Crooked Crows by Elena Lawson


The crazy idea for this story wrapped its callused fingers around my throat and demanded to be written, and I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure I had it in me at first. It was so unlike anything I’d ever written before. So, I have to thank my readers for pushing me to go for it. From the moment I posted that first chapter in The Lair, you were there for it, cheering me on. I am eternally grateful for that support. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more connected to a story or its characters as I have with Ava Jade and the Crows.

This book may not have been possible without the support of my fiancée, Matthew Bishop. Thank you for taking time off work and doing more than your fair share around the house while I made strange faces at my computer screen all day. Thank you for listening to me rant and complain and gush about these characters while listening to my Crooked Crows playlist on repeat. You are the real MVP.

I doubt this book would be half as awesome without the help of my incredible alpha readers. Casey, Sam, Claire, Frankie, Courtney, Kim, and Amanda, you were all vital to the process of bringing Ava Jade’s story into the world. Thank you for all your input, feedback, and support. Most of all, thank you for falling in love with these characters and this story. Without you cheering me on, the finish line would’ve been much harder to reach.

Jennifer, you total fucking champ. Thank you for always making my words sparkle, and for dealing with last minute changes and my batshit crazy schedule. I couldn’t ask for a better editor.

Dez, thank you for the drop-dead gorgeous cover. That shit is hot at fuck.

Papa, for believing in me without question and always reading my books. If you read this one (even though I specifically asked you not to), maybe do us both a favor and pretend you didn’t? Oh, and stop now. It just gets darker and dirtier from here on out.

I also need to thank my author friends for being there, especially the ladies of the DARC, you know who you are. And I can’t forget my Sprint Syndicate bitches, without whom I would have procrastinated the shit out of writing this book. Thank you for being there at all hours of the day and night, ready to write along with me and keep me honest.

Last, but certainly not least, I want to thank the advance reviewers, PR companies, and everyone who has helped or will help to share Crooked Crows. Without you, I would be nothing but a blimp on the radar of publishing. I see you, and I love the shit out of each and every one of you.