Alien Skin Market by Lizzy Bequin


She was not afraid.

Oh, she had every reason to be. She was strapped into a bucket seat inside a bubble of glass swiftly plummeting toward an alien planet at an astonishing rate. And even if she somehow managed to survive the impact that was coming, another terrible fate awaited her. In the seat across from her, mere inches away, sat the evil Raksha who had touched her and publicly violated her outside the auction house. His hungry growls and the bulge straining at the crotch of his black bodysuit made his intentions for her all too clear.

Yes, Maureen had plenty of reasons to be afraid, but she wasn’t. Her mind was too consumed by grief. She had just watched The Longshot fall out of the sky and crash into the jungle. Even from far away, the impact had looked brutal. There was no way the others could have survived that.

Tristn, Jrayk, Vaul, and Rawn. They were all dead now, and it was the fault of the nameless Raksha who now sat across from her snarling with lust. Maureen did not know exactly how he had done it, but she had seen him press a button on his handheld device just before The Longshot started to fall from the sky. Had he planted bombs inside the ship? If that was the case, her friends might have been dead before they even hit the ground.

Maureen’s grief shifted into rage.

The way she saw it, she had two choices. She could sit here like a good girl strapped into her chair and accept the fate that awaited her. Or she could take matters into her own hands.

She chose the latter.

With a snarl of her own, Maureen unclipped her harness and threw herself at the Raksha. She realized taking off her harness would probably result in her death, but she didn’t care. It was better than being raped by this monster after they landed.

She clawed at the Raksha’s face, drawing bright orange welts across his purple skin. The Raksha grunted and drew back, his eyes round with shock at the unexpected attack.

But Maureen was only getting started.

She knew she was no match for the Raksha’s strength, but he was still strapped down while she had the advantage of mobility. All she cared about was inflicting as much pain as she could before they hit the ground.

To this end, Maureen leaned forward, placed her teeth around the tip of the Raksha’s long ear, and bit down with every ounce of strength in her jaws. Alien blood filled her mouth as the tip separated from the rest of the ear, and the Raksha howled in pain.

Maureen spit out the bloody stump and prepared to bite him again. This time, her target was his nose.

Before she had a chance to sink her teeth in, the Raksha whirled her body around and dragged her back into his lap. She could feel his awful bulge prodding her naked butt.

Maureen struggled to free herself, but the Raksha’s powerful arms coiled around her tightly, trapping her in place.

She braced herself for a counterattack—a set of sharp fangs chomping into her own ear perhaps, or maybe her throat—but the attack never came. Instead, the Raksha just held her firmly while his ragged breath stirred her hair and ghosted over her neck.

What the hell?

He was actually protecting her. Protecting her from the impending impact.

Maureen had to assume his reasons were not friendly. He only wanted her in one piece so he could torture her once they landed. And that landing was going to happen all too soon.

When they were only a few feet above the tops of the trees, a glittering field of energy flared around the outside of the escape pod, and the transparent sphere slowed. The transition was gut wrenching, but it was not the violent impact Maureen had been expecting, and the Raksha’s arms held her in place as well as any safety harness.

That was too bad. Maureen would have preferred to die in a fiery crash rather than face what was coming.

The pod descended through the jungle canopy with agonizing slowness. Daylight faded into green darkness as the jungle swallowed them up. Leaves rustled against the glass, and twigs scratched like claws. Maureen shivered as she imagined the real claws that would soon be tearing her flesh.

After a few seconds, the pod settled gently onto the forest floor.

Maureen’s heart hammered madly in her chest. Her breath was quick and shallow, her lungs constricted by the inhumanly strong arms wrapped around her ribs. She remembered something she’d heard on a nature show about how pythons would gradually constrict around their prey every time the unfortunate creature exhaled.

Was that what she had become? Prey?

The door to the pod opened automatically, and Maureen was shoved through. Her foot caught on the rim of the door and she stumbled face first into the dew-spattered weeds. The soil was dark and soft, and it exhaled curling tendrils of steam into the humid jungle air.

From behind came the sounds of a harness being unbuckled.

Maureen didn’t even bother to look back. She knew what she would see there, and seeing wouldn’t help her. She had to get away.

She scrambled to her feet and started to run, but she only managed two steps before strong hands caught her again and shoved her down roughly on her back, knocking the air from her lungs and filling her eyes with stars.

She lay there dazed, unable to move.

When her vision cleared, Maureen found herself staring up at the cruel Raksha. He towered over her like a living colossus, legs straddling her body, chest heaving, face twisted into a grimace of mingled rage and lust. The orange welts on his face glowed in the dimness of the jungle, and so did the wound on his ear.

With a savage roar, the Raksha ripped his bodysuit to the waist, exposing the striated brutality of his chest and brick-like abdominal muscles. With a second effort, the remainder of his suit tore away, leaving him fully naked except for his black boots. His massive, angry erection jutted like a weapon, purple sleeved, orange tipped. Behind him, his tail unfurled like a whip. He looked like something that had escaped from a nightmare, from hell.

“Stay the fuck away from me,” Maureen choked.

The Raksha sneered and threw himself on her. What little breath Maureen had left was lost when the full weight of his body fell upon her.

His scent enveloped her, pungent animal musk inundating her lungs. As had happened before with the other alien males, Maureen’s nipples tightened and her sex throbbed with wetness. An involuntary response.

A wave of nausea swept over her. She was disgusted by her body’s reaction to the monster. She refused to enjoy this. This monster had killed her companions. She would die before she let him force her body to pleasure.

Maureen fought desperately with her fists, but the Raksha easily overpowered her. He crossed her arms above her head and pinned her wrists with one hand. His other hand moved to her chest.

“No!” Maureen shouted. “Stop!”

His fingers tortured her naked breast, squeezing it to the point of pain. He lowered his mouth to her erect nipple and sucked it with such ferocity it seem he was trying to tear it off. Maureen screamed in anguish, and the jungle swallowed up her cries.

She couldn’t let this happen, but she was powerless to fight him.

“You bastard!” she shouted.

She felt his engorged member dragging against her belly, hard as stone and scalding with heat. His hips thrust spasmodically, like a horny animal that didn’t understand its own primal urges. His cock rubbed against her abdomen and her ribs. It prodded the bottom of her breasts.

With each thrust of his pelvis, the Raksha let out a low, guttural growl, which Maureen’s earpiece translated into words. The artificial voice was cold and indifferent.


The Raksha’s scarred face was close to hers now. Maureen saw his nostrils flare like wings as he drank the air, and when she realized what he was smelling, her nausea increased. He had caught the scent of the unwilling wetness spreading between her legs.

He started to pry her legs apart with his knee. Maureen resisted, but she was quickly defeated. The Raksha was cradled between her thighs, his erect penis rubbing and nudging against her wet center but still not inside. He still didn’t know what he was doing, but he was getting close.

Maureen resisted the urge to plead with him. She refused to give him that small victory. He might take her body, but that was all he would take. Besides, with no translator device of his own, her pleading would fall on deaf ears anyway.

“Mine,” the Raksha growled.

The tapered point of his member brushed between her folds and found her entrance. Everything was aligned. One hard thrust would be all it would take for him to be inside her.

Maureen wished she would faint, wished her mind would just shut down for the duration of what was about to happen, but she was denied that mercy. All she could do was brace herself in anticipation of the coming penetration.


Before the Raksha could push himself into her, a clamor in the jungle caught his attention. With an annoyed grunt, he twisted his face to the left in the direction of the sound. Something was charging toward them through the foliage, snapping branches and rustling leaves as it rapidly approached.

The Raksha didn’t have time to react. In the next moment, the creature had exploded from the brush, an enormous, snarling blur. Between the creature’s speed and the shadows of the jungle, Maureen could barely make out any details, but she could tell the thing was big—big and hairy.

The creature collided with such force that the Raksha seemed simply to disappear from atop Maureen’s body. The purple alien howled in pain as the jungle monster clamped its teeth around his shoulder and shook him like a dog with a chew toy. The Raksha was slammed repeatedly into the ground until his body went slack in the beast’s jaws.

God, what was that thing?

With a grunt, the hairy monster dropped the Raksha’s limp body on the ground and turned to face Maureen. She gasped and cringed away in horror at the sight. The creature was more fearsome than anything she had seen so far in her travels. It looked like some kind of cross between a gorilla, a wolf, and a bear. And it was covered all over in thick blond fur.

Maureen’s heart stopped and her blood went cold. Any second now, that beast was going to pounce on her and tear her to shreds, just like it had done to the Raksha.

But the creature did no such thing.

Instead, it just sat there for a moment on all fours, staring at Maureen with dark, glittering eyes. Then its face lit up with a huge, Cheshire Cat grin, and the leaves on the ground behind it rustled as it wagged its tail.

Maureen gasped.
