Roping Melanie by Melissa Ellen


There is always so many people that stand behind an author as they write, encouraging and supporting them on their journey. With each book, I feel like this support team is more and more important. I also love how much mine continues to grow.

I’d like to start by thanking all my readers! Thank you for spending your precious spare time picking up and reading my books. Thank you for your words of encouragement and referring your friends and family to my books. It means so much to me.

I would like to thank my sister for always encouraging me and reading every one of my books as I write. Your quick and honest feedback is greatly appreciated. The book wouldn’t be complete without you being a part of its creation.

I would also like to thank my editor, Karen. Thank you for hanging with me and all my pushed deadlines. This book was a tough one to write, and I appreciate your patience, feedback, and encouragement.

Last but never least, thank you to my husband and son. I couldn’t do this without your support and understanding. I hope you both know how thankful I am to have you two in my life.