Boost by Vi Summers


Chapter 18




Two weeks later, on a Saturday night, I tossed my keys at the valet and resisted the urge to tug at my collar. This damn penguin suit was tight and irritating the shit out of my neck. I’d only had it on for an hour, tops, but couldn’t wait to ditch it. A tux wasn’t my style. Period.

On instinct, my shoulders pulled back as I stepped through the grand hotel doors into the swanky-as-fuck foyer.

The fundraising gala for the Boost Foundation had rolled around far quicker than I liked, and while I didn’t want to attend, Colton put the pressure on until I caved.

“Ortiz,” I stated to the woman at reception.

“Ortiz,” the pretty bird repeated, while her eyes searched the computer screen. Her blue gaze then cut to me and looked me over with open curiosity.

“Problem?” I asked, getting restless.

Her eyes lingered on my throat tattoo that was just visible above the god-awful bow-tie strangling my will to live.

“No problem at all, Mr. Ortiz. Please, make your way around to the left and enjoy your evening.”

Nerves gathered strength as I strode toward the gala room. I was nothing but a garden stone wrapped in Armani, pretending to be something I wasn’t. I didn’t belong among these false smiles and disapproving side-glances.

Fuck them.

I headed to the bar and leaned both forearms on the thick wooden top.

“What can I get you?” the barman asked.

“Old fashioned; double.”

He gave me an approving nod. “Skipping the champagne tonight?”

I scoffed. “Do I look like a champagne kind of guy to you?”

Despite doing well to mostly hide his chuckle, his amusement showed. “No. You look like the kind of guy I’d be hiding from my boyfriend.”

My jaw dropped and a long, rolling laugh piled out as the barman set a heavy-bottomed tumbler in front of me.

I lifted it with a flourish. “Well… your boyfriend must have good taste in men.”

The guy grinned and pointed to himself.

Smiling and shaking my head, I tilted the liquor to my lips and turned to face the room. Bourbon, bitters, and a hint of sugar water slid over my tongue in the perfect ratio, momentarily distracting me from the men in tuxedos and women in evening dresses around me.

“There’s something to be said for a tattooed man in a tux.”

My attention snapped right, and fuck me, the beauty of Boss Lady punched the air from my lungs.

“Fuck, mamacita!”

I sucked in an audible hiss through my teeth as I took her in. I hadn’t seen her since I dry-fucked her in her office, and Christ, the memory rushed back with surprising clarity. My eyes licked one continuous line from the thin strings disappearing over her shoulders, rounding every seductive curve on her body, before dropping to the blood-red fabric pooling at her feet.

“There’s something to be said for a dress like that, Boss Lady.Turn for me,” I demanded.

A coy little smile lit her eyes as she turned and looked back over her shoulder.

Mistake. There was no back to the dress until just before her ass. All that honeyed skin on display had my cock aching.

Subtly facing the bar, I made a quick adjustment, then took a sip of my liquor.

“Turn around, dammit. Back to the bar so I know no one else is getting hard over what I’m seeing.”

“It’s sexy, huh?”

I glared and pursed my lips. “Don’t toy with me, Greer. There’s only one way it will end up, and that’s me finding a room to fuck you in.”

Her jaw fell, and she dashed a stricken glance around the room, visibly paranoid that someone had overheard. I set a hand on her waist and leaned close to her ear, ensuring that my fingertips connected with her exposed back.

“Don’t worry, mamacita, no one will hear. I’ll be sure to cover your mouth to hush your screams.”

“Raf,” she said breathlessly, before her attention flicked over my shoulder.

The swirling heat faded from her eyes. I twisted to see who had pulled her attention from me and found myself frowning at a cocky suit who matched me for height and arrogance.

“Ah, there you are, Gree,” he declared, and dropped a kiss onto her cheek.

I resisted the urge to subtly bring her closer to my side, and that was purely due to the genuine smile on her face.

“Good timing, Tian. This is Rafael Ortiz.” Greer indicated to me, and Tian thrust his hand into the space between us.

“Christian Michaels, of Landon-Michaels PR.”

He was all chiseled jaw, sharp hazel eyes, and stylish brown hair that complimented his impeccably classy suit.

“Rafael Ortiz, entrepreneur,” I stated, shaking his hand with purpose. I, too, was a businessman—I just ran in different circles from this jumped-up pretty boy.

Christian gave me a dubious look and dropped his focus to the tattoos adorning my throat. I squared my shoulders and eyed him down my nose.

“Is that right?” he deadpanned, then turned to Greer. “This is Colton’s guy?”

She smiled tightly. “The one and only.”

Sensing some kind of tension between them, I angled away and brought my drink to my mouth. I sipped; the action dismissive and purposefully rude, but I wouldn’t stand for bullshit from assholes like him.

“What was that for?” Boss Lady hissed after her counterpart excused himself.

I lifted my head just enough to look at her from under my brows. “You really have to ask?”

Greer scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“What?” I said with a shrug. “The guy’s an ass. Surely you can see that.”

She set a hand on her waist and leaned close. “He’s also a trusted and close friend, not to mention my business partner.”

My eyes narrowed at her defensive tone. “How close?”

An upright snap of her spine told me all I needed to know.

“Thought so.” Focusing on my drink again, I watched the liquor swirl around the crystal tumbler.

“But you know what?” I asked, not waiting for Greer to answer. “There wasn’t a spark between you and him just now. Not like the one between us.”

“Raf-” she started to protest, until my fingers found the seductive swell of her hip again.

I arched a brow, ignoring how hard my heart hammered beneath the layers of expensive clothing. Its rhythm matched the audibly erratic cadence of Greer’s breath.

“Case in point, mamacita. You can try and lock down your reactions, but your pupils don’t lie. They’re dilated like you’re high as a fucking kite.”

“I’m not high,” she snapped.

A rolling chuckle left my smirk. “I know. Not off drugs, at least. More like high off the thought of what it would be like to fuck me. Oh, the things I would do to you, baby girl,” I whispered against the shell of her ear. My grin turned devilish when I felt her shudder.

Colton’s voice cut through the heightened desire Greer and I were entranced in. “Fuck, you scrub up alright!”

The interruption had me growling and casting a heated look at Greer before turning.

“Finally, someone worth seeing.” I shook his hand, then smiled at the beautiful brunette at his side in a long emerald gown.

Colton introduced us. “Raf, this is Rylee. Ry, meet Raf.”

She smiled widely and extended her hand. “I’ve heard heaps about you, so it’s great to finally meet in person.”

“You too, Rylee. You’ve met Greer already?” I asked, taking the opportunity to smooth my hand along the small of Greer’s back, smirking when her skin pebbled with goosebumps.

“I have. The first thing I wanted to know when we arrived was who the woman was in the stunning red dress,” Rylee gushed.

“Seriously, you’re too kind. That dress is simply gorgeous on you,” Greer replied while strategically inching away from my touch.

As much as she put up a front, I heard the breathy notes in her voice, and saw her chest rising and falling faster than it did when she was relaxed.

I locked eyes with Colton while the women continued to exchange compliments. He arched a brow, then raised his tumbler in question.

Lifting my chin in confirmation, I angled toward the bar as he reached my side.

“You look out of your depth.” He sniggered into the dregs of his drink when I glared.

“Are these always this tight?” I complained, tugging at the collar of my shirt again. The damn thing was choking the life out of me.

“Fuckin’ A.” He set his empty glass on the bar top and indicated to the barman for another. “You get used to it.”

“Unlikely,” I muttered.

This scene wasn’t mine, and I was grateful when Boss Lady’s red dress pulled my attention to the side, a second before her intoxicating perfume took ownership of my thoughts. Her voice then shattered them.

“Colton, we should get started.”

He wove a hand onto Rylee’s hip, then cuffed me on the shoulder. “Showtime, Raffie.”

I couldn’t move. My feet stayed glued to the spot and my grip on the bar didn’t ease. I hated being thrust into the limelight. Correction; I hated being thrust into the media spotlight. Give me fame on the streets any day, but not this fucking circus.

Barely four steps away, Greer turned and glanced expectantly over her shoulder. Her expression filled with genuine concern, and she backtracked to stand before me.

“Rafael, we need to be seated.”

“You go without me, Boss Lady. I’m good here.” At the bar.

Her long, dark lashes narrowed subtly as she tipped her head to the side. The angle was odd, almost as if she subconsciously invited my mouth to hers. I took the inch and pushed it a mile, stepping closer and easily becoming lost in her orbit.

“Raf,” Greer hissed, and my eyes lifted to meet hers. They burned with intensity and drive.

“I prefer to keep a low profile, mamacita.” Things had already changed too much for me because of this foundation.

Frown lines needled their way between her brows, then cleared once she assumed my meaning. She didn’t though. Not that part of me. Not the true reason I needed to avoid the media wherever possible.

Her fingers landed on my forearm. It was the first touch initiated from her, and I welcomed it. It grounded me. Stabilized me somehow.

“The choice is yours. I know you’ve had to make sacrifices to be part of this foundation. I’m not taking away from what’s important to you, but not all sacrifices end negatively.”

Sincerity radiated from her expression as if compelling me to believe her. I wanted to, I really fucking did, but it wasn’t that simple. Not when I had to fight tooth and nail to get to where I was today.

Boss Lady’s squeeze on my arm brought me back to the present.

“Convince me,” I hissed, after another sip of liquor.

She inched closer with purpose and lowered her voice. “Ask yourself this, Rafael; tonight, are you the King of the underground, or the respected businessman whose name alone is a sought-after brand? The media will portray you the way they see you, and it’s up to you, to us, to shape and mold them any way we can.”

I pulled back from her touch as if each of her vehemently stated words were lashings against my bare skin. I tipped my chin and studied her down my nose, feeling amusement and pride spread throughout my chest when she fearlessly held my glare.

“Agree to a date and I’ll do it.”

Her chin tucked back indignantly. “You’re blackmailing me?”

I smirked. “It’s not blackmail if you already know you want to do it, mamacita.”

“Greer,” she snapped, easily getting riled.

Getting myself comfortable, I set both elbows behind me on the bar and casually leaned back in wait. I even went so far as crossing one ankle over the other and grinning at her. This was going to be too easy. I had her in a box with only one way out; a date with me.

As if smelling my victory, her spine straightened, and she pulled her shoulders back. I swear the little boy in me cowered a little from the enraged flash in her eyes.

“I’m not going to force you, but I sure as hell won’t ever date you if you don’t get your ass seated by the time Colton hits the stage.”

With that, Boss Lady turned on her heel and breezed through the crowd like she owned them, swaying hips and all.

Tossing back what was left of my second, and last, Old Fashioned, I muttered a string of curses under my breath, then pushed off the bar. I strode in the direction she moved, as if she was literally leading me by the balls.