56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard


Thank you to my agent, Jane Gregory; my editors Sarah Hodgson and Stephanie Glencross; Penelope Killick, for sending life-changing emails; Casey King, Garda consultant extraordinaire; Andrea Carter, for answering random legal questions early on a Saturday morning; and everyone at David Higham, Blackstone Publishing, Corvus/Atlantic Books, and Gill Hess. Thanks to Hazel Gaynor and Carmel Harrington for Nespresso-requiring WhatsApp audios, Quarantini boxes, and Zoom chats (I probably could do this without you, but I wouldn’t want to), and, as ever, thanks to Mum, Dad, John, and Claire. Iain Harris, I hope you enjoy your dedication as much as you do flight-tracker apps, casual blazers, and people messaging you to tell you they’ve seen your name in my books.

And finally: thank you to you, the reader. I thank you most of all.