Claimed Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


Driving away from Jane’s house is one of the hardest things that I’ve ever done, but I’m not going to stick around and wait for her to come to her senses. I have men for that, men who will sit there outside her door until she pulls her head out of her ass and calls me for help.

And she will. I have no doubt, not if she’s the type of mother that I’m convinced she is. I have a mental image of her fighting tooth and nail for her and for her daughter, and she’d be stupid if she thought that she could handle this on her own.

When I get to a stop sign and there isn’t anyone else coming I pull my phone from my pocket and dial Marcelo’s number. Salvatore can be a stubborn fucking ass and I know that he’ll just love to lord this over me when he finds out that I have it bad for Jane.


I don’t have it bad.

I want her. I claimed her in my mind and with my body the first night that I met her. She wants a little space before she comes crawling back to me? Fine. I’ll give it to her, but I have no doubt in my mind that I’ll get what I want from her in the end.

Only because she has a kid and I don’t want to take her from her right now.

“You still being a dumb fuck about that girl you laid a few years ago?” Marcelo has never been one for traditional greetings, but I don’t let his words get to me.

“Fuck you, too. I need men watching her house.” It’s not a question and he knows it. It’s something that I need and he’ll give it to me.

“Why her house? Why not move her into yours?”

I growl, slamming my hand down on the steering wheel before answering. “Because she’s being a stubborn shit. Because she thinks that she needs to live with her mom and kid right now and she’s determined to do that, so I’m going to wait her out until she comes to her senses.”

“You think she will? The Wicked Bastards won’t give a shit if a kid gets caught in the crossfire, you know.”

“Yeah, I know. I want to protect the kid, but I’m more worried about her.” I’ll knock her up. I’ll make her have my babies. She may think that her daughter is the only child she’ll ever have, but I want to see Jane pregnant with my kids.

“Okay, I’ll get some men on it, but you need to move her to your place if you want to protect her.”

He sounds like a broken fucking record and I grit my teeth. “I’m aware, mom, thank you. Now, get people to her place and I’m going down to the station to see what I can find out.”

“Give me ten and I’ll come with you.” Marcelo has always been ready to get into trouble at the drop of a hat, but I shake my head. Even though he can’t see me, every fiber of my body is screaming at me that I don’t want him to come with me.

“No, I’ve got it. You handle Jane and keep her safe. Let me do this.” Before he can respond, I hang up and wrench the wheel hard to the side, tearing through the intersection. I know that Marcelo would love to come poke his nose around the station and maybe even blow off steam, but this is something that I want to do on my own.

It’s the only way that I can get Jane out of my head. When I close my eyes I see her under me, her mouth open as she cums, and it’s fucking distracting.

Traffic is light and in no time I pull into the train station, easily finding a parking space because the place is so empty. When I get out I tug my jacket a little tighter around my body and glance around me before walking straight up to the building.

The trains have all been out of commission for years here, but that doesn’t mean that the place is shut down. It’s impossible to know for sure how many people have moved in here and how many of them run their illicit businesses out of the building. Rather than dealing with the problem, the city decided a long time ago to turn a blind eye to it, which means that our family has to stay on top of it.

Every once in a while we come through and clean the place out to make sure that there won’t be any trouble. Of course, no matter how often we’re here, there are always some assholes who think that they’re above the law and that they can move right back in.

We cleaned it out a month or so ago, and it’s time to do it again, but that’s not the only reason why I’m here. I also want to make sure that if there’s any information about the Wicked Bastards, that we don’t miss out on it. Trains might not run through the station any longer, but plenty of information does.

I’m aware of people watching me as I walk across the parking lot and I shift my gun on my hip, enjoying the weight of it there. It’s comforting and I know that I’ll be safe, even without one of my cousins here.

The huge double doors are unlocked and I pull one hard to swing it open before stepping into the hall. There are piles of trash strewn on the floor and I wrinkle my nose at the smell as I enter the building.

“Come on out, assholes,” I call, raising my voice enough that I can be sure that it will echo all the way down the hall. “It’s time for a little visit.”

No movement, but it’s not like I expected anyone to come right out to talk to me. When you turn on the light, cockroaches tend to run in the other direction, and the shitheads living here are no different. The only reason why they matter to me right now is because they may have some useful information about the Wicked Bastards.

“I know you’re in here. And you can stay for a little bit longer, but only if you give me the information that I need.” Slowly I start down the hall, pausing in each office door to glance inside. The last thing that I want is for someone to get the jump on me. That would put a fucking damper on the day, and I’m already in a shit mood.

The sound of someone dropping something at the end of the hall makes my heart beat faster and I pull my gun, pointing it ahead of me as I work my way down the hall. I fucking love this. When other people might be shitting their pants and running for it, I want to go straight toward the noise.

Each step takes me closer and I still take time to glance in the doors just to cover my ass, but my focus is on the last door on the left. When I reach it, I press myself up against the wall and take a deep breath.

“Alright, asshole. I know you’re in there, you know I’m out here, so why don’t you come out and we can talk about things?”

Nothing. No movement, no sound. Whoever is in there is scared stiff and the thought makes me smile.

“Last chance. If I have to come in there to talk to you then you don’t get the benefit of sticking around when I leave. You can come with me or you can die. Your choice, only because I’m a magnanimous fucking human being.”

“Okay, I’m coming!” A man’s voice, high and tight with fear, echoes back at me. “Please, for the love of God, don’t shoot me. Jesus. You Bonnanos all operate on a hair trigger, you know that?”

Stepping back from the door, I keep my gun trained on the space there as I wait for the man to appear. It takes a moment for him to enter the hall, and when I finally see him, it makes sense why.

He’s on crutches, or should be, but one of them is missing. Leaning heavily on one crutch, he thumps his way out into the hall, scowling at me like I ran over his dog.

“Who the fuck are you?” I ask in greeting, not dropping my gun. Sure, this guy looks harmless, but that doesn’t mean that he is. I’ve been surprised before by people who look like they couldn’t hurt a fly and then who go off the handle. Drugs can fuck you up bad, and even though this guy looks sober, you can never tell.

“Greg Prasil,” he says, holding up his free hand. “I just moved in here a bit ago but I know who you are. Fucking Bonannos think that they own the city.”

I grin at him, a thrill running through my body. “We do,” I tell him. “Which is why I get to decide if you live or if I’m going to shoot you in the face.”

This makes him wince a little bit and I take the chance to glance down at his leg. There’s a bandage wrapped tightly around it, so tight that it looks like it’s going to cut off his circulation. He winces when he sees me look at it and my eyes flick back up to his face before I check out his leg again.

“Looks like someone already shot you,” I say.

I’m met with a grimace. “You could say that. Someone didn’t like that I came back to town, but I took care of them.”

“Was that someone a Wicked Bastard?” Even though I’m curious, I still keep my gun trained right on this guy. He’s not going to get the drop on me, no matter what. I can only imagine how much of a pain in the ass my two cousins would be if they thought that a little old man on a crutch kicked my ass.

Before answering, he glance around the empty hall, then looks back at me. “They’re back, so that’s a good guess, but no. It wasn’t them.”

“Who was it?” I don’t have all day long to stand here and talk to his asshole, but I can make time when I think that I might get some information from him. Since I know that Jane is safe, I’m not too worried about wasting time talking to this guy.

He pauses, chewing on his lower lip like he’s not sure if he’s going to tell me what I need to know. Finally, he sighs, looking back at me. “You know the Dark Devils?”

Just hearing their name makes my blood run cold. That’s who the Wicked Bastards were trying to team up with. If they’re sniffing around town and working with the Bastards then we could have a serious war on our hands.

I nod, making sure that I don’t let any of what I’m thinking show on my face.

“Well, good, because I’m sure that you were going to hear their name sooner or later. They’re back, Bonanno, and they want blood.”

“Where are they stationed?” My heart’s beating faster, thrumming hard in my chest as I stare at this guy. He has all of the information that I need, I just have to convince him to give it to me. I don’t want to hurt him, but I will.

Anything for Jane.

He breaks into a grin, his broken teeth on full display. Just the sight of his face, now so gleeful, makes my skin crawl. “You’d love to know that, wouldn’t you? But you’ll never find them! They’re everywhere and they’re coming for you, Bonannos!”

Throwing the crutch to the side, he lunges at me and I squeeze the trigger without thinking. The retort is so loud that my ears whine, but he drops to the floor a few feet from me.