The Devastation You Reap by Tracy Lorraine



Idon't get even a second of sleep. I stare at the shadows moving across my ceiling all night as I replay the events of the evening over and over in my head.

I found her.

After all these fucking years, she's been right here. Right under my nose.

I wished for it time and time again. Prayed that one day I'd just walk headfirst into her.

I wanted to believe in fate. In karma. I wanted to believe that the universe would give me a chance to make things right somehow. I was willing to be patient, I was willing to wait until the right time, but after everything that happened with our da—with Brett, my patience has been vanishing faster than ever.

And something tells me I was right to believe, because look what the universe just handed me on a silver platter.

Not only do I have that monster exactly where I want him, but I've just crashed into Macie's life and she has no idea what's about to hit her.

A smile curls at my lips as I reach for my cock, wrapping my fingers around the steel length.

I've been hard since the second my eyes landed on her shocked ones last night.

Throwing the covers back, I move my hand slowly, letting my mind drift off to that dark place within me that I've spent most of my life trying not to drown in.

My mouth waters as I remember how she smelled like coconuts. How her shocked gasps filled my ears as my free hand grasps as if I'm holding her throat again.

Fuck she looked good like that.

I jerk myself faster, harder.

The feeling of having her racing pulse right beneath my fingertips, her life in my hands means my balls draw up all too soon and I groan out her name as I spurt hot jets of cum on my stomach.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I look around my room.

Everything is in place, everything is tidy and finally, for the first time in over ten years, my life might soon feel the same.

I might feel like me again. I might be able to rid myself of the beast that lives inside me, that fuels my need for revenge, my need to destroy and ruin the lives of those who tried to break me.

Yeah, karma exists. And the universe has just handed a fuck load to me on a platter.

Now all I need to do is decide how I'm going to handle it.

A loud female cry of pleasure comes from the room beside me and I shake my head, standing from the bed and padding naked toward the shower.

I'm happy for Luc. I am. But listening to them every fucking night—or morning—is getting to be difficult to endure.

I stand under the hot spray of the shower, the list of things I need to do running through my mind, my need to find the answers I've craved for so long making my muscles tighten once more.

It's less than ten minutes later when I pull my bedroom door open, dressed and ready to head out of the house.

I take two steps when the door in front of me opens and Luca steps out, an easy, satisfied smile playing on his lips.

"You can wipe that look off your face," I mutter, my eyes jumping between each of the bright red hickeys on his neck.

"You’re one to talk. It’s not like you haven’t been fucking your way around the redheads of MKU recently," he quips. "I'm amazed there's anyone left. Or are you now forced to go for round two with all of them?"

"Fuck off," I mutter, hating that he knows me so well. "There are plenty of freshmen," I deadpan as we both continue toward the stairs.

He barks out a laugh. "I'm surprised there isn't a support group who's already warned them about you. Ow," he complains when I slap him upside the head.

"I don't like you being this happy."

"Well, you're gonna have to get used to it, you miserable fuck, because this is it now. Got my girl back. Brett is gone. Things are good, man."

I glance up at him and although his eyes are lighter, and his shoulders are more relaxed now than they’ve been in a long time, I can still see his concern, his anger lingering in the depths of his green orbs that look so much like my own.

"Yeah, I agree. Things are good."

His brows pull together. He knows I'm hiding shit. I never expected him to believe the crap I fed him the night I got back from dealing with our father after he attacked Luc's girl, but it was all he was going to get.

Luca got his punches in and he no longer has to deal with our father's overbearing presence in his life.

What happens next to Brett, it's mine to decide.

The pain, the suffering, all of it is mine.

"You know you can—"

"Don't say it, Luc," I cut him off before he tries to offer me a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on once again.

"Fine," he says, holding his hands up in defeat as he walks to the coffee maker. "I only want to help, you know. Peyton does too."

"I know, and I appreciate it. But I'm good. For real."

"You're a shit liar, Lee," he says, turning his back on me.

"Whatever. Believe whatever you want." I grab an energy drink from the refrigerator and swing the door closed. "I'm out."

"Where you going? You don't have class this morning."

"Careful, Luc. I'll start to think you've turned your stalker tendencies on me.

Look, I'm going out. Meeting some friends."

I'm at the doorway ready to get the fuck away from my inquisitive brother when he calls my name and my body stops without instruction from my brain.

"I will find out, you know that, right?"

I shrug.

"And whatever it is, it'll be better coming from you."

"Nothing to tell, man."

I take off before he gets a chance to call me out on my blatant lie.

Jumping into my car, I start the engine and take a deep breath.

I hate lying to Luc, but it's how everything has been for a long time now. It almost comes naturally.

With every day that passes, the time when we were tight, when we knew literally everything about each other, becomes a little more distant.

I remember those two fun-loving, happy little boys. Kids who were too young to understand what a cunt our father was, how much pressure we were already under compared to other kids our age, and most importantly, we were totally unaware of the pain that comes with life and growing up as Brett Dunn's kids.

I've never figured out which one of us had it worse. From as early as I can remember, I knew that Luca was his favorite. The second Luc picked up a football, it was obvious that his future was going to be following in our father's footsteps. Being a quarterback comes as naturally to him as breathing. I remember Dad's eyes lighting up as he realized what was happening and he pulled Luc into his arms and called him his boy.

His boy.

From that moment on, Brett seemed to forget that he actually had two other boys. Every day after that one, Shane and I lived in the shadows as he pushed Luca harder and harder to be the best.

I got it, Luca was his little prodigy, but that didn't mean that Shane and I weren’t—aren’t—kick-ass players who deserved the recognition and praise from him too. Hell, to this day, I'm Luca's right-hand man, his wide receiver, his fucking offense. Part of our success has been how well we can work together, our silent communication, our ability to know what the other is thinking. Yet I was cast aside in favor of him.

But I know that being singled out as Brett's favorite hasn't been easy for Luca. Just like being the forgotten one hasn't been easy for me. At least I've lived most of my life without our father breathing down my neck.

Movement catches my eye and when I look up, I find Luca standing in the living room window watching me, his face tight with concern.

He probably has every right to be worried, but I can't help feeling that it's too little too late. His concern isn't going to help me now.

I crack my knuckles before putting my car into drive and flooring the gas pedal.

There's only one thing that will help me now, getting to cause the pain I've been craving for years.

I've got two of those who wronged me in touching distance, all I need is the third and I can deliver the same kind of devastation on their lives that they did on mine.

* * *

The house is in silence when I pull up, but all their cars are here so I have no doubt that the people I need are inside.

"Yeah, all-fucking-right," a deep voice booms from inside after I knocked solidly for a good five minutes. "What the fu— oh it's you," Devin says when he pulls the front door open as he takes a good look at me with eyes barely open.


"Fuck off," he grunts, running his hand through his unruly hair.

"Who is it, baby?" a fake blonde asks as she runs down the stairs.

Devin straightens a little.

"What the fuck's it got to do with you?" he barks, causing her chin to drop. "You might have choked on my cock last night, sweetheart, but I'm not your fucking baby. Get out." He pulls the door back open and gestures for her to walk through it, but to her irritation.

"You can't be serious." She stands with her hands on her hips, her collagen-filled lips twisted in frustration.

"Deadly, baby. You can give me my shirt back too." His eyes drop to what I assume is the only thing she's wearing.

"But I'm not—"

"Shirt," he demands, holding his hand out.

She flicks a glance over her shoulder at me, but she's barking up the wrong tree if she thinks I'm gonna stand up for her.

She's Devin's problem and he's more than welcome to her.

"And if you're a good girl, I might let you go and get your shit."

She huffs and with very little concern, peels his shirt up her body, leaving her standing there as naked as the day she was born.

Devin whistles in appreciation.

"What do you think, bro?"

Devin glances at me with a wicked glint in his eye.


"I'm sure she'd be up for a bit of fun if you are. Suck good cock, don't you, baby?"

I'm too enthralled watching the two of them to respond to his question. He steps up to her, takes her tits in his hands and slams his lips down on hers.

She moans like a whore before pulling back and slapping him so hard across the face that I feel the hit from the other side of the room.

"Oh, baby. You know how hard that gets me."

"You're a fucking pig, Devin Harris."

"I know. And you love it, Mia."

"It's Maya, you dick," she sasses, turning around to face me, a wide, calculated smile playing on her lips.

"O-oh no. I am not getting involved," I say, holding my hands up in defense.

Tits out or not, they're fake and she's not my type.

"Get out of here, Mia. You know where the door is."

Devin blows her a kiss, his cheek still glowing bright red as he points over my shoulder.

"Go on."

"Uh… s-sure. She a regular of yours?"

"Nah, she came for Ez but he never came home last night so…" He shrugs. "Oh come on, don't tell me that you and golden balls have never shared."

I can't help but laugh. "More than I care to admit."

"Yes, bro." He holds his fist up for me to bump and I just stare at him.

"There's something fucking wrong with you, man."

"Funny, you're not the first to say that. Coffee?" he asks, walking over to the appliance as if the previous few minutes didn't just happen.

"Y-yeah, that would be great, thanks."

"So…" he asks, sliding the mug toward me. "What the fuck drags you here in the middle of the night?"

I glance at the clock on the wall above his head.

"Classes have started, Dev."

"Huh." He glances around as if he's looking for something. "Who knew?"

"Clearly not you."

"So you need some help moving another body or something?"

"Nah, not this time. I need to find someone. Thought you might know someone I could get to do that."

"Hell yes, I do."

Pulling his cell from his pocket, he taps on the screen before lifting it to his ear.

"Bro, where you at?"

Whoever is on the other end says something before footsteps thunder down the stairs.

"And he's closer than you think."

"Lee, meet my little brother, Ellis. He will find you anything you could possibly need… for a price."

Ellis and I nod at each other. We've met before, but not officially, and he wasn't one of the Harrises who jumped at the chance to help us deal with Brett and his little bitch Julian last week. Devin and Ellis's twin, Ezra, and their older brother Reid were more than up for the challenge when Kane put in the call for backup.

"You kids have fun. I'm going to wash this chick off my cock."

Ellis looks at his older brother like he's some alien creature. I get it, Devin is… unique.

We're both silent as he takes his coffee and disappears.

"Is he always so…"

"Weird? Yeah. I would say that you'll get used to him but I'm not sure it's possible."


"So what do you need?"