, not so different.” He then faced me. “You feel pain when you touch people?”

“Only when I drink from them.”

Jayce gritted his teeth and his eyes narrowed. “Last night, I caused you pain.”

“Jayce, I need to drink, and that’s how the punishment is. While not exactly what Sibell intended, it’s what she got.”

“And you feed off others, making them like you.” She stepped closer to me and to my surprise, Jayce cut her off.

“Do you not know how loneliness feels? From what I’ve seen while I’ve been here, Cain takes care of all the vampires. He keeps them in order and cares for them. It’s more than I can say for many other creatures…including humans.”

Sibell looked as if she’d been struck by his hand. Her hand pressed against her chest. “Jayce, I never meant to hurt you.”

“This isn’t about me, Sibell. It’s about Cain and what you did to him. I won’t speak in regard to my biological parents. I can’t know if what you did to or for them was what they wanted, but hearing Cain tell you…how he begged you, and you did this to him?” Jayce shook his head and stepped back when she went to touch him.

“Cain, it’s your house and you invited her here, so I won’t ask you to make her leave, but I think you’ve given enough of yourself over to her. She has no hold over you.” With that, he was gone, leaving Sibell and me to stare after the man who could very well win this war for us all.