Breaking the Ice by Esme Taylor



I was pulling my hair away from my face into a low ponytail while trying to understand what was going on with Reid when my phone beeped with a message.

UNKNOWN: Hettie, why did you leave me?

I didn’t recognize the number, but I knew it wasn’t Reid because he was, and would always be in my phone as Viking. My blood ran cold as a shiver ran down my spine. This is whoever’s been targeting me. I can feel it.

I’d not heard anything since the letter I’d received about me not coming home, so I thought it was all over. At least, I hoped it was. Terrified and angry, I replied in the only way I was emotionally equipped to do so.

ME: I don’t know who you are, and I don’t really care. Fuck off and leave me alone.

I threw my phone onto the coffee table in hopes that my text would make a clear point to whoever was texting me and that they would back off. Unfortunately, I had a sinking feeling that wasn’t going to be the case.

My nerves were on high alert. So much so, I swore I heard noises outside. Straining, I listened for anything that sounded unfamiliar, but all I got was silence. Nervous, I hurried to set the house alarm and double-check that the front and back doors were locked.

Suddenly, my phone pinged with an alert, causing me to jump. One after another, incoming text alerts echoed through the room. Gripping my chest, I slowly picked up my phone, nervous about what I might find.

UNKNOWN: You have no idea what I’ve done for you.

UNKNOWN: Why are you ignoring me?

UNKNOWN: I know you want me as much as I want you.

UNKNOWN: Answer me!

UNKNOWN: I’ve seen the way you look at me and I know you want me. I know you’re just waiting for that fucker to leave you alone.

UNKNOWN: I swear to God, Hettie, don’t make me show you what I can do.

UNKNOWN: Bitch! If you don’t answer me, you’re going to regret it.

Fear gripped my heart as I read each message, more filtering in by the second. With each new text, it became clear that whoever was sending them was growing angrier. I could nearly taste the venom in their words.

UNKNOWN: I’ve waited long enough. I’m not waiting anymore.

UNKNOWN: I will have you.

What the hell do I do? My gut was screaming that something awful was about to happen. I just didn’t know what.

I hadn’t told anyone about my stalker, so if something was to happen to me, no one would even know where to begin to look. Fear began to set in as I realized how much of a mistake I had made by not telling someone what was happening.

I tried to remain calm and come up with a plan of action. I need someone to know there is someone after me. I quickly took a screenshot of the messages and forwarded them to the one person I hoped I could trust with my life.

My Viking.

I pressed send before quickly typing out another one. My hope was that he would keep the promise we’d made to one another, despite everything that had happened between us.

Unsure how much time I had, I worked quickly to locate the last letter I’d received, the list I’d made for the police, and the card from the flowers. Placing them, along with my phone, in an envelope, I scribbled ‘Viking’ on the front and left it on my bed. I knew that whatever happened next, the people I loved would move Heaven and Earth to make sure I was safe. And since Reid had given me the phone and set all the passcodes before sending it to me, I knew he would be able to unlock it and find everything he needed.

I was just walking back into the kitchen when the front door was kicked open and someone rushed inside, grabbing me. Just before I could say his name, he forced a needle into my neck and the world around me faded into darkness.