Her Striker by Charlene Raquel

Chapter Twenty-five



“What the hell do you mean she’s gone?” Drew sat at the table in his apartment getting an update on what he missed. He had been gone for about six hours and so was Gwen. His gut churned just thinking about what could be happening to her.

Drew had filled his friends in on everything he remembered about the initiation and waking up in the woods. He had a lot more questions about the Scorpio Society, but they would have to wait until Gwen was found and returned to him safely.

Jeff rubbed the back of his neck. “We’re doing everything we can to find her. Sam’s tracking the van that took her through the traffic cameras. There’s a lot of cameras so there is a lot of video footage to review.”

Drew glanced at Dean and Sam, who were focused on their laptops that were side by side. “Have you figured out who has her?”

Dean shook his head. “The van is registered to an older couple who are on vacation. They had no idea their van was stolen.”

Drew wiped a hand down his face. “How do we know they were not a part of her abduction?”

Jeff handed Drew a bottle of water. “You need to drink a lot to flush the venom from your system. You should be in the hospital right now.”

Drew glared. “I’m not…”

Jeff put his hand up. “I get it. I know you need to be here to help find your girl, so you are going to listen to me, or I’ll knock you out and drive your ass to the hospital. Hydrate. I know what I’m talking about. I was trained as a medic.”

Drew opened the top and guzzled half the bottle. “How do you know the old couple is not involved?” He needed answers.

Jeff flipped his computer screen so Drew could see it. “Do you think these two look like kidnappers?”

Drew groaned when he saw a photo of a white-haired couple in their eighties surrounded by dozens of children in what looked like an orphanage in India. “But still.”

“Cut me a break. I checked them out. They make trips all over the world and help children in orphanages. They don’t have any kids of their own and are loaded so they are spreading it around to help the youth of the world. This couple is not involved.” Jeff pulled his laptop back to him.

Drew stood and started to pace. “I need to do something. I can’t just sit here.”

Dean rolled his eyes. “Dude, you suck at computer stuff.”

Sam chuckled but continued to scroll through the videos. She needed to find her best friend. The more time that went by, the less likely they would find her and the less likely she would remain unhurt. “She’s tough. She’ll be okay until we can find her. The van headed southwest out of the city. There are a lot less cameras that way, so we are looking for any houses or businesses with street facing surveillance cameras.”

Jeff blew out a frustrated breath. “Some of my team members are on the way up. They’ll be here in about two and a half hours. You guys should try to get some rest before they get here.”

“Hell no.” Drew glared at him.

“No way!” Sam shouted at the same time Dean called out. “Not happening.”

“I didn’t think you guys would do it. Drew, make lots of coffee.”

Drew gave him the finger but made his way into the kitchen.

Jeff followed Drew and leaned against the counter. “They thought you died?”

Drew winced. “I think so. It felt like I was dying.”

Jeff nodded. “Facing possible death scares the shit out of you. It can either make you reckless and crazy, or it can make you determined to make those responsible pay. You need to channel your anger. You’ll be no good to anyone, especially Gwen, if you don’t lock it down and get your head straight.”

“I’m good.” Drew turned away to pull mugs from the cabinet.

“You probably had an allergic reaction to the venom. Let me see your arm.” Jeff reached out to take Drew’s wrist. The under part of his forearm was swollen and a deep red. The sting left a large circle of purple with a center that slightly oozed liquid. “Oh shit. You should be in the hospital. That doesn’t look good.”

“I took the anti-venom. I should be fine.” Drew pulled his arm away.

“You’re not fine. You’re lucky you’re not dead.” He pulled out his phone and sent a text. “My buddy, Crash, will stop and get you some meds. I just hope we won’t have to make an emergency stop to the ER.”

“Jeff, tell me the truth. Are we going to find Gwen?”

“Hell yeah. This is what my team does. We find people, rescue some, well the ones who aren’t criminals, and take out the trash, among other things.”

“I need to do something.”

“Get a hot compress on that arm and see if you can find out where Gwen’s dad is. I’d be willing to bet he’s involved somehow.”

“I’ll call my father.”




Gwen had been led to a bedroom upstairs by Lou, who took every opportunity he could to touch her in some way. Thankfully, she was now alone, but she was also locked inside. Her father had gone to bed hours before and Dominic had disappeared shortly after their arrival. Lou had followed her into the bedroom, and Gwen had started to freak out, but was relieved when a servant came to tell him he was needed elsewhere.

The doorknob locked from the outside with only a small round hole on her side. She shook the handle, pulling and pushing, but the door didn’t move. Gwen made her way across the room and scanned her prison.

There had been a nightgown left on the bed for her to wear. Hell no. That was not going to happen. She wished she had gotten changed out of her tennis skirt and sleeveless shirt, but at least she had on shorts under the skirt.

The bedroom, like everything else in the house, was opulent and extravagant. Heavy, white oak furniture filled the spacious third-floor room. A four-poster bed with a thick cream-colored comforter was nestled between large windows. She had tried to open both of them, but they were nailed shut. It was also a long way to the ground with nothing under the windows to climb down on.

A dresser, chest of drawers, and an armoire were on the other walls along with two closed doors. Gwen walked to the first door and opened it. She found a huge bathroom the size of her living room in the apartment she shared with Sam. It was stocked with just about anything a female might need.

They either had female guests, or rather prisoners since the door lock is on the outside and the windows were nailed shut, or they had planned her abduction for a while. Both thoughts scared the crap out of her even more than she was already. She pushed the terror out of her mind and continued her exploration.

The closet would have been her dream closet had it been anywhere but her prison room. Drawers, shelves, racks, and a dressing table with mirror held a variety of clothes, underthings, and shoes. Everything was her size.

Gwen pulled black yoga pants from the shelf and a t-shirt. She didn’t want to put on anything they provided, but they would cover her more than what she was currently wearing. They were also better suited for a possible escape if she could manage it.

Changing faster than she ever had, she left her tennis outfit folded on the dresser and continued to search the room for anything she could use that could help. She also tried to figure out a way to get out of the room.

Beside toiletries and some clothes, there wasn’t anything to use as a weapon. The drawers didn’t pull out all the way and there were not any shoes she could throw or clobber someone with. Gwen tried to take a hanger off the bar, but they were the built-in kind that could not be removed. She considered using the toilet tank lid, but it was too heavy to swing. The lever that flushes the toilet might be usable, but she wasn’t sure how yet. It was also plastic so it might not do much anyway.

Feeling dejected and panicked, she decided to try to get some rest. Gwen needed to be at her best and exhaustion wouldn’t be a good thing. She flopped down on the bed and tried not to cry herself to sleep.