Gray by Shaw Hart



I had thoughtthat things were finally happening between Gray and me but after last night, I’m not so sure. It had been girl’s night and I had been over at Sayler and Coraline’s place for most of the night.

I expected Gray to be up and waiting for me when I got home, but he was fast asleep in his own bed. I had debated waking him but I was pretty drunk and just wanted to get some sleep. I thought that we would have time together this morning but then I overslept and by the time I woke up, he was already at work.

It feels strange, like our bubble has already popped and now doubts are starting to sink in.

What’s going to happen now? Are we officially together? Why hasn’t Gray brought it up? Was it just a friends with benefits moment? Does he regret it?

I know that Gray isn’t like that. He would die before he hurt me, so he wouldn’t be taking any of this lightly and he wouldn’t risk our decades-old friendship for one night together.

Still, I need to talk to him soon before even more doubts start to hit me.

Moose and Marley both start barking and dancing around by the front door and I know that Gray must be home so I set my laptop aside and stand.

“Hey,” I say as he comes through the door.

“Hey,” he says and he looks and sounds exhausted.

“What’s wrong?” I ask him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

“It’s just been a really long day and I have the worst headache. I’m going to take some Tylenol and take a shower.”

“Okay, want me to grab soup or something for you?”

“Sure, thanks,” he says with a tired smile.

I watch him head back to his room with a frown and turn to grab my phone to order some food. It’s then I see that I have a text from Cat. I had messaged her to see how last night went after Ender had stormed into Sayler and Coraline’s apartment, growled at Cat, thrown her over his shoulder and left.

Cat: Yeah, that was pretty wild, but I promise you that I’m more than fine.

Nora: I’ll bet

Cat: How are you and your beau doing?

Nora: I’m not sure.

Cat: Just tell him that you’re in love with him already!

Nora: We kind of hooked up the other night.

Cat: What!?? And you’re just telling me this now?

Nora: Sorry, I wanted to talk to Gray before I told other people but now things are weird between us.

Cat: How so?

Nora: We just haven’t really talked or hung out since. He just got home and said he has a headache so he’s in the shower.

Cat: Go nurse him back to health!

Nora: What if he regrets it?

Cat: He is literally head over heels in love with you so that’s not an option.

Nora: But you don’t know that for sure.

Cat: Anyone with eyes knows that. Trust me.

I bite my bottom lip.Could she be right?

Nora: I’ve got to go. He’s about to come out.

Cat: Good luck! Let me know if you need anything!

Nora: Will do!

Gray comesout of his bedroom and I tuck my phone into my pocket before I remember that I never ordered the food.

“Chicken noodle soup? Or do you want broccoli cheddar soup?”

“Either works,” he says and I pull up the bistro on the corner and order some soup and sandwiches.

“Are you feeling better?” I ask as he takes a seat on the couch.

“Yeah. I, uh, I got a call from Jasper.”

“Is he alright?” I ask, alarmed.

“Yeah, but I need to go back to Rosewood and help him with the house for a week or two.”

“Is that why you have a headache?”

“Yeah. It was hard working my schedule around so that I had enough time off. I’m going to owe everyone at the shop a huge thank you for taking on a few of my clients.”

I let out a big sigh and Gray looks at me curiously.

“Everything alright with you?”

“Yeah, I just thought that maybe you had regrets or something about…” I trail off and Gray looks at me like I’m insane.

“Nora, I don’t want there to be any confusion. This is something that I should have done a long time ago.”

“Okay,” I say, my palms sweating as I turn to face him on the couch.

“I love you, Nora. Of course, I don’t regret it. I’ve wanted you my whole fucking life. I thought that maybe you didn’t want me.”

“I’ve always wanted you,” I say with a laugh, relief flooding through me. “I’ve been in love with you since we were kids but––”

“But you were afraid to tell me because if I didn’t feel the same, it would have ruined everything,” he finishes and I nod.


“Yeah,” he says, his fingers tangling with mine.

“Say it again,” I tell him as he pulls me closer to him on the couch.

“I love you, Nora.”

“I love you too, Gray.”

“Fucking finally,” he says with a smile a second before his lips meet mine.