Alien Skin Market by Lizzy Bequin


His purring was not having the desired effect.

To be fair, his technique was probably a little rusty. The ability to purr was a trait common to all mature Raksha males, but it still required regular practice and training. Vaul had not purred in a very long time. Not since…


Vaul didn’t want to think about that tonight.

Right now, he needed to focus on the human. In a matter of spans, they would arrive back on Rak, and she would be handed over to the protection of the government. After that, he might never see her again. With their criminal records erased, he and Tristn would return to their life among the stars. And as for Maureen, she would…

Well, Vaul was not actually sure what she would do.

But none of that mattered. For tonight, they were together, and his sole desire was to make her safe and comfortable.

Unfortunately, he was failing miserably at that task. Despite his earnest attempts to soothe the troubled human with his purring, she only seemed to be growing more agitated and restless beneath him. Perhaps he should stop.

Vaul silenced his purring, and for a blip or two the only sounds were the hum of the ship’s engines and the soft susurrus of respiration—his own, Maureen’s, and the creature Rawn’s on the floor.

But Maureen remained restless. With an impatient whine, she shifted her body underneath him until she was lying on her back facing him.

“Why did you stop?” she whispered.

“It seemed my purring was bothering you.”

Even in the near total darkness of the small room, Vaul’s keen eyes could see the human’s pretty smile.

“Yes, it was bothering me,” she said. “But in a good way.”

“What do you mean?”

“It felt good,” she said. A tiny human arm emerged from the sheets and touched the center of her covered chest, right over the gap between her mounds. “It felt good here…”

Her hand moved down between their bodies and touched her lower belly.

“…and here. It felt good here too.”

“Do you wish for me to continue, Maureen?”


Vaul lowered his face and gently brushed his mouth against hers. At the same time, he purred, sending the vibrations straight into her parted lips. Maureen gasped on an inhale and swallowed his purring with a moan of pleasure.

Continuing to purr, Vaul moved his lips to Maureen’s cheek, then her ear, and she gave a ticklish cringe. Next, he moved to her throat, and she arched her back, pressing her small body up into his. He buried his face in her hair, which was soaked with sweat, and her strangely feminine fragrance entered his body, possessing him like a spirit.

“You are very hot,” he said between purrs. “You are sweating.”

“Maybe I should take these covers off,” she suggested. “What do you think?”

Vaul offered no objections. He stripped the sheets from her body leaving her fully naked and exposed. A cloud of woman-scent billowed from her uncovered body, and it sent a tidal wave of desire rushing into Vaul’s cock. If he had been wearing his roomy silken breeches, this would be no problem. But now his loins were bound in his xuntori cloth—his customary sleeping loincloth—and his engorged penis strained painfully at the tight fabric.

He would just have to bear the pain. Goddess knew he had borne worse in his day.

He settled his body atop Maureen’s again. Her skin was warm and soft against his, especially the smooth skin of her legs, which rubbed deliciously against his own.

“Oh!” she gasped when she felt the bare muscles of his thighs. “You’re not, um…you’re not wearing any pants.”

“Neither are you.”

“No. Neither am I.”

Her legs opened wide to cradle him, and he lowered his pelvis against her. His aching bulge pressed against her hot center. Wetness stained his xuntori cloth and bled through the fabric, moistening his cock with her juices. Vaul’s arousal deepened, and he groaned in agony.

“Are you okay?” Maureen asked.

“It’s my loincloth,” Vaul grunted. “It is causing me great discomfort.”

“Oh my. Well, in that case, you’d better take it off, Vaul.”

Already her fingers were on his hips, attempting to unfasten the cloth for him. When she couldn’t figure out how it was tied, she gave a small whine of frustration. Vaul showed her how it was done, first unwinding the twisted fabric going round his waist and then pulling away the front pouch. His arousal swung free with all the force of a spring-loaded lever and struck Maureen between the legs with a wet smack!

“Oh!” she cried out.

Beside them in the darkness, Rawn snarled angrily. Vaul did not begrudge the animal for growling. The creature only thought he was hurting Maureen. Vaul admired Rawn’s protectiveness.

“Rawn, it’s okay,” Maureen said as she stretched out one hand to soothe the shaggy creature. “Vaul isn’t hurting me.”

No. Vaul would never hurt Maureen. He would protect her, and he would make her feel pleasure.

Rawn grew calm again, but he did not lie down or go to sleep. Vaul could sense the creature’s eyes watching them in the darkness, curious to see what they were going to do. Vaul was not bothered about having an audience—he was not ashamed of his lust for the human—and Maureen did not seem to mind either, so Vaul proceeded.

He lowered himself onto Maureen again, laying the underside of his cockshaft against her wet slit. He started to rub himself against her, but he hesitated.

“What’s the matter?” Maureen whispered.

Vaul just shook his head and chuckled. “This will sound strange, Maureen, but I feel that I should dance for you.”

Maureen giggled beneath him.

“Dance for me? Vaul what are you talking about?”

“Raksha courtship follows very strict rules. It is traditional for a male suitor to dance for his female to win her approval.”

Maureen’s slit throbbed with heat and spilled even greater wetness against his shaft.

“God, that does sound hot,” she murmured. “But I don’t think there’s enough room in here for you to dance. And anyway, we’re not exactly being traditional, are we?”

She was right, of course. They were not being traditional. She was not even part of his species. She was an alien, and her body worked very differently from a Raksha female’s.

Vaul knew something about about human mating behavior. He had learned about it in Beh’thani’s memoir, a book which he had read several times. Yesterday, Jrayk had asked to borrow the book from him, and Vaul had willingly shared it with his friend.

He knew the reason Jrayk wanted to read it, of course. He was equally enthralled with the little human female. So was Tristn. Vaul had seen him earlier today with two fingers inserted deep between Maureen’s legs. Had Tristn mated with Maureen, Vaul wondered? Had Jrayk? If so, Vaul didn’t mind. The thought of sharing Maureen with the others did not make him jealous. On the contrary, it excited him immensely.

Jrayk had tasted the pleasures of Maureen’s body, then Tristn, and now it was his turn.

His balls throbbed and his tip leak pre-seed fluid into the patch of hair over Maureen’s slit. She cupped one small hand over his jutting cockhead, smearing her palm with his stickiness.

“Vaul?” she whimpered.

The Raksha rolled his hips, slowly dragging his naked cock up and down against the length of Maureen’s warm, wet slit. Her lips cradled his shaft, and she lifted her pelvis, slathering his underside with her warm, slippery secretions.

“Goddess, you are wet,” he groaned.

“For you, Vaul. I’m wet for you.”

The Raksha growled with satisfaction.

Beh’thani’s book did not go into great detail about the human mating process, but it outlined the basics. Human females did not produce a mating globule the way Raksha females did. Instead, the male would insert his aroused penis directly into the female’s body and deposit his seed inside her. When Vaul had first read of this, the idea had repulsed him. But now, with Maureen’s sweet scent filling his nostrils, and her enticing moans filling his ears, he found the thought of penetrating her very appealing.

But alas, that could not happen.

Maureen was so tiny, and he was so big. There was no way he could fit inside without damaging her. He would just have to settle for rubbing himself against her exterior. Even this incomplete act gave him much pleasure. And based on the sounds spilling from Maureen’s lips, she seemed to find it pleasurable too.

“Oh God, Vaul,” she gasped. “Oh God, I’m going to come.”

“Come?” he grunted. “But…you are…already…here…”

“No, I’m mean…I’m going to…ungh!…Oh fuck…Vaul!

Her voice trailed off into an incomprehensible moan, and her body convulsed beneath him as a fit of pleasure overtook her muscles. The sound and feel and smell of her was too much to bear. Vaul could not hold out any longer. His balls tightened and his cock pulsed, unloading rope after sticky rope of semen onto Maureen’s skin.

When he finally finished, her breasts and belly were striped with his hot, thick spend.

“Goddess,” Vaul panted. “You are so beautiful.”

“You can see me in the dark?”

“Yes, though not as well as I would like. But I can see you better with my hands.”

He pressed his palm to her stained belly and glided it up between her breasts and then over them, smearing her skin with his abundant seed. He would have liked to have put that seed inside her, but marking her skin was satisfying in its own way too.

“Come here,” Maureen whispered. “I want to taste you.”

She placed her two small hands on Vaul’s bigger one and guided him toward her mouth. Her tender lips wrapped themselves around his thumb, sucking away the coating of seed there. Then, moaning softly, she repeated the process with his fingers until all of them were clean.

“God,” she murmured. “And I thought your cooking tasted good.”

Vaul grinned.

Grinning was something he’d not done often since before the plague times.

“Goddess, I’ve made a mess of you,” he purred. “I need to clean you up. I’ll be right back. You stay here.”

“Where would I go?”

He went to the galley to get a metal basin which he filled with hot water. Next, he went to the storage cabinet by the shower to get a washcloth and dry towel. Then he returned to the room. He soaked the washcloth, rang it out, and in the darkness he wiped down Maureen’s skin, cleansing her breasts, her abdomen, her inner thighs, her slit.

She hummed and squirmed as he cleaned her, and more than once Vaul was tempted to mount her again and make a fresh mess of her. But the hour was late, and they both needed to rest, so he kept his urges under control. After she was fully clean, he dried her with the towel.

All the while, Rawn watched intently.

When he was finished, he set the basin and the cloths in the corner of the small room. He would deal with them in a few spans when he woke up. For now, he only wished to sleep with his clean, naked, beautiful human.

He climbed onto the bed and gathered her into his protective embrace, and almost immediately her breathing took on slow, steady rhythm of sleep.

Rawn settled down on the floor, and soon he was snoring too.

But it was quite some time before Vaul dozed off. For nearly a full span he lay there wide awake, listening to the little human’s breath, feeling the slow expansion and contraction of her ribcage, the languid thump-thump of her single heart.

She was precious and perfect, and for tonight she was his. He would protect her. Until they reached Rak, he would protect her…