Alien Skin Market by Lizzy Bequin


“You still with me, sugar?”

When she opens her eyes, she finds herself in a familiar setting—the lavish bedroom of Bradley’s home in Buckhead, the uptown district of Atlanta.

It is night, of course. She doesn’t think she has ever been to Bradley’s place during the day. The lights in the crystal chandelier are dimmed—yes, Bradley has a damned crystal chandelier in his bedroom—and only the faintest pool of amber light falls upon the bed where Maureen lies naked on her back atop butter-smooth satin sheets. The two half-finished glasses of wine on the nightstand tell her it must be Saturday night, and the warm breath gusting between her open thighs tells her Bradley is in the middle of going down on her.

“Aw, don’t tell me you fell asleep on me, sugar,” Bradley’s voice chuckles from between her legs. “I’m not boring you, am I?”

Relief washes over her body like a cool spring rain.

All the horrible events of the past hours have been nothing more than a nightmare conjured up by her overworked brain. She has not been abducted from the cow pasture at all. She finally gave in to Bradley’s persuasive Southern drawl and went to his house for a night of comfort and pleasure. But then, due to exhaustion and overwork, she must have passed out in the middle of sex. Embarrassingly, it’s not the first time such a thing had happened.

Bradley’s soft lips graze the lips of her pussy.

“I can stop if you need a nap,” he teases.

Maureen moves her hands between her legs and rakes her fingers through Bradley’s thick, wavy hair. Only tonight it doesn’t feel as wavy as usual. That’s funny. But her mind is too preoccupied by other thoughts to make much of that detail.

“No, don’t stop,” she breathes.

His tongue glides over her plump outer lips, first the left side, then the right, moistening her splayed center with warm saliva.

“Mmm,” she moans. Then she giggles. “God, I had the strangest dream though…”

“Tell me about it,” Bradley purrs. His voice always sounds good, but tonight it’s different, unusually husky, and it sends a hot ticklish sensation slithering through Maureen’s veins. “Meanwhile, I’ll put my tongue to other use…”

His tongue tip runs the length of her sex, separating her inner folds, grazing her hole, flicking her clit at the finish.

She squirms and moans on the bed. It’s times like this when she thinks she really must be crazy. Any other woman would be doing everything in her power to put a ring on a guy like Bradley. He’s rich. He’s gorgeous. He’s a generous lover. And most of all, he is safe.

But she simply doesn’t feel that way about Bradley. Maybe she can’t feel that way about any man, she thinks. Her work comes first. She has her reasons.

Bradley licks her again, even more deeply this time. Slippery wet warmth trickles down her ass, tickling her anus and soaking into the satin under her hips.

“Tell me,” he growls.

Funny, it isn’t like Bradley to be so demanding. Usually he lets her set the pace. But hey, if he really wants to hear all about her dream, she’ll tell him. Just as long as he keeps doing all those wonderful things with his tongue.

“Okay,” she starts, her voice trembling and catching with pleasure. “Well, first I was in that cow pasture where you called me…mmmm…but then a…a flying saucer showed up and started beaming up the cows…ohhh…”

“Mm-hm?” Bradley hums, sending sexy vibrations deep into her core.

“They beamed me up too…mmm…ahhh…and there were these weird little rats inside…oh fuck…inside the ship. But one of them became my friend, and he kept getting bigger…God…and bigger until he was like a medium sized…oooohhh…dog…yes! Oh God, yes…right there Bradley…just like that…”

As she hears herself recounting the events of her dream, she realizes just how bonkers it all sounds. Isn’t it funny? When one is dreaming, the most bizarre and impossible things can happen, but it never occurs to the dreamer that it must be a dream.

Still, at the time it all seemed so real.

“Keep going,” Bradley growls. “Tell me more.”

He licks her again, hard and deep, bringing her right up to the edge of a climax. Her clitoris is so swollen with arousal that it feels as if it will pop. Bradley’s tongue feels rough and raspy, different than usual. But it feels so fucking good, she isn’t about to question that detail or the change in his voice and his attitude.

“There were shadowmen,” she gasps. “They gave me an injection that took away my…my…oh God, my voice and…


“And, and they stripped off my clothes…put a…put a leash on me…ohhh, ahhh…they took me to some kind of market…the aliens were touching me…and then…and then


There’s something really wrong with Bradley’s voice now. It’s inhumanly deep. Animalistic. And at the same time, oddly familiar. A surge of fear rises in her chest, but the masculine dominance of Bradley’s new voice compels her to answer.

“And then the…the purple alien came.”

As soon as Maureen says the word “came,” that’s exactly what she does. Bradley’s rough tongue pushes her over the edge, and her climax explodes through her body, leaving her sweating and gasping for breath.

“A purple alien?” the not-Bradley voice rumbles.

Maureen casts her eyes down her naked body—between her heaving breasts, across her twitching belly, through her inner thighs, spread and glistening with sweat and saliva. There in the darkness between her open legs, in the place where Bradley’s safe and handsome face should be, she sees a pair of glowing orange eyes staring back at her.

Oh God…Oh God…

She tries to scramble away, but the orgasm has drained the energy from her muscles. She is paralyzed. Her body feels heavy, like a bag of sand.

From the shadows between her legs, a striped purple arm emerges, huge and bulging with corded muscles. Strong fingers splay over her belly. Black claws, sharp and cat-like, extend from the tips.


She tries to scream, but the sound lodges in her throat and sticks there like a shard of ice.

She watches helplessly as the purple alien emerges from the darkness and climbs her body. His movements are unhurried, as if he knows his quarry has no chance of escape. His brutal muscles shift and slip beneath his tight, smooth skin.

His masculine smell surrounds her. Warm animal musk and something else, something spicy like well-seasoned meat. Her body instantly responds to that aroma. Goosebumps flare like a rash. Nipples, already firm with arousal, grow as hard as baked clay beads. Between her legs, wetness spills in obscene quantities.

Give yourself to me…”

The alien is directly over top of her now, his orange eyes glaring down at her with terrifying intensity, beating down on her like twin suns. His hands are on her, claws out, raking scratches over her naked skin. His pelvis is cradled between her spread thighs, and the length of his shaft glides against her wet vulva. God, the skin of it is almost scalding hot.

Open for me, human. Take me…”

She can’t see his erection, but she can feel it pressing against her, and from that touch alone she knows he is built like a bull. There is no way that monstrous thing will possibly fit inside her. It will break her, tear her, damage her.

With a cruel laugh, the alien aligns his oozing tip against her tight opening.


The alien thrusts. Hard.

His penis enters her with such force that it knocks the air from her lungs, robbing her of the ability to scream. He falls upon her like a wild beast, madly laving his rough tongue over her neck and face as he violently claims her flesh…