Boost by Vi Summers


Chapter 22




It took all my willpower to not toss my dessert and pin Greer against my Porsche. My dick throbbed painfully, reminding me that I’d been giving without receiving tonight, and my balls were blue because of it.

I could tell she wanted me, or at least wanted to fuck; expressions like hers didn’t lie. Neither did her hardened nipples or the strategic cross of her legs.

Feeling her tongue flick across my thumb almost undid me. It was the first time in a very long time that I’d actually fucking whimpered from a woman’s touch. That was how bad I craved her. So bad, I could hardly fucking breathe.

Watching her devour her sundae was pure torture. Each pass of her tongue over her lips, every lick of the spoon, every stolen glance at me from under her lashes… It all compounded into one massive problem that I had zero control over; my all-consuming greed for her.

I shoveled back my favorite sundae without tasting a damn thing, and then plucked Greer’s cup from her when it was empty.

After binning the waste, I stalked back to where she waited. I reached around her and slapped my hand onto the roof of my Porsche.

Heat radiated off Greer’s exposed chest; each wave penetrating the thick cotton of my shirt. I swallowed heavily and balled my free hand at my side to stop myself reaching for her. The thought of gripping her hard and roughly pulling her against me had my dick stirring again.

I gritted my teeth against the near overwhelming urge to take her recklessly against the side of my car.

Frustration had me growling harsher than intended. “Date’s over. Get in the car, Greer.”

Confusion created two little lines between her perfect eyebrows. She opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off.

“Please, baby girl. Get in the car. I’m barely holding on.”

Her expression eased into comprehension, and thankfully—mercifully—she complied without argument. I opened the door for her and did all that good shit, but as soon as the passenger door latched closed, I let out a sigh of relief.

She gave me the side-eye when I slid behind the wheel. Questions and confrontations seemed to be poised on the tip of her tongue, waiting for the perfect opportunity to release. Wanting to get the conversation over with, I angled her way and stared. Stared until she grew restless.

“Mamacita, if you’ve got somethin’ to say, just straight-up say it.”

Greer inhaled and opened her mouth, then snapped it shut again with a huff.

I raised both brows, hoping to rile her enough so her words would spill. And after another huff, it worked.

“Why are you doing this? With me?”

Although expected, the question kicked me for six. I reared back and lifted my chin.

“I’m just as confused as you are. Fuck, you’re not what I normally go for.”

Hurt cut across her face. “Gee, thanks.”

I shook my head because she misunderstood. “You’re the type of woman you take home to meet your mamá. The one you can be proud of; the one you want to show off to your family and friends. The one you want to wake next to and fucking cuddle with. Something I’ve never had, or done, before.”

Her confusion softened to match her probing tone. “Like I said, why me?”

I looked her dead in the eye. “To be honest, I don’t know. This is new territory for me.”

“Likewise,” she mumbled, with a hint of bitterness.

Having had enough of the deep and meaningful, I gunned my Porsche to life and cruised onto the street.

“Where do you live?” When no reply came, I glanced her way. “Address,” I demanded.

She simply raised her eyebrows and gave me the look.

“Greer, if I’mma drop you home, I need to know where you live.”

“Honestly, Rafael, I don’t want to put you out. Just take me back to the gala and I’ll get Jethro to drop me home.”

“Not happening.”

“Gah, you’re so stubborn!”

I snorted and a smile formed. “Back at ya, Boss Lady. Since you won’t tell me, I’ll take you back to mine and you can crash there.”

Greer’s mumbled comeback made me laugh. “What was that? I didn’t catch it.”

“I’m on Grand Ave.”

Smirking in success, I took the 110 from Compton back into downtown, eventually pulling up out front of a high-rise that was predominantly windows.

“This is you?” I asked, looking up through the windshield.

“This is me.”

She hesitated with her hand on the door latch. Making the decision for her, I got out, rounded the hood, and escorted her to the entrance doors.

“Thanks for tonight.” Sincerity from her smile reached her warm-brown eyes.

I inched closer, chuckling and giving her a wink. “You are most welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

She caught my double-meaning and a blush spread across her cheeks. When she began to turn away, I caught her inner elbow. “Hey.”


I tugged her close and cupped the side of her face. Dropping my mouth close to hers, I paused. The lure between us was strong and impossible to ignore, and it created the same feeling I got at the starting line waiting for a race to start. Anticipation. Heightened senses. Impatience.

My hand heated against her skin while the other dropped to her hip. The silky fabric slid under my fingertips when I flexed them. “Sleep well, mamacita.”

A smile graced her mouth. “You, too, slick.”

I felt her silent permission; the barely there tilt of her head to angle higher, inviting my mouth to hers. I fought against it. Every cell in my body thrumming and vibrating with wanting to do dirty things to her.

“Fuck,” I hissed. “Five! Five times, Greer!”

She pulled back, confused. Releasing her cheek and blindly finding her hand, I pressed her open palm against my erection and held it here as she fought my grip.

“Five,” I stated again, with a final rub.

Not giving into temptation, I abruptly stepped back and threw my arms wide.

“Five,” I yelled, and started grinning like a stupid-ass fool when Greer broke into laughter that danced across the night sky.

“I bet it will be six before the end of the night,” she teased.

I scoffed. “And what makes you think that?”

She held up two fingers and snipped them together. Memories of her coming on my hand made me hiss through my teeth.

More soul-reviving laughter filled the night as she turned and sashayed toward the glass door of her building.

“Six, slick. Six,” she called over her shoulder.

I watched her cordial exchange with the security guard, and paused a fraction longer than necessary when she laughed at something he said.

“Fuck,” I hissed to myself. She was one hell of a woman.

Once she entered the elevator, without so much as a backward glance, I groaned under my breath. I was well out of my goddamn depth and didn’t know how the hell I was going to handle the situation. 

It was nearing two AM by the time I got home, but I was still lit and buzzing.

Parking in the garage, the automatic double-door silently lowered into place and sealed me in darkness. Fuck Greer and her ability to bring me to my knees with a single look.

I lifted my fingers to my nose. Her scent was faint, but still recognizable, and it instantly had my cock hardening again for, yes, the sixth fucking time tonight!

I barely made it through the internal door that bridged the garage and the far end of my kitchen before I was tearing at my zipper. A long groan knotted in my throat when I finally fisted myself. Finally giving me the relief I so desperately needed.

Hand running up and down the length of my erection, I set a punishing rhythm that soon had me grunting with pleasure. It was Greer’s scent on my fingers that heightened the animalistic urges running rampant within me and pushed me to the brink in record time.

Coming hard into my hand, I stood with my head pressed against the wall, fighting to catch my breath.

Jesus fuck, I was officially a ruined man.