The Blood Boss by Davidson King

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Icould smell the candles burning before I opened the door to my bedroom, indicating Jayce was up to something. Sure enough, when I entered, he was lying across the bed in only boxers, which elicited a smile from me.

“You look good enough to eat.” I stalked over to him, each step making his salacious grin wider.

“I think I’m the one who will be doing all the eating tonight.”

As I stood beside the bed I began stripping, loving how he watched every move I made. What we were about to do was serious. It was the closest a vampire could be to a human or other creature. While sex was an act of connection as well, Jayce drinking my blood was a sacred bonding.

“Will you drink from me too?” His foot slid up my leg as soon as my pants dropped.

“I’d like to; it would make the bond even stronger. But if you don’t—”

“No, I do, I want it all.”

When only my briefs covered me, I leaned down, gripping the waistband of his own, shimmied them off, and tossed them behind me.

“Right here.” Gently, I glided a finger at the juncture between his hip and groin. “I’ll taste you here.”

He shivered beneath my hand and sighed. “Yes.”

“I’ll replenish you with my own blood; that will embody you, make you feel a high at first, but it will settle.”

He nodded, watching me through hooded eyes.

“Will you take these off first?” He rubbed his toes over my clothed and growing erection.

When I stood at full height, Jayce lifted up, resting on his elbows to get a better look, no doubt. I hitched my thumbs into my waistband, sliding them around to tease him.

“A show, how lovely,” he laughed.

Huffing out a chuckle of my own, I stepped back and slid them down my legs, taking my time to stand up. And when I did, I hid my cock with my hands.

“Hiding the goods?” Jayce’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“You’re getting sassy.”

He laughed harder and damn, I loved the sound. “Maybe you need to shut me up.”

Challenge accepted. Using my speed, I covered his body with mine in a flash, kissing his gasp of surprise.

I loved how his tongue tasted. Always like strawberries, his skin like the sea. As I glided along his body, my tongue trailing over his flesh, I relished in the scent, natural and refreshing. Like how it smelled before it rained. So much about him told a person he was more than a mere human, yet magic had kept it all locked away for so long.

He trembled beneath me, his nails biting into my head, and his moans a symphony of longing. When I got to where his hip met his cock, I lifted his leg to gain better access.

“Fuck, Cain.” His plea only ignited me, and after one last lick of his salty skin, my fangs extended, and I struck.

The taste of his blood filled my mouth, and like an addict, I succumbed to it like a drug. His pulse beat against my hand, and I knew when to pull back.

His lazy smile greeted me after I licked the wound closed.

“My turn to taste you now?” Jayce’s voice slurred as if he were drunk.

I pulled myself up until our faces are inches apart. “Yes.” Lifting my wrist to my mouth, I sliced across it, blood pooled, and I dripped it onto Jayce’s tongue. When he hummed, I pressed it to his mouth and let him take his fill.

As he swallowed I could feel us begin to connect, like thread knitting fabrics together and emotions entangling. If I had breath it would be taken away as the love Jayce had for me washed through my body. Knowing he too was understanding how deeply I loved him wasn’t lost on me, and I knew after this exchange, our relationship would change greatly.

When Jayce released my wrist, I took both our erections in hand and gently glided them together. He was dazed and beautiful; I felt his climax hovering as he felt mine.

“Cain, it’s so—”

“I know.”

I moved my hand faster, chasing what we both so desperately craved, and when our climax hit, it was so intense we both nearly blacked out.

Jayce wrapped his arms around me, and with my face pressed against his neck, we slept.

* * *

The next morning, I found Jayce in the great room with a bunch of vampires, watching the news about the fire. After everything had settled, the whole block was in ruins. The owner of the bakery, Burt, whom Jayce knew, was the only casualty. But now the police were involved, and a human had been killed. I had to act.

“May I have your attention, please?” I walked over toward the television and shut it off. “Before we head out, I need you all to know we aren’t working alone. While some of you may have issue with this, none have more reason to protest than I on this matter. Since I’m not, nor shall any of you.”

There was some talking, asking what was going on, so I raised my hand to silence them.

“We have a powerful witch on our side that will be able to hold a barrier in place so no one can come or go once Rogos and Sable set foot on land. This is a huge reason our mission will be successful.”

“Who?” a vampire with spiky blond hair piped up.

“You all know her as Sibell.”

No sooner did I say her name than protests and gasps rang out. I let them have their moment, since I was sure knowing she’d be helping was a hard pill to swallow. She’d never, in her entire existence, been a friend to vampires.

“I understand your issues. This was not an easy choice for me. But there are reasons, and we need her.”

After more grumbling, to my surprise, Jayce spoke up. “If it weren’t for Sibell, I wouldn’t be here. And yes, I know all she did to Cain and all that meant for you as vampires. I’m not asking any of you to forgive her; that’s something you need to be right with. All I’m asking is for you to trust Cain, and maybe even me, that she will help us prevail here. After it’s all said and done, the choice you make in regard to her is your own, and no one will force you to feel differently.”

“How do we know she won’t betray us?” Loralee, a petite redhead, stepped forward.

“She won’t.” Jayce shook his head when she began to argue. “I can’t explain how I know that, but she won’t. Rogos and Sable are far more dangerous to humanity and Black Veil than any vampire has ever been.”

“In the same vein, I will not tolerate any of you sabotaging her and what she is there to do for us. Your vendetta has no place here today. It could hurt the entire mission, and we will only get one chance to make this work, am I understood?”

Everyone either verbally agreed or nodded. It was the best I could hope for.

“Sibell,” I called, and she stepped into the room.

If she was nervous or scared it didn’t show on her face. The vampires parted for her, and she came to stand beside me.

“When the time comes for her to hold the barrier, I expect those near her to protect her. If you can’t do that, tell me now. Remember, you’re guarding the power, not the person, but they need each other to work.”

Sibell said nothing as I spoke, and it was for the best. I couldn’t think of a single thing she could say that would make any of them trust her in that moment.

When I knew everyone in the room was with me on this, I gave a curt nod.

“Then let us begin.”