Every Shade by Nora Phoenix


He was crazy. Certifiably out of his damn mind. And yet Jace didn’t slow down as he drove as fast as he dared. He’d left Maryland when the day had just started, and now he was racing through Pennsylvania in his battered but trusted Impreza, beyond grateful for the all-wheel drive that would allow him to keep driving even when he’d hit bad weather. He hadn’t even checked the forecast like he usually did, so all he could do was hope and pray he wasn’t about to hit snow, now or on the way back.

If he’d be able to return quickly, that was. He had no idea what was going on, and maybe this whole trip was a colossal waste of his time, going beyond his responsibilities and maybe even the boundaries of the complicated relationship he and Matthew had. Maybe Matthew would get so upset with him he’d lose his job, but even that horrible prospect couldn’t deter Jace. He needed to know Matthew was okay.

He kept trying to call Matthew, but it went straight to voicemail every single time. He stopped for gas and a pit stop, then drove another three hours. Lunch was a McDonald’s Drive Thru where he loaded up on nuggets—easy to eat in the car—and a large coffee.

He made it to Matthew’s house in eight hours and forty-three minutes. He pulled straight into his driveway, which was empty. Well, the man had a garage, so that would make sense. No one sane this far north would voluntarily park their car outside, knowing they might very well have to dig it out of the snow.

Jace shivered as he put on his winter coat, then rushed to the front door, where he rang the doorbell. No reaction. Not even a faint sound. He peered through the front door, then through the windows of what he assumed was the living room. But the curtains were pulled, and he couldn’t look inside. Everything was dark, not a single light peeping through. It almost looked like no one was home, but how could that be?

His heart skipped a beat as cold fear clenched his stomach. What if Matthew had been in an accident and the hospital hadn’t informed anyone? Jace probably wasn’t on the list of Matthew’s emergency contacts. His brother was the first contact, presumably, and Jace assumed Matthew had friends who were much closer than him. And they wouldn’t know to contact Jace.

Should he check with the local hospital? Chances were it wouldn’t get him anywhere. He wasn’t a relative, so they’d never give him information. No, he needed to make sure first that Matthew wasn’t home. For all Jace knew, Matthew could’ve slipped in the bathtub and knocked himself out. A shiver ran down his spine.

He grasped the front door handle, but it didn’t turn. Then he walked around the house, looking for a way in. A stone path led to the back yard, where he found a back door. He tried it. Unlocked! He pumped his fist in victory.

He knocked first, just to be safe, but of course, no one answered. He opened the door, which led into a mudroom where Matthew’s shoes lay haphazardly in front of the shoe rack that was right against the wall. Jace smiled. Classic Matthew. He always had great intentions but was usually too distracted to follow through on them.

The mudroom led into a dark kitchen. Jace frowned. The heating was on, which would suggest someone was home, but why were all the lights off, then? He checked his watch. Almost four thirty.

A sound drifted in, and Jace froze. Someone was there. Why hadn’t they come to the door? All his alarming thoughts about Matthew getting hurt rushed to the forefront, and he swallowed. “Matthew? It’s Jace.”

Another muffled sound. He tiptoed into what he assumed was the living room, his eyes needing a second to adjust to the dark. No one there. The sound had come from farther in the house, and he walked into the hallway to the front door, his eyes straining to make out shapes, then stopping on a motionless form on the floor. His heart seemed to stop for a second, then galloped like crazy. “Matthew!”

He rushed over and knelt beside the body wrapped tightly in a blanket. This had to be Matthew, right? He looked nothing like Jace had imagined. Instead of the blond head of Jace’s imaginary cowboy, this man had dark hair peppered with silver strands and a strong face lined with stubble. Jace would bet his eyes were brown.

Matthew’s eyes were closed as he moaned softly. Jace put his hand on Matthew’s forehead. Good god, he was burning up. The man had a high fever. What was wrong with him?

He’d have to wait to find out. First he needed to bring that fever down. Fluids and Tylenol, maybe with some ibuprofen on top to give his body some extra help. And he’d have to get him into his bedroom. How the hell was he going to manage that? He couldn’t judge the man’s weight accurately, since the blanket covered most of his body, but he was tall and didn’t look like he had Jace’s slim build. Jace guessed him to be at least two hundred pounds, so how the fuck would he be able to drag him to wherever his bedroom was?

Matthew’s eyes fluttered open. “Jace…” he croaked. Then he frowned. “I’m hallucinating. I must be sicker than I realize.”

He wriggled his arm out of the blanket. His bare arm. Was he wearing anything? Jace took the hand that reached for him. “It really is me, Matthew. You’re not dreaming.”

Matthew’s frown turned into a smile. “Best dream ever. Pretty Jace. Sweet, pretty Jace.”

His eyes fell close again as Jace sat motionless, his heart beating fast. Sweet, pretty Jace? Where the hell had that come from? That Matthew had recognized him didn’t surprise Jace. Unlike Matthew, he had posted pictures of himself on his social media, so Matthew must’ve seen those. But sweet, pretty Jace? What the hell was that?

It didn’t matter. Well, it did, but not right now. He needed to get him into bed and help him get better. “Matthew, you need to be in bed.”

“Can’t. Too tired,” Matthew mumbled without opening his eyes.

“I’ll help you.”

“You’re not real. Hallucinations can’t help me.”

“I promise you I’m very real, but find out for yourself. Come on, dude, let’s go.”

“Where are we going?”


“Nah. I’m not feeling like sex right now. Wait. Who are you?”

God, he sounded all but delirious with fever. “I’m Jace. Your PA.”

“Jace lives in Maryland.”

“Yes, I do, but I drove here because I was worried about you.”


“You weren’t answering your phone.”

One eye blinked, then the other. “You came because I didn’t answer my phone for a few hours?”

God, he was really out of it, wasn’t he? “You’ve been offline for well over a day now. More like thirty-six hours.”

“That can’t be right.”

“It is. You have a high fever, Matthew. Let’s get you to bed.”

“None of this makes sense,” Matthew muttered. “Jace is in Maryland. He can’t be here. And I just closed my eyes and took a nap. I haven’t slept that long.”

“How about we argue later and for now, you just cooperate?”

“You’re a bossy Jace. It’s hot.”

Jace suppressed a smile. Matthew would be beyond embarrassed when he found out what he’d been saying while feverish. “Thank you. You’re hot too, but not in the good way. Let’s go.”

Matthew protested weakly but allowed Jace to help him to his feet. He almost tripped over the blanket he still had wrapped around him, and for a moment, his full weight rested on Jake’s shoulders. Jace grunted. Damn, the man was heavy.

“Ditch the blanket,” he said.

“I’m cold.”

“I’ll bring it once you’re in bed. If you trip over it again, you’ll fall.”

“But I—“

“Just do what I ask you. Please?”

Matthew mumbled something that sounded an awful lot like bossy Jace again, but Jace didn’t care. Matthew did let go of the blanket, which pooled at his feet.

Oh, good lord in heaven. The man was naked. Completely, utterly naked. Jace swallowed. Perving on a man who was delirious with fever wasn’t his finest moment, but hot damn, that body. Not the smooth, sculpted cowboy he’d pictured but a furry bear with a strong chest, a pair of biceps Jace wanted to worship, and softness in all the right places. No six-pack but a round belly and thighs that looked like they would squeeze the fuck out of Jace when they’d…

No. Oh, no. No way. He couldn’t go there. He worked for him, and besides, the man was sick. Jace cleared his throat. “Okay, let’s do this.”

Matthew leaned heavily on him as he stumbled to his bedroom, his big, soft cock dangling between his legs. Mmm, Jace wanted to suck that baby, swallow it deep, it all the way into his throat. Give it the proper respect and attention it deserved. And then he’d take it in. Ride that fat dick until he sprayed his cum all over them both.

His cheeks heated as he caught himself. Again. God, this had to stop. He had to stop. This was…insane. Immoral. And so fucking hot, even if the man’s body was all flushed with fever.

He helped him to his bed, a four-poster queen that looked hella inviting. He was fucking exhausted after driving for so long, barely taking time to rest. Matthew all but collapsed onto his bed, and Jace tried to look away as he swung his legs onto the sheets. Okay, he didn’t try very hard—the man’s cock was right there—but he’d given it a good two seconds’ effort.

He covered him with the comforter. “Don’t fall asleep yet. You need fluids and meds.”

“I’ve had Advil.”

“How much and when?”

Jace flipped on the lamp on the night table. Matthew’s eyes were glassy. “Two. And I don’t know, a few hours ago?”

Judging by his state, that could be anywhere between twelve hours and twelve minutes. He’d have to take the risk. An overdose of Advil was damn near impossible, so he’d be fine. “Where can I find it?”


“Okay. I’ll be right back.”

He easily found the bathroom. The pair of dark blue pajama pants lying on the tile floor explained why Matthew was naked. Advil and Tylenol were in the medicine cabinet, and he checked the expiration date. Both still good. Awesome. Now he needed water and something else to drink. If Matthew had been this sick for thirty-six hours, he had to be dehydrated by now, which meant he needed to replenish what he’d lost. And quickly.

Jace rummaged around in the kitchen without much success, then opened a door and discovered a small pantry. Bingo. Storage racks held cans of food and bottles, including a row of Gatorade blue. Perfect. He had to search a little longer before he found a travel mug, the kind that came with a small opening to sip. He cleaned it for good measure—one never could be too careful—then poured in the Gatorade.

Matthew was dozing when he walked back in, and he put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “I’m back.”

Matthew’s eyes flew open. “Jace.”

Was he getting more lucent? “Yeah, it’s me. I’ve got your meds. Sit up for a moment.”

He had to help him sit up far enough so he could take the pills with the water Jace had brought. “I’m so fucking tired…” Matthew muttered.

“I know, baby, but stay awake a little longer. You need to drink.”

Baby? Where the flying fuck had that come from? Was he getting feverish himself? Or was it the exhaustion speaking?

But Matthew didn’t react other than to dutifully drank from the travel mug. He kept sipping until his hand started shaking. Jace took the mug from him. “Good. Now you can sleep.”

Matthew crawled back under the covers, his teeth chattering. “I-I’m so f-fucking c-cold.”

“I know. The meds will help break the fever.”

“Thank you. I know you’re not real, but thank you anyway…” Matthew’s eyes fluttered shut, and a soft smile played on his lips. “Sweet, pretty Jace. Bossy Jace.”

Jace stood motionless, his heart beating fast. He wasn’t serious, was he? His words had to be induced by the fever.

Just when he thought Matthew was asleep, he mumbled, “Sexy Jace. Wanna fuck you so bad.”